- <!-- <div class="container" v-show="uploadStatus.busy" v-cloak>
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-lg-12">
- <p>Uploading... ({{ uploadStatus.done }} / {{ uploadStatus.count }}) </p>
- <center>
- <div class="progress">
- <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped" role="progressbar" v-bind:style="{ width: uploadStatus.percentDone + '%' }">
- <span class="sr-only">{{ uploadStatus.percentDone }}% Complete</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- </center>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div> -->
<div v-show="busy">
<center><h1><i class="el-icon-loading"></i></h1></center>
<div v-show="!busy && session.valid" v-cloak>
- <el-table :data="entries" style="width: 100%" height="100%" empty-text="Folder is emtpy" :default-sort="{ prop: 'filePath', order: 'descending' }" @row-click="open">
- <el-table-column prop="previewUrl" label="Type" width="100px" sortable>
- <template slot-scope="scope">
- <img v-bind:src="scope.row.previewUrl" height="48px" width="48px"/>
- </template>
- </el-table-column>
- <el-table-column prop="filePath" label="Name" sortable></el-table-column>
- <el-table-column prop="size" label="Size" width="150px" sortable :formatter="prettyFileSize"></el-table-column>
- <el-table-column prop="mtime" label="Modified" width="150px" sortable :formatter="prettyDate"></el-table-column>
- <el-table-column label="Actions" align="right" width="200px" class-name="list-actions">
- <template slot-scope="scope">
- <el-button size="small" icon="el-icon-download" circle v-show="scope.row.isFile" @click.stop="onDownload(scope.row)"></el-button>
- <el-button size="small" icon="el-icon-edit" circle @click.stop="onRename(scope.row)"></el-button>
- <el-button size="small" icon="el-icon-delete" circle @click.stop="onDelete(scope.row)"></el-button>
- </template>
- </el-table-column>
- </el-table>
+ <center>
+ <el-table :data="entries" style="max-width: 1280px;width: 100%" height="100%" empty-text="Folder is emtpy" :default-sort="{ prop: 'filePath', order: 'descending' }" @row-click="open">
+ <el-table-column prop="previewUrl" label="Type" width="100px" sortable>
+ <template slot-scope="scope">
+ <img v-bind:src="scope.row.previewUrl" height="48px" width="48px"/>
+ </template>
+ </el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column prop="filePath" label="Name" sortable></el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column prop="size" label="Size" width="150px" sortable :formatter="prettyFileSize"></el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column prop="mtime" label="Modified" width="150px" sortable :formatter="prettyDate"></el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column label="Actions" align="right" width="200px" class-name="list-actions">
+ <template slot-scope="scope">
+ <el-button size="small" icon="el-icon-download" circle v-show="scope.row.isFile" @click.stop="onDownload(scope.row)"></el-button>
+ <el-button size="small" icon="el-icon-edit" circle @click.stop="onRename(scope.row)"></el-button>
+ <el-button size="small" icon="el-icon-delete" circle @click.stop="onDelete(scope.row)"></el-button>
+ </template>
+ </el-table-column>
+ </el-table>
+ </center>
- <el-footer style="height: 24px">Built by the <a href="https://cloudron.io" target="_blank">Cloudron.io</a> team. <a href="https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/surfer" target="_blank">Get the code</a></el-footer>
+ <el-footer v-show="uploadStatus.busy">
+ <el-row>
+ <el-col :span="4">
+ Uploading files ({{ uploadStatus.done }} / {{ uploadStatus.count }})
+ </el-col>
+ <el-col :span="20">
+ <el-progress :text-inside="true" :stroke-width="18" :percentage="uploadStatus.percentDone"></el-progress>
+ </el-col>
+ </el-row>
+ </el-footer>
(function () {
'use strict';
+// poor man's async
+function asyncForEach(items, handler, callback) {
+ var cur = 0;
+ if (items.length === 0) return callback();
+ (function iterator() {
+ handler(items[cur], function (error) {
+ if (error) return callback(error);
+ if (cur >= items.length-1) return callback();
+ ++cur;
+ iterator();
+ });
+ })();
function getProfile(accessToken, callback) {
callback = callback || function (error) { if (error) console.error(error); };
function uploadFiles(files) {
if (!files || !files.length) return;
- app.uploadStatus = {
- busy: true,
- count: files.length,
- done: 0,
- percentDone: 0
- };
+ app.uploadStatus.busy = true;
+ app.uploadStatus.count = files.length;
+ app.uploadStatus.done = 0;
+ app.uploadStatus.percentDone = 0;
- function uploadFile(file) {
+ asyncForEach(files, function (file, callback) {
var path = encode(sanitize(app.path + '/' + file.name));
var formData = new FormData();
superagent.post('/api/files' + path).query({ access_token: localStorage.accessToken }).send(formData).end(function (error, result) {
if (result && result.statusCode === 401) return logout();
- if (result && result.statusCode !== 201) console.error('Error uploading file: ', result.statusCode);
- if (error) console.error(error);
+ if (result && result.statusCode !== 201) return callback('Error uploading file: ', result.statusCode);
+ if (error) return callback(error);
app.uploadStatus.done += 1;
app.uploadStatus.percentDone = Math.round(app.uploadStatus.done / app.uploadStatus.count * 100);
- if (app.uploadStatus.done >= app.uploadStatus.count) {
- app.uploadStatus = {
- busy: false,
- count: 0,
- done: 0,
- percentDone: 100
- };
- refresh();
- }
+ callback();
- }
+ }, function (error) {
+ if (error) console.error(error);
- for(var i = 0; i < app.uploadStatus.count; ++i) {
- uploadFile(files[i]);
- }
+ app.uploadStatus.busy = false;
+ app.uploadStatus.count = 0;
+ app.uploadStatus.done = 0;
+ app.uploadStatus.percentDone = 100;
+ refresh();
+ });
function dragOver(event) {