]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Projets/packagist/ludivine-ckeditor-component.git/blob - zh-cn.js
[perso/Immae/Projets/packagist/ludivine-ckeditor-component.git] / zh-cn.js
1 /**
2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2017, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3 * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
4 */
6 /**
7 * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
8 * Chinese Simplified language.
9 */
11 /**#@+
12 @type String
13 @example
14 */
16 /**
17 * Contains the dictionary of language entries.
18 * @namespace
19 */
20 CKEDITOR.lang[ 'zh-cn' ] = {
21 // ARIA description.
22 editor: '所见即所得编辑器',
23 editorPanel: '所见即所得编辑器面板',
25 // Common messages and labels.
26 common: {
27 // Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
28 // of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
29 editorHelp: '按 ALT+0 获得帮助',
31 browseServer: '浏览服务器',
32 url: 'URL',
33 protocol: '协议',
34 upload: '上传',
35 uploadSubmit: '上传到服务器',
36 image: '图像',
37 flash: 'Flash',
38 form: '表单',
39 checkbox: '复选框',
40 radio: '单选按钮',
41 textField: '单行文本',
42 textarea: '多行文本',
43 hiddenField: '隐藏域',
44 button: '按钮',
45 select: '列表/菜单',
46 imageButton: '图像按钮',
47 notSet: '<没有设置>',
48 id: 'ID',
49 name: '名称',
50 langDir: '语言方向',
51 langDirLtr: '从左到右 (LTR)',
52 langDirRtl: '从右到左 (RTL)',
53 langCode: '语言代码',
54 longDescr: '详细说明 URL',
55 cssClass: '样式类名称',
56 advisoryTitle: '标题',
57 cssStyle: '行内样式',
58 ok: '确定',
59 cancel: '取消',
60 close: '关闭',
61 preview: '预览',
62 resize: '拖拽以改变大小',
63 generalTab: '常规',
64 advancedTab: '高级',
65 validateNumberFailed: '需要输入数字格式',
66 confirmNewPage: '当前文档内容未保存,是否确认新建文档?',
67 confirmCancel: '部分修改尚未保存,是否确认关闭对话框?',
68 options: '选项',
69 target: '目标窗口',
70 targetNew: '新窗口 (_blank)',
71 targetTop: '整页 (_top)',
72 targetSelf: '本窗口 (_self)',
73 targetParent: '父窗口 (_parent)',
74 langDirLTR: '从左到右 (LTR)',
75 langDirRTL: '从右到左 (RTL)',
76 styles: '样式',
77 cssClasses: '样式类',
78 width: '宽度',
79 height: '高度',
80 align: '对齐方式',
81 alignLeft: '左对齐',
82 alignRight: '右对齐',
83 alignCenter: '居中',
84 alignJustify: '两端对齐',
85 alignTop: '顶端',
86 alignMiddle: '居中',
87 alignBottom: '底部',
88 alignNone: '无',
89 invalidValue: '无效的值。',
90 invalidHeight: '高度必须为数字格式',
91 invalidWidth: '宽度必须为数字格式',
92 invalidCssLength: '此“%1”字段的值必须为正数,可以包含或不包含一个有效的 CSS 长度单位(px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt 或 pc)',
93 invalidHtmlLength: '此“%1”字段的值必须为正数,可以包含或不包含一个有效的 HTML 长度单位(px 或 %)',
94 invalidInlineStyle: '内联样式必须为格式是以分号分隔的一个或多个“属性名 : 属性值”。',
95 cssLengthTooltip: '输入一个表示像素值的数字,或加上一个有效的 CSS 长度单位(px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt 或 pc)。',
97 // Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
98 unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">,不可用</span>',
100 // Keyboard keys translations used for creating shortcuts descriptions in tooltips, context menus and ARIA labels.
101 keyboard: {
102 8: '退格键',
103 13: '回车键',
104 16: 'Shift',
105 17: 'Ctrl',
106 18: 'Alt',
107 32: '空格键',
108 35: '行尾键',
109 36: '行首键',
110 46: '删除键',
111 224: 'Command'
112 },
114 // Prepended to ARIA labels with shortcuts.
115 keyboardShortcut: '快捷键'
116 }
117 };