hex: function(str) {
return str.match(/[0-9A-F]/gi) || [];
+ card: function(str) {
+ // Format is NumberSuit, eg
+ // AH ace of hearts
+ // 8C eight of clubs
+ // TD ten of diamonds
+ // JS jack of spades
+ // QH queen of hearts
+ // KC king of clubs
+ return str.match(/([A2-9TJQK][CDHS])/gi) || [];
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert array of cards from ["ac", "4d", "ks"]
+ // to numbers between 0 and 51 [0, 16, 51]
+ function convertCardsToInts(cards) {
+ var ints = [];
+ var values = "a23456789tjqk";
+ var suits = "cdhs";
+ for (var i=0; i<cards.length; i++) {
+ var card = cards[i].toLowerCase();
+ var value = card[0];
+ var suit = card[1];
+ var asInt = 13 * suits.indexOf(suit) + values.indexOf(value);
+ ints.push(asInt);
+ }
+ return ints;
this.fromString = function(rawEntropyStr) {
if (base.parts.length == 0) {
return {
binaryStr: "",
- hexStr: "",
cleanStr: "",
base: base,
// Pull leading zeros off
var leadingZeros = [];
- while (base.parts[0] == "0") {
+ while (base.ints[0] == "0") {
- base.parts.shift();
+ base.ints.shift();
// Convert leading zeros to binary equivalent
- var numBinLeadingZeros = Math.ceil(Math.log2(base.asInt) * leadingZeros.length);
+ var numBinLeadingZeros = Math.floor(Math.log2(base.asInt) * leadingZeros.length);
var binLeadingZeros = "";
for (var i=0; i<numBinLeadingZeros; i++) {
binLeadingZeros += "0";
- // Convert leading zeros to hex equivalent
- var numHexLeadingZeros = Math.floor(numBinLeadingZeros / 4);
- var hexLeadingZeros = "";
- for (var i=0; i<numHexLeadingZeros; i++) {
- hexLeadingZeros += "0";
- }
// Handle entropy of zero
- if (base.parts.length == 0) {
+ if (base.ints.length == 0) {
return {
binaryStr: binLeadingZeros,
- hexStr: hexLeadingZeros || "0",
cleanStr: leadingZeros,
base: base,
- // If using hex, should always be multiples of 4 bits, which can get
- // out of sync if first number has leading 0 bits, eg 2 in hex is 0010
- // which would show up as 10, thus missing 2 bits it should have.
- if (base.asInt == 16) {
- var firstDigit = parseInt(base.parts[0], 16);
- if (firstDigit >= 4 && firstDigit < 8) {
- binLeadingZeros += "0";
- }
- else if (firstDigit >= 2 && firstDigit < 4) {
- binLeadingZeros += "00";
- }
- else if (firstDigit >= 1 && firstDigit < 2) {
- binLeadingZeros += "000";
- }
+ // If the first integer is small, it must be padded with zeros.
+ // Otherwise the chance of the first bit being 1 is 100%, which is
+ // obviously incorrect.
+ // This is not perfect for unusual bases, eg base 6 has 2.6 bits, so is
+ // slightly biased toward having leading zeros, but it's still better
+ // than ignoring it completely.
+ // TODO: revise this, it seems very fishy. For example, in base 10, there are
+ // 8 opportunities to start with 0 but only 2 to start with 1
+ var firstInt = base.ints[0];
+ var firstIntBits = Math.floor(Math.log2(firstInt))+1;
+ var maxFirstIntBits = Math.floor(Math.log2(base.asInt-1))+1;
+ var missingFirstIntBits = maxFirstIntBits - firstIntBits;
+ var firstIntLeadingZeros = "";
+ for (var i=0; i<missingFirstIntBits; i++) {
+ binLeadingZeros += "0";
+ }
+ // Convert base.ints to BigInteger.
+ // Due to using unusual bases, eg cards of base52, this is not as simple as
+ // using BigInteger.parse()
+ var entropyInt = BigInteger.ZERO;
+ for (var i=base.ints.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ var thisInt = BigInteger.parse(base.ints[i]);
+ var power = (base.ints.length - 1) - i;
+ var additionalEntropy = BigInteger.parse(base.asInt).pow(power).multiply(thisInt);
+ entropyInt = entropyInt.add(additionalEntropy);
- // Convert entropy to different foramts
- var entropyInt = BigInteger.parse(base.parts.join(""), base.asInt);
+ // Convert entropy to different formats
var entropyBin = binLeadingZeros + entropyInt.toString(2);
- var entropyHex = hexLeadingZeros + entropyInt.toString(16);
- var entropyClean = leadingZeros.join("") + base.parts.join("");
+ var entropyClean = base.parts.join("");
var e = {
binaryStr: entropyBin,
- hexStr: entropyHex,
cleanStr: entropyClean,
base: base,
var binaryMatches = matchers.binary(str);
var hexMatches = matchers.hex(str);
// Find the lowest base that can be used, whilst ignoring any irrelevant chars
- if (binaryMatches.length == hexMatches.length) {
+ if (binaryMatches.length == hexMatches.length && hexMatches.length > 0) {
+ var ints = binaryMatches.map(function(i) { return parseInt(i, 2) });
return {
+ ints: ints,
parts: binaryMatches,
matcher: matchers.binary,
asInt: 2,
str: "binary",
+ var cardMatches = matchers.card(str);
+ if (cardMatches.length >= hexMatches.length / 2) {
+ var ints = convertCardsToInts(cardMatches);
+ return {
+ ints: ints,
+ parts: cardMatches,
+ matcher: matchers.card,
+ asInt: 52,
+ str: "card",
+ }
+ }
var diceMatches = matchers.dice(str);
- if (diceMatches.length == hexMatches.length) {
+ if (diceMatches.length == hexMatches.length && hexMatches.length > 0) {
+ var ints = diceMatches.map(function(i) { return parseInt(i) });
return {
+ ints: ints,
parts: diceMatches,
matcher: matchers.dice,
asInt: 6,
var base6Matches = matchers.base6(str);
- if (base6Matches.length == hexMatches.length) {
+ if (base6Matches.length == hexMatches.length && hexMatches.length > 0) {
+ var ints = base6Matches.map(function(i) { return parseInt(i) });
return {
+ ints: ints,
parts: base6Matches,
matcher: matchers.base6,
asInt: 6,
var base10Matches = matchers.base10(str);
- if (base10Matches.length == hexMatches.length) {
+ if (base10Matches.length == hexMatches.length && hexMatches.length > 0) {
+ var ints = base10Matches.map(function(i) { return parseInt(i) });
return {
+ ints: ints,
parts: base10Matches,
matcher: matchers.base10,
asInt: 10,
str: "base 10",
+ var ints = hexMatches.map(function(i) { return parseInt(i, 16) });
return {
+ ints: ints,
parts: hexMatches,
matcher: matchers.hex,
asInt: 16,
// Polyfill for Math.log2
// See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/log2#Polyfill
Math.log2 = Math.log2 || function(x) {
- return Math.log(x) * Math.LOG2E;
+ // The polyfill isn't good enough because of the poor accuracy of
+ // Math.LOG2E
+ // log2(8) gave 2.9999999999999996 which when floored causes issues.
+ // So instead use the BigInteger library to get it right.
+ return BigInteger.log(x) / BigInteger.log(2);
// Show entropy details
var extraBits = 32 - (entropy.binaryStr.length % 32);
var extraChars = Math.ceil(extraBits * Math.log(2) / Math.log(entropy.base.asInt));
+ var words = Math.floor(entropy.binaryStr.length / 32) * 3;
var strength = "an extremely weak";
- if (entropy.hexStr.length >= 8) {
+ if (words >= 3) {
strength = "a very weak";
- if (entropy.hexStr.length >= 12) {
+ if (words >= 6) {
strength = "a weak";
- if (entropy.hexStr.length >= 24) {
+ if (words >= 9) {
strength = "a strong";
- if (entropy.hexStr.length >= 32) {
+ if (words >= 12) {
strength = "a very strong";
- if (entropy.hexStr.length >= 40) {
+ if (words >= 15) {
strength = "an extremely strong";
- if (entropy.hexStr.length >=48) {
+ if (words >= 18) {
strength = "an even stronger"
var msg = "Have " + entropy.binaryStr.length + " bits of entropy, " + extraChars + " more " + entropy.base.str + " chars required to generate " + strength + " mnemonic: " + entropy.cleanStr;
// Discard trailing entropy
- var hexStr = entropy.hexStr.substring(0, Math.floor(entropy.hexStr.length / 8) * 8);
+ var bitsToUse = Math.floor(entropy.binaryStr.length / 32) * 32;
+ var binaryStr = entropy.binaryStr.substring(0, bitsToUse);
// Convert entropy string to numeric array
var entropyArr = [];
- for (var i=0; i<hexStr.length / 2; i++) {
- var entropyByte = parseInt(hexStr[i*2].concat(hexStr[i*2+1]), 16);
+ for (var i=0; i<binaryStr.length / 8; i++) {
+ var byteAsBits = binaryStr.substring(i*8, i*8+8);
+ var entropyByte = parseInt(byteAsBits, 2);
// Convert entropy array to mnemonic
// Entropy unit tests
function() {
page.open(url, function(status) {
- var error = page.evaluate(function() {
+ var response = page.evaluate(function() {
var e;
// binary entropy is detected
- e = Entropy.fromString("01010101");
- if (e.base.str != "binary") {
- return "Binary entropy not detected correctly";
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("01010101");
+ if (e.base.str != "binary") {
+ return "Binary entropy not detected correctly";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
// base6 entropy is detected
- e = Entropy.fromString("012345012345");
- if (e.base.str != "base 6") {
- return "base6 entropy not detected correctly";
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("012345012345");
+ if (e.base.str != "base 6") {
+ return "base6 entropy not detected correctly";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
// dice entropy is detected
- e = Entropy.fromString("123456123456");
- if (e.base.str != "base 6 (dice)") {
- return "dice entropy not detected correctly";
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("123456123456");
+ if (e.base.str != "base 6 (dice)") {
+ return "dice entropy not detected correctly";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
// base10 entropy is detected
- e = Entropy.fromString("0123456789");
- if (e.base.str != "base 10") {
- return "base10 entropy not detected correctly";
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("0123456789");
+ if (e.base.str != "base 10") {
+ return "base10 entropy not detected correctly";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
// hex entropy is detected
- e = Entropy.fromString("0123456789ABCDEF");
- if (e.base.str != "hexadecimal") {
- return "hexadecimal entropy not detected correctly";
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("0123456789ABCDEF");
+ if (e.base.str != "hexadecimal") {
+ return "hexadecimal entropy not detected correctly";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
+ }
+ // card entropy is detected
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("AC4DTHKS");
+ if (e.base.str != "card") {
+ return "card entropy not detected correctly";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
// entropy is case insensitive
- e = Entropy.fromString("aBcDeF");
- if (e.cleanStr != "aBcDeF") {
- return "Entropy should not be case sensitive";
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("aBcDeF");
+ if (e.cleanStr != "aBcDeF") {
+ return "Entropy should not be case sensitive";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
// dice entropy is converted to base6
- e = Entropy.fromString("123456");
- if (e.cleanStr != "012345") {
- return "Dice entropy is not automatically converted to base6";
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("123456");
+ if (e.cleanStr != "012345") {
+ return "Dice entropy is not automatically converted to base6";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
// dice entropy is preferred to base6 if ambiguous
- e = Entropy.fromString("12345");
- if (e.base.str != "base 6 (dice)") {
- return "dice not used as default over base 6";
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("12345");
+ if (e.base.str != "base 6 (dice)") {
+ return "dice not used as default over base 6";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
// unused characters are ignored
- e = Entropy.fromString("fghijkl");
- if (e.cleanStr != "f") {
- return "additional characters are not ignored";
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("fghijkl");
+ if (e.cleanStr != "f") {
+ return "additional characters are not ignored";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
// the lowest base is used by default
// 7 could be decimal or hexadecimal, but should be detected as decimal
- e = Entropy.fromString("7");
- if (e.base.str != "base 10") {
- return "lowest base is not used";
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("7");
+ if (e.base.str != "base 10") {
+ return "lowest base is not used";
+ }
- // Hexadecimal representation is returned
- e = Entropy.fromString("1010");
- if (e.hexStr != "A") {
- return "Hexadecimal representation not returned";
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
// Leading zeros are retained
- e = Entropy.fromString("000A");
- if (e.cleanStr != "000A") {
- return "Leading zeros are not retained";
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("000A");
+ if (e.cleanStr != "000A") {
+ return "Leading zeros are not retained";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
// Leading zeros are correctly preserved for hex in binary string
- e = Entropy.fromString("2A");
- if (e.binaryStr != "00101010") {
- return "Hex leading zeros are not correct in binary";
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("2A");
+ if (e.binaryStr != "00101010") {
+ return "Hex leading zeros are not correct in binary";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
+ }
+ // Leading zeros are correctly preserved for base 6 in binary string
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("2");
+ if (e.binaryStr != "010") {
+ return "Base 6 leading zeros are not correct in binary";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
// Keyboard mashing results in weak entropy
// Despite being a long string, it's less than 30 bits of entropy
- e = Entropy.fromString("aj;se ifj; ask,dfv js;ifj");
- if (e.binaryStr.length >= 30) {
- return "Keyboard mashing should produce weak entropy";
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("aj;se ifj; ask,dfv js;ifj");
+ if (e.binaryStr.length >= 30) {
+ return "Keyboard mashing should produce weak entropy";
+ }
- return false;
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
+ }
+ // Card entropy is used if every pair could be a card
+ try {
+ e = Entropy.fromString("4c3c2c");
+ if (e.base.str != "card") {
+ return "Card entropy not used if all pairs are cards";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
+ }
+ // Card entropy uses base 52
+ // [ cards, binary ]
+ try {
+ var cards = [
+ [ "ac", "00000" ],
+ [ "acac", "00000000000" ],
+ [ "acac2c", "00000000000000001" ],
+ [ "acks", "00000110011" ],
+ [ "acacks", "00000000000110011" ],
+ [ "2c", "000001" ],
+ [ "3d", "001111" ],
+ [ "4h", "011101" ],
+ [ "5s", "101011" ],
+ [ "6c", "000101" ],
+ [ "7d", "010011" ],
+ [ "8h", "100001" ],
+ [ "9s", "101111" ],
+ [ "tc", "001001" ],
+ [ "jd", "010111" ],
+ [ "qh", "100101" ],
+ [ "ks", "110011" ],
+ [ "ks2c", "101001011101" ],
+ [ "KS2C", "101001011101" ],
+ ];
+ for (var i=0; i<cards.length; i++) {
+ var card = cards[i][0];
+ var result = cards[i][1];
+ e = Entropy.fromString(card);
+ console.log(e.binary + " " + result);
+ if (e.binaryStr !== result) {
+ return "card entropy not parsed correctly: " + result + " != " + e.binaryStr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return e.message;
+ }
+ return "PASS";
- if (error) {
+ if (response != "PASS") {
console.log("Entropy unit tests");
- console.log(error);
+ console.log(response);
[ "0", "1" ],
[ "0000", "4" ],
[ "6", "3" ],
- [ "7", "3" ],
+ [ "7", "4" ],
[ "8", "4" ],
[ "F", "4" ],
- [ "29", "5" ],
+ [ "29", "7" ],
[ "0A", "8" ],
[ "1A", "8" ], // hex is always multiple of 4 bits of entropy
[ "2A", "8" ],
[ "8A", "8" ],
[ "FA", "8" ],
[ "000A", "16" ],
- [ "2220", "10" ],
- [ "2221", "9" ], // uses dice, so entropy is actually 1110
- [ "2227", "12" ],
+ [ "2220", "11" ],
+ [ "2221", "11" ], // uses dice, so entropy is actually 1110
+ [ "2227", "14" ],
[ "222F", "16" ],
[ "FFFF", "16" ],