database => 'all',
user => $pg_user,
auth_method => 'ident',
- order => "a1",
+ order => "00-01",
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'localhost access as postgres user':
description => 'Allow localhost access to postgres user',
user => $pg_user,
address => "",
auth_method => 'md5',
- order => "a2",
+ order => "00-02",
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'localhost ip6 access as postgres user':
description => 'Allow localhost access to postgres user',
user => $pg_user,
address => "::1/128",
auth_method => 'md5',
- order => "a3",
+ order => "00-03",
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'deny access to postgresql user':
description => 'Deny remote access to postgres user',
user => $pg_user,
address => "",
auth_method => 'reject',
- order => "a4",
+ order => "00-04",
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'local access':
database => 'all',
user => 'all',
auth_method => 'md5',
- order => "b1",
+ order => "10-01",
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'local access with same name':
database => 'all',
user => 'all',
auth_method => 'ident',
- order => "b2",
+ order => "10-02",
user => $pg_user,
address => '',
auth_method => 'md5',
- order => "b0",
+ order => "05-01",
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'allow localhost ip6 TCP access to cryptoportfolio user':
type => 'host',
user => $pg_user,
address => '::1/128',
auth_method => 'md5',
- order => "b0",
+ order => "05-01",
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'allow TCP access to replication user from':
user => $pg_user_replication,
address => '',
auth_method => 'md5',
- order => "b0",
+ order => "05-01",
class { 'apache::mod::headers': }