"database_name", "symfony", "name of your database"
"database_user", "root", "user that can write to this database"
"database_password", "~", "password of that user"
- "database_path", "``""%kernel.root_dir%/../data/db/wallabag.sqlite""``", "only for SQLite, define where to put the database file. Leave it for other database"
+ "database_path", "``""%kernel.root_dir%/../data/db/wallabag.sqlite""``", "only for SQLite, define where to put the database file. Leave it empty for other database"
"database_table_prefix", "wallabag_", "all wallabag's tables will be prefixed with that string. You can include a ``_`` for clarity"
"database_socket", "null", "If your database is using a socket instead of tcp, put the path of the socket (other connection parameters will then be ignored)"
+ "database_charset", "utf8mb4", "For PostgreSQL & SQLite you should use utf8, for MySQL use utf8mb4 which handle emoji"
.. csv-table:: Configuration to send emails from wallabag
:header: "name", "default", "description"
repeat_new_password_label: 'Confirmatz vòstre novèl senhal'
plain_password_label: 'Senhal en clar'
email_label: 'Adreça de corrièl'
- # enabled_label: 'Enabled'
- # locked_label: 'Locked'
- # last_login_label: 'Last login'
- # twofactor_label: Two factor authentication
- # save: Save
- # delete: Delete
- # delete_confirm: Are you sure?
- # back_to_list: Back to list
+ enabled_label: 'Actiu'
+ locked_label: 'Varrolhat'
+ last_login_label: 'Darrièra connexion'
+ twofactor_label: 'Autentificacion doble-factor'
+ save: 'Enregistrar'
+ delete: 'Suprimir'
+ delete_confirm: 'Sètz segur ?'
+ back_to_list: 'Tornar a la lista'
+ error:
+ # page_title: An error occurred