from ccxt import *
import decimal
import time
+from retry.api import retry_call
+import re
def _cw_exchange_sum(self, *args):
return sum([arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, (float, int, decimal.Decimal))])
Exchange.sum = _cw_exchange_sum
class poloniexE(poloniex):
+ re.compile(r"^return"),
+ re.compile(r"^cancel"),
+ re.compile(r"^closeMarginPosition$"),
+ re.compile(r"^getMarginPosition$"),
+ ]
+ def request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None):
+ """
+ Wrapped to allow retry of non-posting requests"
+ """
+ origin_request = super(poloniexE, self).request
+ kwargs = {
+ "api": api,
+ "method": method,
+ "params": params,
+ "headers": headers,
+ "body": body
+ }
+ retriable = any(re.match(call, path) for call in self.RETRIABLE_CALLS)
+ if api == "public" or method == "GET" or retriable:
+ return retry_call(origin_request, fargs=[path], fkwargs=kwargs,
+ tries=10, delay=1, exceptions=(RequestTimeout,))
+ else:
+ return origin_request(path, **kwargs)
def nanoseconds():
return int(time.time() * 1000000000)
time.return_value = 123456.7890123456
self.assertEqual(123456789012345, self.s.nonce())
+ def test_request(self):
+ with mock.patch.object(market.ccxt.poloniex, "request") as request,\
+ mock.patch("market.ccxt.retry_call") as retry_call:
+ with self.subTest(wrapped=True):
+ with self.subTest(desc="public"):
+ self.s.request("foo")
+ retry_call.assert_called_with(request,
+ delay=1, tries=10, fargs=["foo"],
+ fkwargs={'api': 'public', 'method': 'GET', 'params': {}, 'headers': None, 'body': None},
+ exceptions=(market.ccxt.RequestTimeout,))
+ request.assert_not_called()
+ with self.subTest(desc="private GET"):
+ self.s.request("foo", api="private")
+ retry_call.assert_called_with(request,
+ delay=1, tries=10, fargs=["foo"],
+ fkwargs={'api': 'private', 'method': 'GET', 'params': {}, 'headers': None, 'body': None},
+ exceptions=(market.ccxt.RequestTimeout,))
+ request.assert_not_called()
+ with self.subTest(desc="private POST regexp"):
+ self.s.request("returnFoo", api="private", method="POST")
+ retry_call.assert_called_with(request,
+ delay=1, tries=10, fargs=["returnFoo"],
+ fkwargs={'api': 'private', 'method': 'POST', 'params': {}, 'headers': None, 'body': None},
+ exceptions=(market.ccxt.RequestTimeout,))
+ request.assert_not_called()
+ with self.subTest(desc="private POST non-regexp"):
+ self.s.request("getMarginPosition", api="private", method="POST")
+ retry_call.assert_called_with(request,
+ delay=1, tries=10, fargs=["getMarginPosition"],
+ fkwargs={'api': 'private', 'method': 'POST', 'params': {}, 'headers': None, 'body': None},
+ exceptions=(market.ccxt.RequestTimeout,))
+ request.assert_not_called()
+ retry_call.reset_mock()
+ request.reset_mock()
+ with self.subTest(wrapped=False):
+ with self.subTest(desc="private POST non-matching regexp"):
+ self.s.request("marginBuy", api="private", method="POST")
+ request.assert_called_with("marginBuy",
+ api="private", method="POST", params={},
+ headers=None, body=None)
+ retry_call.assert_not_called()
+ with self.subTest(desc="private POST non-matching non-regexp"):
+ self.s.request("closeMarginPositionOther", api="private", method="POST")
+ request.assert_called_with("closeMarginPositionOther",
+ api="private", method="POST", params={},
+ headers=None, body=None)
+ retry_call.assert_not_called()
def test_order_precision(self):
self.assertEqual(8, self.s.order_precision("FOO"))