--- /dev/null
+require "base64"
+require "openssl"
+Puppet::Functions.create_function(:generate_password) do
+ dispatch :generate_password do
+ param 'Integer', :size
+ param 'String', :seed_file
+ param 'String', :password_key
+ optional_param 'String', :method
+ optional_param 'Boolean', :encode
+ return_type 'String'
+ end
+ def generate_password(size, seed_file, password_key, method = nil, encode = false)
+ key = get_key(seed_file, password_key)
+ case method
+ when nil
+ pass = generate_string(size, key)
+ when "curve25519"
+ pass = generate_string(32, key, binary = true)
+ pass[0] = (pass[0].ord & 248).chr
+ pass[31] = ((pass[31].ord & 127) | 64).chr
+ else
+ raise "Unknown method"
+ end
+ if encode
+ Base64.strict_encode64(pass).strip
+ else
+ pass
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_string(size, key, binary = false)
+ if binary
+ set = (0 .. 255).map { |i| i.chr }
+ else
+ set = ('a' .. 'z').to_a + ('A' .. 'Z').to_a + ('0' .. '9').to_a
+ end
+ size.times.collect do |i|
+ set[OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha256'), key, i.to_s).to_i(16) % set.size]
+ end.join
+ end
+ def get_key(seed_file, password_key)
+ "#{File.open(seed_file).read}:#{password_key}"
+ end
+++ /dev/null
-module Puppet::Parser::Functions
- newfunction(:generate_password, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-EOS
-Returns a semi-random string based on a seed and a value. Will always generate the same value with the same entry.
- generate_password(length, seed_file, password_key)
-) do |*arguments|
- arguments = arguments.shift if arguments.first.is_a?(Array)
- raise Puppet::ParseError, "generate_password(): Wrong number of arguments " +
- "given (#{arguments.size} for 3)" if arguments.size != 3
- size = arguments.shift
- seed_file = arguments.shift
- password_key = arguments.shift
- unless size.class.ancestors.include?(Numeric) or size.is_a?(String)
- raise Puppet::ParseError, 'generate_password(): Requires a numeric first argument'
- end
- size = size.to_i
- set = ('a' .. 'z').to_a + ('A' .. 'Z').to_a + ('0' .. '9').to_a
- key = "#{File.open(seed_file).read}:#{password_key}"
- size.times.collect do |i|
- set[OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha256'), key, i.to_s).to_i(16) % set.size]
- end.join