]> git.immae.eu Git - perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git/blob - modules/private/buildbot/common/build_helpers.py
[perso/Immae/Config/Nix.git] / modules / private / buildbot / common / build_helpers.py
1 from buildbot.plugins import util, steps, schedulers
2 from buildbot_buildslist import BuildsList
3 from shutil import which
5 __all__ = [
6 "force_scheduler", "deploy_scheduler", "git_hook_scheduler",
7 "clean_branch", "package_and_upload", "SlackStatusPush",
8 "XMPPStatusPush", "LdapEdit", "NixShellCommand",
9 "all_builder_names", "compute_build_infos", "deploy_ssh_command",
10 "configure_slack_push", "configure_xmpp_push", "deploy_hook_scheduler",
11 ]
13 # Small helpers"
14 @util.renderer
15 def clean_branch(props):
16 if props.hasProperty("branch") and len(props["branch"]) > 0:
17 return props["branch"].replace("/", "_")
18 else:
19 return "HEAD"
21 def package_and_upload(package, package_dest, package_url):
22 return [
23 steps.ShellCommand(name="build package",
24 logEnviron=False, haltOnFailure=True,
25 command=["git", "archive", "HEAD", "-o", package]),
27 steps.FileUpload(name="upload package", workersrc=package,
28 masterdest=package_dest,
29 url=package_url, mode=0o644),
31 steps.ShellCommand(name="cleanup package", logEnviron=False,
32 haltOnFailure=True, alwaysRun=True,
33 command=["rm", "-f", package]),
34 ]
36 # Steps
37 class NixShellCommand(steps.ShellCommand):
38 def __init__(self, command=None, pure=True, nixfile=None, **kwargs):
39 oldpath = kwargs.get("env", {}).get("PATH", None)
40 if which("nix-shell", path=oldpath) is None:
41 kwargs["env"] = kwargs.get("env", {})
42 if isinstance(oldpath, str):
43 kwargs["env"]["PATH"] = "/run/current-system/sw/bin:" + oldpath
44 elif isinstance(oldpath, list):
45 kwargs["env"]["PATH"] = ["/run/current-system/sw/bin"] + oldpath
46 nixcommand = ["nix-shell"]
47 if pure:
48 nixcommand.append("--pure")
49 nixcommand.append("--run")
50 nixcommand.append(command)
51 if nixfile is not None:
52 nixcommand.append(nixfile)
53 super().__init__(command=nixcommand, **kwargs)
55 # Schedulers
56 def force_scheduler(name, builders, nobranch=False):
57 if nobranch:
58 branch = util.FixedParameter(name="branch", default="")
59 else:
60 branch=util.StringParameter(name="branch", label="Git reference (tag, branch)", required=True)
62 return schedulers.ForceScheduler(name=name,
63 label="Force build", buttonName="Force build",
64 reason=util.StringParameter(name="reason", label="Reason", default="Force build"),
65 codebases=[
66 util.CodebaseParameter("",
67 branch=branch,
68 revision=util.FixedParameter(name="revision", default=""),
69 repository=util.FixedParameter(name="repository", default=""),
70 project=util.FixedParameter(name="project", default=""),
71 ),
72 ],
73 username=util.FixedParameter(name="username", default="Web button"),
74 builderNames=builders)
76 def deploy_scheduler(name, builders):
77 return schedulers.ForceScheduler(name=name,
78 builderNames=builders,
79 label="Deploy built package", buttonName="Deploy",
80 username=util.FixedParameter(name="username", default="Web button"),
81 codebases=[
82 util.CodebaseParameter(codebase="",
83 branch=util.FixedParameter(name="branch", default=""),
84 revision=util.FixedParameter(name="revision", default=""),
85 repository=util.FixedParameter(name="repository", default=""),
86 project=util.FixedParameter(name="project", default=""))],
87 reason=util.FixedParameter(name="reason", default="Deploy"),
88 properties=[
89 util.ChoiceStringParameter(label="Environment",
90 name="environment", default="integration",
91 choices=["integration", "production"]),
92 BuildsList(label="Build to deploy", name="build"),
93 ]
94 )
96 def git_hook_scheduler(project, builders=[], timer=1):
97 if len(builders) == 0:
98 builders = ["{}_build".format(project)]
99 return schedulers.AnyBranchScheduler(
100 change_filter=util.ChangeFilter(category="gitolite-hooks", project=project),
101 name="{}_git_hook".format(project), treeStableTimer=timer, builderNames=builders)
103 def deploy_hook_scheduler(project, builders, timer=1):
104 return schedulers.AnyBranchScheduler(
105 change_filter=util.ChangeFilter(category="deploy_webhook", project=project),
106 name="{}_deploy".format(project), treeStableTimer=timer, builderNames=builders)
108 # Builders
109 def all_builder_names(c):
110 return [builder.name for builder in c['builders']]
112 # Slack/XMPP status push
113 from buildbot.reporters.http import HttpStatusPushBase
114 from twisted.internet import defer
115 from twisted.python import log
116 from buildbot.util import httpclientservice
117 from buildbot.reporters import utils
118 from buildbot.process import results
119 from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
120 from wokkel import client, xmppim
121 from functools import partial
123 class SlackStatusPush(HttpStatusPushBase):
124 name = "SlackStatusPush"
126 @defer.inlineCallbacks
127 def reconfigService(self, serverUrl, **kwargs):
128 yield HttpStatusPushBase.reconfigService(self, **kwargs)
129 self._http = yield httpclientservice.HTTPClientService.getService(
130 self.master, serverUrl)
132 @defer.inlineCallbacks
133 def send(self, build):
134 yield utils.getDetailsForBuild(self.master, build, wantProperties=True)
135 response = yield self._http.post("", json=self.format(build))
136 if response.code != 200:
137 log.msg("%s: unable to upload status: %s" %
138 (response.code, response.content))
140 def format(self, build):
141 colors = [
142 "#36A64F", # success
143 "#F1E903", # warnings
144 "#DA0505", # failure
145 "#FFFFFF", # skipped
146 "#000000", # exception
147 "#FFFFFF", # retry
148 "#D02CA9", # cancelled
149 ]
151 if "environment" in build["properties"]:
152 msg = "{} environment".format(build["properties"]["environment"][0])
153 if "build" in build["properties"]:
154 msg = "of archive {} in ".format(build["properties"]["build"][0]) + msg
155 elif len(build["buildset"]["sourcestamps"][0]["branch"] or []) > 0:
156 msg = "revision {}".format(build["buildset"]["sourcestamps"][0]["branch"])
157 else:
158 msg = "build"
160 if build["complete"]:
161 timedelta = int((build["complete_at"] - build["started_at"]).total_seconds())
162 hours, rest = divmod(timedelta, 3600)
163 minutes, seconds = divmod(rest, 60)
164 if hours > 0:
165 duration = "{}h {}min {}s".format(hours, minutes, seconds)
166 elif minutes > 0:
167 duration = "{}min {}s".format(minutes, seconds)
168 else:
169 duration = "{}s".format(seconds)
171 text = "Build <{}|{}> of {}'s {} was {} in {}.".format(
172 build["url"], build["buildid"],
173 build["builder"]["name"],
174 msg,
175 results.Results[build["results"]],
176 duration,
177 )
178 fields = [
179 {
180 "title": "Build",
181 "value": "<{}|{}>".format(build["url"], build["buildid"]),
182 "short": True,
183 },
184 {
185 "title": "Project",
186 "value": build["builder"]["name"],
187 "short": True,
188 },
189 {
190 "title": "Build status",
191 "value": results.Results[build["results"]],
192 "short": True,
193 },
194 {
195 "title": "Build duration",
196 "value": duration,
197 "short": True,
198 },
199 ]
200 if "environment" in build["properties"]:
201 fields.append({
202 "title": "Environment",
203 "value": build["properties"]["environment"][0],
204 "short": True,
205 })
206 if "build" in build["properties"]:
207 fields.append({
208 "title": "Archive",
209 "value": build["properties"]["build"][0],
210 "short": True,
211 })
212 attachments = [{
213 "fallback": "",
214 "color": colors[build["results"]],
215 "fields": fields
216 }]
217 else:
218 text = "Build <{}|{}> of {}'s {} started.".format(
219 build["url"], build["buildid"],
220 build["builder"]["name"],
221 msg,
222 )
223 attachments = []
225 return {
226 "username": "Buildbot",
227 "icon_url": "http://docs.buildbot.net/current/_static/icon.png",
228 "text": text,
229 "attachments": attachments,
230 }
232 def configure_slack_push(c, secrets_file, builders):
233 c['services'].append(SlackStatusPush(
234 name="slack_status", builders=builders,
235 serverUrl=open(secrets_file + "/slack_webhook", "r").read().rstrip()))
237 class XMPPStatusPush(HttpStatusPushBase):
238 name = "XMPPStatusPush"
240 @defer.inlineCallbacks
241 def reconfigService(self, password, recipients, **kwargs):
242 yield HttpStatusPushBase.reconfigService(self, **kwargs)
243 self.password = password
244 self.recipients = recipients
246 @defer.inlineCallbacks
247 def send(self, build):
248 yield utils.getDetailsForBuild(self.master, build, wantProperties=True)
249 body = self.format(build)
250 factory = client.DeferredClientFactory(JID("notify_bot@immae.fr/buildbot"), self.password)
251 d = client.clientCreator(factory)
252 def send_message(recipient, stream):
253 message = xmppim.Message(recipient=JID(recipient), body=body)
254 message.stanzaType = 'chat'
255 stream.send(message.toElement())
256 # To allow chaining
257 return stream
258 for recipient in self.recipients:
259 d.addCallback(partial(send_message, recipient))
260 d.addCallback(lambda _: factory.streamManager.xmlstream.sendFooter())
261 d.addErrback(log.err)
263 def format(self, build):
264 if "environment" in build["properties"]:
265 msg = "{} environment".format(build["properties"]["environment"][0])
266 if "build" in build["properties"]:
267 msg = "of archive {} in ".format(build["properties"]["build"][0]) + msg
268 elif len(build["buildset"]["sourcestamps"][0]["branch"] or []) > 0:
269 msg = "revision {}".format(build["buildset"]["sourcestamps"][0]["branch"])
270 else:
271 msg = "build"
273 if build["complete"]:
274 timedelta = int((build["complete_at"] - build["started_at"]).total_seconds())
275 hours, rest = divmod(timedelta, 3600)
276 minutes, seconds = divmod(rest, 60)
277 if hours > 0:
278 duration = "{}h {}min {}s".format(hours, minutes, seconds)
279 elif minutes > 0:
280 duration = "{}min {}s".format(minutes, seconds)
281 else:
282 duration = "{}s".format(seconds)
284 text = "Build {} ( {} ) of {}'s {} was {} in {}.".format(
285 build["buildid"], build["url"],
286 build["builder"]["name"],
287 msg,
288 results.Results[build["results"]],
289 duration,
290 )
291 else:
292 text = "Build {} ( {} ) of {}'s {} started.".format(
293 build["buildid"], build["url"],
294 build["builder"]["name"],
295 msg,
296 )
298 return text
300 def configure_xmpp_push(c, secrets_file, builders, recipients):
301 c['services'].append(XMPPStatusPush(
302 name="xmpp_status", builders=builders, recipients=recipients,
303 password=open(secrets_file + "/notify_xmpp_password", "r").read().rstrip()))
305 # LDAP edit
306 from buildbot.process.buildstep import FAILURE
307 from buildbot.process.buildstep import SUCCESS
308 from buildbot.process.buildstep import BuildStep
310 class LdapEdit(BuildStep):
311 name = "LdapEdit"
312 renderables = ["environment", "build_version", "build_hash", "ldap_password"]
314 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
315 self.environment = kwargs.pop("environment")
316 self.build_version = kwargs.pop("build_version")
317 self.build_hash = kwargs.pop("build_hash")
318 self.ldap_password = kwargs.pop("ldap_password")
319 self.ldap_host = kwargs.pop("ldap_host")
320 self.ldap_dn = kwargs.pop("ldap_dn")
321 self.ldap_roles_base = kwargs.pop("ldap_roles_base")
322 self.ldap_cn_template = kwargs.pop("ldap_cn_template")
323 self.config_key = kwargs.pop("config_key")
324 super().__init__(**kwargs)
326 def run(self):
327 import json
328 from ldap3 import Reader, Writer, Server, Connection, ObjectDef
329 server = Server(self.ldap_host)
330 conn = Connection(server,
331 user=self.ldap_dn,
332 password=self.ldap_password)
333 conn.bind()
334 obj = ObjectDef("immaePuppetClass", conn)
335 r = Reader(conn, obj,
336 "cn={},{}".format(self.ldap_cn_template.format(self.environment), self.ldap_roles_base))
337 r.search()
338 if len(r) > 0:
339 w = Writer.from_cursor(r)
340 for value in w[0].immaePuppetJson.values:
341 config = json.loads(value)
342 if "{}_version".format(self.config_key) in config:
343 config["{}_version".format(self.config_key)] = self.build_version
344 config["{}_sha256".format(self.config_key)] = self.build_hash
345 w[0].immaePuppetJson -= value
346 w[0].immaePuppetJson += json.dumps(config, indent=" ")
347 w.commit()
348 return defer.succeed(SUCCESS)
349 return defer.succeed(FAILURE)
351 def compute_build_infos(prefix, release_path):
352 @util.renderer
353 def compute(props):
354 import re, hashlib
355 build_file = props.getProperty("build")
356 package_dest = "{}/{}".format(release_path, build_file)
357 version = re.match(r"{0}_(.*).tar.gz".format(prefix), build_file).group(1)
358 with open(package_dest, "rb") as f:
359 sha = hashlib.sha256(f.read()).hexdigest()
360 return {
361 "build_version": version,
362 "build_hash": sha,
363 }
364 return compute
366 def deploy_ssh_command(ssh_key_path, deploy_hosts):
367 @util.renderer
368 def compute(props):
369 environment = props["environment"] if props.hasProperty("environment") else "integration"
370 ssh_command = [
371 "ssh", "-o", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-o", "CheckHostIP=no",
372 "-i", ssh_key_path ]
373 return ssh_command + deploy_hosts.get(environment, ["host.invalid"])
374 return compute