path: root/client/e2e/src/suites-local/video-password.e2e-spec.ts
blob: cd1b1d48efedd32dea27bbf15a2d30cef6c6ea13 (plain) (tree)


import { LoginPage } from '../po/login.po'
import { SignupPage } from '../po/signup.po'
import { PlayerPage } from '../po/player.po'
import { VideoUploadPage } from '../po/video-upload.po'
import { VideoWatchPage } from '../po/video-watch.po'
import { go, isMobileDevice, isSafari, waitServerUp } from '../utils'
import { MyAccountPage } from '../po/my-account.po'

describe('Password protected videos', () => {
  let videoUploadPage: VideoUploadPage
  let loginPage: LoginPage
  let videoWatchPage: VideoWatchPage
  let signupPage: SignupPage
  let playerPage: PlayerPage
  let myAccountPage: MyAccountPage
  let passwordProtectedVideoUrl: string
  let playlistUrl: string

  const seed = Math.random()
  const passwordProtectedVideoName = seed + ' - password protected'
  const publicVideoName1 = seed + ' - public 1'
  const publicVideoName2 = seed + ' - public 2'
  const videoPassword = 'password'
  const regularUsername = 'user_1'
  const regularUserPassword = 'user password'
  const playlistName = seed + ' - playlist'

  function testRateAndComment () {
    it('Should add and remove like on video', async function () {
      await videoWatchPage.like()
      await videoWatchPage.like()

    it('Should create thread on video', async function () {
      await videoWatchPage.createThread('My first comment')

    it('Should reply to thread on video', async function () {
      await videoWatchPage.createReply('My first reply')

  before(async () => {
    await waitServerUp()

    loginPage = new LoginPage(isMobileDevice())
    videoUploadPage = new VideoUploadPage()
    videoWatchPage = new VideoWatchPage(isMobileDevice(), isSafari())
    signupPage = new SignupPage()
    playerPage = new PlayerPage()
    myAccountPage = new MyAccountPage()

    await browser.maximizeWindow()

  describe('Owner', function () {
    before(async () => {
      await loginPage.loginAsRootUser()

    it('Should login, upload a public video and save it to a playlist', async () => {
      await videoUploadPage.navigateTo()
      await videoUploadPage.uploadVideo('video.mp4')
      await videoUploadPage.validSecondUploadStep(publicVideoName1)

      await videoWatchPage.clickOnSave()

      await videoWatchPage.createPlaylist(playlistName)

      await videoWatchPage.saveToPlaylist(playlistName)
      await browser.pause(5000)


    it('Should upload a password protected video', async () => {
      await videoUploadPage.navigateTo()
      await videoUploadPage.uploadVideo('video2.mp4')
      await videoUploadPage.setAsPasswordProtected(videoPassword)
      await videoUploadPage.validSecondUploadStep(passwordProtectedVideoName)

      await videoWatchPage.waitWatchVideoName(passwordProtectedVideoName)

      passwordProtectedVideoUrl = await browser.getUrl()

    it('Should save to playlist the password protected video', async () => {
      await videoWatchPage.clickOnSave()
      await videoWatchPage.saveToPlaylist(playlistName)

    it('Should upload a second public video and save it to playlist', async () => {
      await videoUploadPage.navigateTo()

      await videoUploadPage.uploadVideo('video3.mp4')
      await videoUploadPage.validSecondUploadStep(publicVideoName2)

      await videoWatchPage.clickOnSave()
      await videoWatchPage.saveToPlaylist(playlistName)

    it('Should play video without password', async function () {
      await go(passwordProtectedVideoUrl)

      expect(!await videoWatchPage.isPasswordProtected())

      await videoWatchPage.waitWatchVideoName(passwordProtectedVideoName)

      expect(await videoWatchPage.getPrivacy()).toBe('Password protected')
      await playerPage.playAndPauseVideo(false, 2)


    it('Should play video on embed without password', async function () {
      await videoWatchPage.goOnAssociatedEmbed()
      await playerPage.playAndPauseVideo(false, 2)

    it('Should have the playlist in my account', async function () {
      await go('/')
      await myAccountPage.navigateToMyPlaylists()
      const videosNumberText = await myAccountPage.getPlaylistVideosText(playlistName)

      expect(videosNumberText).toEqual('3 videos')
      await myAccountPage.clickOnPlaylist(playlistName)

      const count = await myAccountPage.countTotalPlaylistElements()

    it('Should update the playlist to public', async () => {
      const url = await browser.getUrl()
      const regex = /\/([a-f0-9-]+)$/i
      const match = url.match(regex)
      const uuid = match ? match[1] : null

      await myAccountPage.updatePlaylistPrivacy(uuid, 'Public')

    it('Should watch the playlist', async () => {
      await myAccountPage.clickOnPlaylist(playlistName)
      await myAccountPage.playPlaylist()
      playlistUrl = await browser.getUrl()

      await videoWatchPage.waitUntilVideoName(publicVideoName1, 40 * 1000)
      await videoWatchPage.waitUntilVideoName(passwordProtectedVideoName, 40 * 1000)
      await videoWatchPage.waitUntilVideoName(publicVideoName2, 40 * 1000)

    after(async () => {
      await loginPage.logout()

  describe('Regular users', function () {
    before(async () => {
      await signupPage.fullSignup({
        accountInfo: {
          username: regularUsername,
          password: regularUserPassword
        channelInfo: {
          name: 'user_1_channel'

    it('Should requires password to play video', async function () {
      await go(passwordProtectedVideoUrl)

      expect(await videoWatchPage.isPasswordProtected())

      await videoWatchPage.fillVideoPassword(videoPassword)
      await videoWatchPage.waitWatchVideoName(passwordProtectedVideoName)

      expect(await videoWatchPage.getPrivacy()).toBe('Password protected')
      await playerPage.playAndPauseVideo(true, 2)


    it('Should requires password to play video on embed', async function () {
      await videoWatchPage.goOnAssociatedEmbed(true)
      await playerPage.fillEmbedVideoPassword(videoPassword)
      await playerPage.playAndPauseVideo(false, 2)

    it('Should watch the playlist without password protected video', async () => {
      await go(playlistUrl)
      await playerPage.playVideo()
      await videoWatchPage.waitUntilVideoName(publicVideoName2, 40 * 1000)

    after(async () => {
      await loginPage.logout()

  describe('Anonymous users', function () {
    it('Should requires password to play video', async function () {
      await go(passwordProtectedVideoUrl)

      expect(await videoWatchPage.isPasswordProtected())

      await videoWatchPage.fillVideoPassword(videoPassword)
      await videoWatchPage.waitWatchVideoName(passwordProtectedVideoName)

      expect(await videoWatchPage.getPrivacy()).toBe('Password protected')
      await playerPage.playAndPauseVideo(true, 2)

    it('Should requires password to play video on embed', async function () {
      await videoWatchPage.goOnAssociatedEmbed(true)
      await playerPage.fillEmbedVideoPassword(videoPassword)
      await playerPage.playAndPauseVideo(false, 2)

    it('Should watch the playlist without password protected video', async () => {
      await go(playlistUrl)
      await playerPage.playVideo()
      await videoWatchPage.waitUntilVideoName(publicVideoName2, 40 * 1000)