- keys.tools-etherpad = {
- destDir = "/run/keys/webapps";
- permissions = "0400";
- text =
- # Make sure we’re not rebuilding whole libreoffice just because of a
- # dependency
- let libreoffice = (import <nixpkgs> {}).libreoffice-fresh;
- in
- ''
- {
- "title": "Etherpad",
- "favicon": "favicon.ico",
+ keys = {
+ tools-etherpad-apikey = {
+ destDir = "/run/keys/webapps";
+ permissions = "0400";
+ text = env.api_key;
+ };
+ tools-etherpad-sessionkey = {
+ destDir = "/run/keys/webapps";
+ permissions = "0400";
+ text = env.session_key;
+ };
+ tools-etherpad = {
+ destDir = "/run/keys/webapps";
+ permissions = "0400";
+ text =
+ # Make sure we’re not rebuilding whole libreoffice just because of a
+ # dependency
+ let libreoffice = (import <nixpkgs> {}).libreoffice-fresh;
+ in
+ ''
+ {
+ "title": "Etherpad",
+ "favicon": "favicon.ico",
- "ip": "",
- "port" : ${env.listenPort},
- "showSettingsInAdminPage" : false,
- "dbType" : "postgres",
- "dbSettings" : {
- "user" : "${env.postgresql.user}",
- "host" : "${env.postgresql.socket}",
- "password": "${env.postgresql.password}",
- "database": "${env.postgresql.database}",
- "charset" : "utf8mb4"
- },
+ "ip": "",
+ "port" : ${env.listenPort},
+ "showSettingsInAdminPage" : false,
+ "dbType" : "postgres",
+ "dbSettings" : {
+ "user" : "${env.postgresql.user}",
+ "host" : "${env.postgresql.socket}",
+ "password": "${env.postgresql.password}",
+ "database": "${env.postgresql.database}",
+ "charset" : "utf8mb4"
+ },
- "defaultPadText" : "Welcome to Etherpad!\n\nThis pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!\n\nGet involved with Etherpad at http:\/\/etherpad.org\n",
- "padOptions": {
- "noColors": false,
- "showControls": true,
- "showChat": true,
- "showLineNumbers": true,
- "useMonospaceFont": false,
- "userName": false,
- "userColor": false,
- "rtl": false,
- "alwaysShowChat": false,
- "chatAndUsers": false,
- "lang": "en-gb"
- },
+ "defaultPadText" : "Welcome to Etherpad!\n\nThis pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!\n\nGet involved with Etherpad at http:\/\/etherpad.org\n",
+ "padOptions": {
+ "noColors": false,
+ "showControls": true,
+ "showChat": true,
+ "showLineNumbers": true,
+ "useMonospaceFont": false,
+ "userName": false,
+ "userColor": false,
+ "rtl": false,
+ "alwaysShowChat": false,
+ "chatAndUsers": false,
+ "lang": "en-gb"
+ },
- "suppressErrorsInPadText" : false,
- "requireSession" : false,
- "editOnly" : false,
- "sessionNoPassword" : false,
- "minify" : true,
- "maxAge" : 21600,
- "abiword" : null,
- "soffice" : "${libreoffice}/bin/soffice",
- "tidyHtml" : "${pkgs.html-tidy}/bin/tidy",
- "allowUnknownFileEnds" : true,
- "requireAuthentication" : false,
- "requireAuthorization" : false,
- "trustProxy" : false,
- "disableIPlogging" : false,
- "automaticReconnectionTimeout" : 0,
- "scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport": {
- "percentage": {
- "editionAboveViewport": 0,
- "editionBelowViewport": 0
+ "suppressErrorsInPadText" : false,
+ "requireSession" : false,
+ "editOnly" : false,
+ "sessionNoPassword" : false,
+ "minify" : true,
+ "maxAge" : 21600,
+ "abiword" : null,
+ "soffice" : "${libreoffice}/bin/soffice",
+ "tidyHtml" : "${pkgs.html-tidy}/bin/tidy",
+ "allowUnknownFileEnds" : true,
+ "requireAuthentication" : false,
+ "requireAuthorization" : false,
+ "trustProxy" : false,
+ "disableIPlogging" : false,
+ "automaticReconnectionTimeout" : 0,
+ "scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport": {
+ "percentage": {
+ "editionAboveViewport": 0,
+ "editionBelowViewport": 0
+ },
+ "duration": 0,
+ "scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport": false,
+ "percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp": 0
- "duration": 0,
- "scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport": false,
- "percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp": 0
- },
- "users": {
- "ldapauth": {
- "url": "ldaps://${env.ldap.host}",
- "accountBase": "${env.ldap.base}",
- "accountPattern": "(&(memberOf=cn=users,cn=etherpad,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu)(uid={{username}}))",
- "displayNameAttribute": "cn",
- "searchDN": "cn=etherpad,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu",
- "searchPWD": "${env.ldap.password}",
- "groupSearchBase": "${env.ldap.base}",
- "groupAttribute": "member",
- "groupAttributeIsDN": true,
- "searchScope": "sub",
- "groupSearch": "(memberOf=cn=groups,cn=etherpad,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu)",
- "anonymousReadonly": false
- }
- },
- "socketTransportProtocols" : ["xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling", "htmlfile"],
- "loadTest": false,
- "indentationOnNewLine": false,
- "toolbar": {
- "left": [
- ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough"],
- ["orderedlist", "unorderedlist", "indent", "outdent"],
- ["undo", "redo"],
- ["clearauthorship"]
- ],
- "right": [
- ["importexport", "timeslider", "savedrevision"],
- ["settings", "embed"],
- ["showusers"]
- ],
- "timeslider": [
- ["timeslider_export", "timeslider_returnToPad"]
- ]
- },
- "loglevel": "INFO",
- "logconfig" : { "appenders": [ { "type": "console" } ] }
- }
- '';
+ "users": {
+ "ldapauth": {
+ "url": "ldaps://${env.ldap.host}",
+ "accountBase": "${env.ldap.base}",
+ "accountPattern": "(&(memberOf=cn=users,cn=etherpad,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu)(uid={{username}}))",
+ "displayNameAttribute": "cn",
+ "searchDN": "cn=etherpad,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu",
+ "searchPWD": "${env.ldap.password}",
+ "groupSearchBase": "${env.ldap.base}",
+ "groupAttribute": "member",
+ "groupAttributeIsDN": true,
+ "searchScope": "sub",
+ "groupSearch": "(memberOf=cn=groups,cn=etherpad,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu)",
+ "anonymousReadonly": false
+ }
+ },
+ "socketTransportProtocols" : ["xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling", "htmlfile"],
+ "loadTest": false,
+ "indentationOnNewLine": false,
+ "toolbar": {
+ "left": [
+ ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough"],
+ ["orderedlist", "unorderedlist", "indent", "outdent"],
+ ["undo", "redo"],
+ ["clearauthorship"]
+ ],
+ "right": [
+ ["importexport", "timeslider", "savedrevision"],
+ ["settings", "embed"],
+ ["showusers"]
+ ],
+ "timeslider": [
+ ["timeslider_export", "timeslider_returnToPad"]
+ ]
+ },
+ "loglevel": "INFO",
+ "logconfig" : { "appenders": [ { "type": "console" } ] }
+ }
+ '';
+ };
webappDir = stdenv.mkDerivation (fetchedGithub ./etherpad-lite.json // rec {
__noChroot = true;
install -t $out/src/ -vDm 644 src/.ep_initialized
cp -a node_modules $out/
cp -a src/* $out/src/
- ln -sf ${sessionkey} $out/SESSIONKEY.txt
- ln -sf ${apikey} $out/APIKEY.txt
+ ln -sf /run/keys/webapps/tools-etherpad-sessionkey $out/SESSIONKEY.txt
+ ln -sf /run/keys/webapps/tools-etherpad-apikey $out/APIKEY.txt
cp ${jquery} $out/src/static/js/jquery.js
mkdir $out/doc