<a href="https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=311000.msg3345309#msg3345309" target="_blank">You are not a good source of entropy.</a>
+ <p>
+ <span>Card entropy has been implemented assuming cards are replaced, not drawn one after another.</span>
+ <span>A full deck with replacement generates 232 bits of entropy (21 words). A full deck without replacement generates 225 bits of entropy (21 words).</span>
+ <span>Card entropy changed significantly from v0.4.3 to v0.5.0. The old version can be accessed at
+ <a href="https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/releases/tag/0.4.3">
+ https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/releases/tag/0.4.3
+ </a>
+ or
+ <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20201018232020/https://iancoleman.io/bip39/">
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20201018232020/https://iancoleman.io/bip39/
+ </a>
+ </span>
+ </p>
<span>Please refer to <a href="https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/blob/master/LICENSE" target="_blank">the software license</a> for more detail.