blob: e41422359744c0716bb104d027b7b1ac7a75eff4 (
plain) (
import { browserSleep, isIOS, isMobileDevice, isSafari } from '../utils'
export class PlayerPage {
getWatchVideoPlayerCurrentTime () {
const elem = $('video')
const p = isIOS()
? elem.getAttribute('currentTime')
: elem.getProperty('currentTime')
return p.then(t => parseInt(t + '', 10))
.then(t => Math.ceil(t))
waitUntilPlaylistInfo (text: string, maxTime: number) {
return browser.waitUntil(async () => {
// Without this we have issues on iphone
await $('.video-js').click()
return (await $('.video-js .vjs-playlist-info').getText()).includes(text)
}, { timeout: maxTime })
waitUntilPlayerWrapper () {
return browser.waitUntil(async () => {
return !!(await $('#placeholder-preview'))
async playAndPauseVideo (isAutoplay: boolean, waitUntilSec: number) {
// Autoplay is disabled on mobile and Safari
if (isIOS() || isSafari() || isMobileDevice() || isAutoplay === false) {
await this.playVideo()
await $('').waitForExist()
await browserSleep(2000)
await browser.waitUntil(async () => {
return (await this.getWatchVideoPlayerCurrentTime()) >= waitUntilSec
// Pause video
await $('').click()
async playVideo () {
await $('').waitForExist()
// Autoplay is disabled on iOS and Safari
if (isIOS() || isSafari() || isMobileDevice()) {
// We can't play the video if it is not muted
await browser.execute(`document.querySelector('video').muted = true`)
return this.clickOnPlayButton()
private async clickOnPlayButton () {
const playButton = () => $('.vjs-big-play-button')
await playButton().waitForClickable()
await playButton().click()
async fillEmbedVideoPassword (videoPassword: string) {
const videoPasswordInput = $('input#video-password-input')
const confirmButton = await $('button#video-password-submit')
await videoPasswordInput.clearValue()
await videoPasswordInput.setValue(videoPassword)
await confirmButton.waitForClickable()