]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Projets/Puppet.git/blob - modules/role/manifests/backup/postgresql.pp
[perso/Immae/Projets/Puppet.git] / modules / role / manifests / backup / postgresql.pp
1 class role::backup::postgresql inherits role::backup {
2 # This manifest is supposed to be part of the backup server
4 $password_seed = lookup("base_installation::puppet_pass_seed")
6 $user = lookup("role::backup::user")
7 $group = lookup("role::backup::group")
8 $pg_user = "postgres"
9 $pg_group = "postgres"
11 $ldap_cn = lookup("base_installation::ldap_cn")
12 $ldap_password = generate_password(24, $password_seed, "ldap")
13 $ldap_server = lookup("base_installation::ldap_server")
14 $ldap_base = lookup("base_installation::ldap_base")
15 $ldap_dn = lookup("base_installation::ldap_dn")
16 $pgbouncer_ldap_attribute = "uid"
18 $pg_slot = regsubst($ldap_cn, '-', "_", "G")
20 ensure_packages(["postgresql", "pgbouncer", "pam_ldap"])
22 $pg_backup_hosts = lookup("role::backup::postgresql::backup_hosts", { "default_value" => {} })
23 $ldap_filter = lookup("role::backup::postgresql::pgbouncer_access_filter", { "default_value" => undef })
25 unless empty($pg_backup_hosts) {
26 file { "/etc/systemd/system/postgresql_backup@.service":
27 mode => "0644",
28 owner => "root",
29 group => "root",
30 content => template("role/backup/postgresql_backup@.service.erb"),
31 }
33 unless empty($ldap_filter) {
34 concat { "/etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini":
35 mode => "0644",
36 owner => "root",
37 group => "root",
38 ensure_newline => true,
39 notify => Service["pgbouncer"],
40 }
42 concat::fragment { "pgbouncer_head":
43 target => "/etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini",
44 order => "01",
45 content => template("role/backup/pgbouncer.ini.erb"),
46 }
48 file { "/etc/systemd/system/pgbouncer.service.d":
49 ensure => "directory",
50 mode => "0644",
51 owner => "root",
52 group => "root",
53 }
55 file { "/etc/systemd/system/pgbouncer.service.d/override.conf":
56 ensure => "present",
57 mode => "0644",
58 owner => "root",
59 group => "root",
60 content => "[Service]\nUser=\nUser=$pg_user\n",
61 notify => Service["pgbouncer"],
62 }
64 service { "pgbouncer":
65 ensure => "running",
66 enable => true,
67 require => [
68 Package["pgbouncer"],
69 File["/etc/systemd/system/pgbouncer.service.d/override.conf"],
70 Concat["/etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini"]
71 ],
72 }
74 file { "/etc/pam_ldap.d/pgbouncer.conf":
75 ensure => "present",
76 mode => "0600",
77 owner => $pg_user,
78 group => "root",
79 content => template("role/backup/pam_ldap_pgbouncer.conf.erb"),
80 require => File["/etc/pam_ldap.d"],
81 } ->
82 file { "/etc/pam.d/pgbouncer":
83 ensure => "present",
84 mode => "0644",
85 owner => "root",
86 group => "root",
87 source => "puppet:///modules/role/backup/pam_pgbouncer"
88 }
89 }
90 }
92 $ldap_attribute = "cn"
94 file { "/etc/pam_ldap.d":
95 ensure => directory,
96 mode => "0755",
97 owner => "root",
98 group => "root",
99 } ->
100 file { "/etc/pam_ldap.d/postgresql.conf":
101 ensure => "present",
102 mode => "0600",
103 owner => $pg_user,
104 group => "root",
105 content => template("profile/postgresql_master/pam_ldap_postgresql.conf.erb"),
106 } ->
107 file { "/etc/pam.d/postgresql":
108 ensure => "present",
109 mode => "0644",
110 owner => "root",
111 group => "root",
112 source => "puppet:///modules/profile/postgresql_master/pam_postgresql"
113 }
115 $pg_backup_hosts.each |$backup_host_cn, $pg_infos| {
116 $host = find_host($facts["ldapvar"]["other"], $backup_host_cn)
117 if empty($host) {
118 $pg_backup_host = $backup_host_cn
119 } elsif has_key($host["vars"], "host") {
120 $pg_backup_host = $host["vars"]["host"][0]
121 } else {
122 $pg_backup_host = $host["vars"]["real_hostname"][0]
123 }
124 if has_key($host["vars"], "postgresql_backup_port") {
125 $pg_listen_port = $host["vars"]["postgresql_backup_port"][0]
126 } else {
127 $pg_listen_port = undef
128 }
130 $pg_path = "$mountpoint/$pg_backup_host/postgresql"
131 $pg_backup_path = "$mountpoint/$pg_backup_host/postgresql_backup"
132 $pg_host = "$pg_backup_host"
133 $pg_port = $pg_infos["dbport"]
135 unless empty($host) {
136 $host["ipHostNumber"].each |$ip| {
137 $infos = split($ip, "/")
138 $ipaddress = $infos[0]
139 if (length($infos) == 1 and $ipaddress =~ /:/) {
140 $mask = "128"
141 } elsif (length($infos) == 1) {
142 $mask = "32"
143 } else {
144 $mask = $infos[1]
145 }
147 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "allow TCP access for initial replication from $ipaddress/$mask":
148 type => 'hostssl',
149 database => 'replication',
150 user => $backup_host_cn,
151 address => "$ipaddress/$mask",
152 auth_method => 'pam',
153 order => "06-01",
154 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
155 postgresql_version => "10",
156 }
157 }
158 }
160 if !empty($ldap_filter) and ($pg_infos["pgbouncer"]) {
161 if empty($pg_listen_port) {
162 $pg_listen_port_key = ""
163 } else {
164 $pg_listen_port_key = "port=$pg_listen_port"
165 }
167 concat::fragment { "pgbouncer_$pg_backup_host":
168 target => "/etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini",
169 order => 02,
170 content => "${pg_infos[pgbouncer_dbname]} = host=$mountpoint/$pg_backup_host/postgresql $pg_listen_port_key user=${pg_infos[dbuser]} dbname=${pg_infos[dbname]}",
171 }
173 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - local access as ${pg_infos[dbuser]} user":
174 description => "Allow local access to ${pg_infos[dbuser]} user",
175 type => 'local',
176 database => $pg_infos["dbname"],
177 user => $pg_infos["dbuser"],
178 auth_method => 'trust',
179 order => "01-00",
180 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
181 postgresql_version => "10",
182 }
183 }
185 file { "$mountpoint/$pg_backup_host":
186 ensure => directory,
187 owner => $user,
188 group => $group,
189 }
191 file { $pg_path:
192 ensure => directory,
193 owner => $pg_user,
194 group => $pg_group,
195 mode => "0700",
196 require => File["$mountpoint/$pg_backup_host"],
197 }
199 file { $pg_backup_path:
200 ensure => directory,
201 owner => $pg_user,
202 group => $pg_group,
203 mode => "0700",
204 require => File["$mountpoint/$pg_backup_host"],
205 }
207 cron::job::multiple { "backup_psql_$pg_host":
208 ensure => "present",
209 require => [File[$pg_backup_path], File[$pg_path]],
210 jobs => [
211 {
212 command => "/usr/bin/pg_dumpall -h $pg_path -f $pg_backup_path/\$(date -Iseconds).sql",
213 user => $pg_user,
214 hour => "22,4,10,16",
215 minute => 0,
216 description => "Backup the database",
217 },
218 {
219 command => "/usr/bin/rm -f $(ls -1 $pg_backup_path/*.sql | grep -v 'T22:' | sort -r | sed -e '1,12d')",
220 user => $pg_user,
221 hour => 3,
222 minute => 0,
223 description => "Cleanup the database backups",
224 },
225 {
226 command => "cd $pg_backup_path ; /usr/bin/rm -f $(ls -1 *T22*.sql | log2rotate --skip 7 --fuzz 7 --delete --format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+02:00.sql')",
227 user => $pg_user,
228 hour => 3,
229 minute => 1,
230 description => "Cleanup the database backups exponentially",
231 },
232 ]
233 }
235 exec { "pg_basebackup $pg_path":
236 cwd => $pg_path,
237 user => $pg_user,
238 creates => "$pg_path/PG_VERSION",
239 environment => ["PGPASSWORD=$ldap_password"],
240 command => "/usr/bin/pg_basebackup -w -h $pg_host -U $ldap_cn -D $pg_path -S $pg_slot",
241 before => [
242 Concat["$pg_path/pg_hba.conf"],
243 Concat["$pg_path/recovery.conf"],
244 File["$pg_path/postgresql.conf"],
245 ]
246 }
248 concat { "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf":
249 owner => $pg_user,
250 group => $pg_group,
251 mode => '0640',
252 warn => true,
253 }
254 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - local access as postgres user":
255 description => 'Allow local access to postgres user',
256 type => 'local',
257 database => 'all',
258 user => $pg_user,
259 auth_method => 'ident',
260 order => "00-01",
261 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
262 postgresql_version => "10",
263 }
264 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - localhost access as postgres user":
265 description => 'Allow localhost access to postgres user',
266 type => 'host',
267 database => 'all',
268 user => $pg_user,
269 address => "",
270 auth_method => 'md5',
271 order => "00-02",
272 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
273 postgresql_version => "10",
274 }
275 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - localhost ip6 access as postgres user":
276 description => 'Allow localhost access to postgres user',
277 type => 'host',
278 database => 'all',
279 user => $pg_user,
280 address => "::1/128",
281 auth_method => 'md5',
282 order => "00-03",
283 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
284 postgresql_version => "10",
285 }
286 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - deny access to postgresql user":
287 description => 'Deny remote access to postgres user',
288 type => 'host',
289 database => 'all',
290 user => $pg_user,
291 address => "",
292 auth_method => 'reject',
293 order => "00-04",
294 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
295 postgresql_version => "10",
296 }
298 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - local access":
299 description => 'Allow local access with password',
300 type => 'local',
301 database => 'all',
302 user => 'all',
303 auth_method => 'md5',
304 order => "10-01",
305 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
306 postgresql_version => "10",
307 }
309 postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - local access with same name":
310 description => 'Allow local access with same name',
311 type => 'local',
312 database => 'all',
313 user => 'all',
314 auth_method => 'ident',
315 order => "10-02",
316 target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf",
317 postgresql_version => "10",
318 }
320 $primary_conninfo = "host=$pg_host port=$pg_port user=$ldap_cn password=$ldap_password sslmode=require"
321 $primary_slot_name = regsubst($ldap_cn, '-', "_", "G")
322 $standby_mode = "on"
324 concat { "$pg_path/recovery.conf":
325 owner => $pg_user,
326 group => $pg_group,
327 mode => '0640',
328 warn => true,
329 }
330 concat::fragment { "$pg_path/recovery.conf":
331 target => "$pg_path/recovery.conf",
332 content => template('postgresql/recovery.conf.erb'),
333 }
335 file { "$pg_path/postgresql.conf":
336 owner => $pg_user,
337 group => $pg_group,
338 mode => '0640',
339 content => template("role/backup/postgresql.conf.erb"),
340 }
342 service { "postgresql_backup@$pg_backup_host":
343 enable => true,
344 ensure => "running",
345 require => [
346 File["/etc/systemd/system/postgresql_backup@.service"],
347 Concat["$pg_path/pg_hba.conf"],
348 Concat["$pg_path/recovery.conf"],
349 File["$pg_path/postgresql.conf"],
350 ],
351 subscribe => [
352 Concat["$pg_path/pg_hba.conf"],
353 Concat["$pg_path/recovery.conf"],
354 File["$pg_path/postgresql.conf"],
355 ]
356 }
357 }
359 }