]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Config/Nix/NUR.git/shortlog
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaAdd backup module
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaAdd some tools to immae-eu env
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaAdd buku (bookmarks)
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaAdd some tools in environment
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaUpgrade mastodon
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaAdd monitoring modules via naemon
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaAdd some terraform tools
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaRefetch nixpkgs when running nix-info
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaConfigure mail (dovecot, postfix, spam checks)
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaUse nix-instantiate to get nixpkgs location
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaAdd s6 tools
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaAdd opendmarc openarc and opendkim configuration and...
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaMove florian php configuration to dedicated module
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaFinish moving aten php configuration to dedicated module
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaRefactor websites options
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaStart moving php configuration to a dedicated module
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaAdd webapp dirs in websites module
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaAdd a filesWatcher service to restart them when secrets...
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaRemove private specificities from pure-ftpd package...
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaUse Makefile for some env/deploy scripts
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaAsk rebuild to NUR after update
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaUpgrade pgloader and remove noChroot need
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaFix nur script: remove config from the target
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaUpgrade system and state to latest version (noop for...
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaFix setup script using nixpos_custom
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaFix packages and make buildslist sandboxed
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaAdd shellcheck
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaReorganize files
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaBuild nixops_custom on the fly
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaMigrate documentation
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaReplace fetchgitPrivate by its builtins counterpart
2020-04-24  Ismaël BouyaAdd script to make NUR repo
2019-05-23  Ismaël BouyaInitial commit published for NUR