path: root/sources/plugins/wsc/lang
diff options
authorIsmaël Bouya <ismael.bouya@normalesup.org>2016-01-25 17:45:33 +0100
committerIsmaël Bouya <ismael.bouya@normalesup.org>2016-01-25 18:00:33 +0100
commit7adcb81e4f83f98c468889aaa5a85558ba88c770 (patch)
tree0d6ede733777b29060b48df4afaa2c64bfbae276 /sources/plugins/wsc/lang
Initial commit4.5.6
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/plugins/wsc/lang')
62 files changed, 1488 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/af.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/af.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9caf6f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/af.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'af', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignoreer',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignoreer alles',
8 btnReplace: 'Vervang',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'vervang alles',
10 btnUndo: 'Ontdoen',
11 changeTo: 'Verander na',
12 errorLoading: 'Fout by inlaai van diens: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Speltoetser is nie geïnstalleer nie. Wil u dit nou aflaai?',
14 manyChanges: 'Klaar met speltoets: %1 woorde verander',
15 noChanges: 'Klaar met speltoets: Geen woorde verander nie',
16 noMispell: 'Klaar met speltoets: Geen foute nie',
17 noSuggestions: '- Geen voorstel -',
18 notAvailable: 'Jammer, hierdie diens is nie nou beskikbaar nie.',
19 notInDic: 'Nie in woordeboek nie',
20 oneChange: 'Klaar met speltoets: Een woord verander',
21 progress: 'Spelling word getoets...',
22 title: 'Speltoetser',
23 toolbar: 'Speltoets'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ar.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f152dc15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ar', {
6 btnIgnore: 'تجاهل',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'تجاهل الكل',
8 btnReplace: 'تغيير',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'تغيير الكل',
10 btnUndo: 'تراجع',
11 changeTo: 'التغيير إلى',
12 errorLoading: 'خطأ في تحميل تطبيق خدمة الاستضافة: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'المدقق الإملائي (الإنجليزي) غير مثبّت. هل تود تحميله الآن؟',
14 manyChanges: 'تم إكمال التدقيق الإملائي: تم تغيير %1 من كلمات',
15 noChanges: 'تم التدقيق الإملائي: لم يتم تغيير أي كلمة',
16 noMispell: 'تم التدقيق الإملائي: لم يتم العثور على أي أخطاء إملائية',
17 noSuggestions: '- لا توجد إقتراحات -',
18 notAvailable: 'عفواً، ولكن هذه الخدمة غير متاحة الان',
19 notInDic: 'ليست في القاموس',
20 oneChange: 'تم التدقيق الإملائي: تم تغيير كلمة واحدة فقط',
21 progress: 'جاري التدقيق الاملائى',
22 title: 'التدقيق الإملائي',
23 toolbar: 'تدقيق إملائي'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/bg.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/bg.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e814a9f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/bg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'bg', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Игнорирай',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Игнорирай всичко',
8 btnReplace: 'Препокриване',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Препокрий всичко',
10 btnUndo: 'Възтанови',
11 changeTo: 'Промени на',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
14 manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
15 noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
16 noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
17 noSuggestions: '- Няма препоръчани -',
18 notAvailable: 'Съжаляваме, но услугата не е достъпна за момента',
19 notInDic: 'Не е в речника',
20 oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
21 progress: 'Проверява се правописа...',
22 title: 'Проверка на правопис',
23 toolbar: 'Проверка на правопис'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/bn.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/bn.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03a38130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/bn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'bn', {
6 btnIgnore: 'ইগনোর কর',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'সব ইগনোর কর',
8 btnReplace: 'বদলে দাও',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'সব বদলে দাও',
10 btnUndo: 'আন্ডু',
11 changeTo: 'এতে বদলাও',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'বানান পরীক্ষক ইনস্টল করা নেই। আপনি কি এখনই এটা ডাউনলোড করতে চান?',
14 manyChanges: 'বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: %1 গুলো শব্দ বদলে গ্যাছে',
15 noChanges: 'বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: কোন শব্দ পরিবর্তন করা হয়নি',
16 noMispell: 'বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: কোন ভুল বানান পাওয়া যায়নি',
17 noSuggestions: '- কোন সাজেশন নেই -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'শব্দকোষে নেই',
20 oneChange: 'বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: একটি মাত্র শব্দ পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে',
21 progress: 'বানান পরীক্ষা চলছে...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'বানান চেক'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/bs.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b40859c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'bs', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignore',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignore All',
8 btnReplace: 'Replace',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Replace All',
10 btnUndo: 'Undo',
11 changeTo: 'Change to',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
14 manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
15 noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
16 noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
17 noSuggestions: '- No suggestions -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Not in dictionary',
20 oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
21 progress: 'Spell check in progress...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Check Spelling'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ca.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..857cfaa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ca', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignora',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignora-les totes',
8 btnReplace: 'Canvia',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Canvia-les totes',
10 btnUndo: 'Desfés',
11 changeTo: 'Reemplaça amb',
12 errorLoading: 'Error carregant el servidor: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Verificació ortogràfica no instal·lada. Voleu descarregar-ho ara?',
14 manyChanges: 'Verificació ortogràfica: s\'han canviat %1 paraules',
15 noChanges: 'Verificació ortogràfica: no s\'ha canviat cap paraula',
16 noMispell: 'Verificació ortogràfica acabada: no hi ha cap paraula mal escrita',
17 noSuggestions: 'Cap suggeriment',
18 notAvailable: 'El servei no es troba disponible ara.',
19 notInDic: 'No és al diccionari',
20 oneChange: 'Verificació ortogràfica: s\'ha canviat una paraula',
21 progress: 'Verificació ortogràfica en curs...',
22 title: 'Comprova l\'ortografia',
23 toolbar: 'Revisa l\'ortografia'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/cs.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcda7f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'cs', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Přeskočit',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Přeskakovat vše',
8 btnReplace: 'Zaměnit',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Zaměňovat vše',
10 btnUndo: 'Zpět',
11 changeTo: 'Změnit na',
12 errorLoading: 'Chyba nahrávání služby aplikace z: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Kontrola pravopisu není nainstalována. Chcete ji nyní stáhnout?',
14 manyChanges: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončena: %1 slov změněno',
15 noChanges: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončena: Beze změn',
16 noMispell: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončena: Žádné pravopisné chyby nenalezeny',
17 noSuggestions: '- žádné návrhy -',
18 notAvailable: 'Omlouváme se, ale služba nyní není dostupná.',
19 notInDic: 'Není ve slovníku',
20 oneChange: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončena: Jedno slovo změněno',
21 progress: 'Probíhá kontrola pravopisu...',
22 title: 'Kontrola pravopisu',
23 toolbar: 'Zkontrolovat pravopis'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/cy.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..308de25c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'cy', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Anwybyddu Un',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Anwybyddu Pob',
8 btnReplace: 'Amnewid Un',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Amnewid Pob',
10 btnUndo: 'Dadwneud',
11 changeTo: 'Newid i',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Gwirydd sillafu heb ei arsefydlu. A ydych am ei lawrlwytho nawr?',
14 manyChanges: 'Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Newidiwyd %1 gair',
15 noChanges: 'Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Dim newidiadau',
16 noMispell: 'Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Dim camsillaf.',
17 noSuggestions: '- Dim awgrymiadau -',
18 notAvailable: 'Nid yw\'r gwasanaeth hwn ar gael yn bresennol.',
19 notInDic: 'Nid i\'w gael yn y geiriadur',
20 oneChange: 'Gwirio sillafu wedi gorffen: Newidiwyd 1 gair',
21 progress: 'Gwirio sillafu yn ar y gweill...',
22 title: 'Gwirio Sillafu',
23 toolbar: 'Gwirio Sillafu'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/da.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..018984e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'da', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignorér',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorér alle',
8 btnReplace: 'Erstat',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Erstat alle',
10 btnUndo: 'Tilbage',
11 changeTo: 'Forslag',
12 errorLoading: 'Fejl ved indlæsning af host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Stavekontrol ikke installeret. Vil du installere den nu?',
14 manyChanges: 'Stavekontrol færdig: %1 ord ændret',
15 noChanges: 'Stavekontrol færdig: Ingen ord ændret',
16 noMispell: 'Stavekontrol færdig: Ingen fejl fundet',
17 noSuggestions: '(ingen forslag)',
18 notAvailable: 'Stavekontrol er desværre ikke tilgængelig.',
19 notInDic: 'Ikke i ordbogen',
20 oneChange: 'Stavekontrol færdig: Et ord ændret',
21 progress: 'Stavekontrollen arbejder...',
22 title: 'Stavekontrol',
23 toolbar: 'Stavekontrol'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/de.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8e541c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'de', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignorieren',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Alle Ignorieren',
8 btnReplace: 'Ersetzen',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Alle Ersetzen',
10 btnUndo: 'Rückgängig',
11 changeTo: 'Ändern in',
12 errorLoading: 'Fehler beim laden des Dienstanbieters: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Rechtschreibprüfung nicht installiert. Möchten Sie sie jetzt herunterladen?',
14 manyChanges: 'Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - %1 Wörter geändert',
15 noChanges: 'Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - keine Worte geändert',
16 noMispell: 'Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - keine Fehler gefunden',
17 noSuggestions: ' - keine Vorschläge - ',
18 notAvailable: 'Entschuldigung, aber dieser Dienst steht im Moment nicht zur Verfügung.',
19 notInDic: 'Nicht im Wörterbuch',
20 oneChange: 'Rechtschreibprüfung abgeschlossen - ein Wort geändert',
21 progress: 'Rechtschreibprüfung läuft...',
22 title: 'Rechtschreibprüfung',
23 toolbar: 'Rechtschreibprüfung'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/el.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bd15cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'el', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Αγνόηση',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Αγνόηση όλων',
8 btnReplace: 'Αντικατάσταση',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Αντικατάσταση όλων',
10 btnUndo: 'Αναίρεση',
11 changeTo: 'Αλλαγή σε',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Δεν υπάρχει εγκατεστημένος ορθογράφος. Θέλετε να τον κατεβάσετε τώρα;',
14 manyChanges: 'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: Άλλαξαν %1 λέξεις',
15 noChanges: 'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: Δεν άλλαξαν λέξεις',
16 noMispell: 'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: Δεν βρέθηκαν λάθη',
17 noSuggestions: '- Δεν υπάρχουν προτάσεις -',
18 notAvailable: 'Η υπηρεσία δεν είναι διαθέσιμη αυτήν την στιγμή.',
19 notInDic: 'Δεν υπάρχει στο λεξικό',
20 oneChange: 'Ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος ολοκληρώθηκε: Άλλαξε μια λέξη',
21 progress: 'Γίνεται ορθογραφικός έλεγχος...',
22 title: 'Ορθογραφικός Έλεγχος',
23 toolbar: 'Ορθογραφικός Έλεγχος'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/en-au.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/en-au.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e03a9848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/en-au.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'en-au', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignore',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignore All',
8 btnReplace: 'Replace',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Replace All',
10 btnUndo: 'Undo',
11 changeTo: 'Change to',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
14 manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
15 noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
16 noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
17 noSuggestions: '- No suggestions -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Not in dictionary',
20 oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
21 progress: 'Spell check in progress...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Check Spelling'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/en-ca.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/en-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..312d285c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/en-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'en-ca', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignore',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignore All',
8 btnReplace: 'Replace',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Replace All',
10 btnUndo: 'Undo',
11 changeTo: 'Change to',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
14 manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
15 noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
16 noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
17 noSuggestions: '- No suggestions -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Not in dictionary',
20 oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
21 progress: 'Spell check in progress...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Check Spelling'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/en-gb.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/en-gb.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f33b994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/en-gb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'en-gb', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignore',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignore All',
8 btnReplace: 'Replace',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Replace All',
10 btnUndo: 'Undo',
11 changeTo: 'Change to',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
14 manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
15 noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
16 noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
17 noSuggestions: '- No suggestions -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Not in dictionary',
20 oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
21 progress: 'Spell check in progress...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Check Spelling'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/en.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99b4bebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'en', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignore',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignore All',
8 btnReplace: 'Replace',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Replace All',
10 btnUndo: 'Undo',
11 changeTo: 'Change to',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
14 manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
15 noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
16 noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
17 noSuggestions: '- No suggestions -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Not in dictionary',
20 oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
21 progress: 'Spell check in progress...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Check Spelling'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/eo.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/eo.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..399e59ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/eo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'eo', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignori',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignori Ĉion',
8 btnReplace: 'Anstataŭigi',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Anstataŭigi Ĉion',
10 btnUndo: 'Malfari',
11 changeTo: 'Ŝanĝi al',
12 errorLoading: 'Eraro en la servoelŝuto el la gastiga komputiko: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Ortografikontrolilo ne instalita. Ĉu vi volas elŝuti ĝin nun?',
14 manyChanges: 'Ortografikontrolado finita: %1 vortoj korektitaj',
15 noChanges: 'Ortografikontrolado finita: neniu vorto korektita',
16 noMispell: 'Ortografikontrolado finita: neniu eraro trovita',
17 noSuggestions: '- Neniu propono -',
18 notAvailable: 'Bedaŭrinde la servo ne funkcias nuntempe.',
19 notInDic: 'Ne trovita en la vortaro',
20 oneChange: 'Ortografikontrolado finita: unu vorto korektita',
21 progress: 'La ortografio estas kontrolata...',
22 title: 'Kontroli la ortografion',
23 toolbar: 'Kontroli la ortografion'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/es.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0284150d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'es', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignorar',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorar Todo',
8 btnReplace: 'Reemplazar',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Reemplazar Todo',
10 btnUndo: 'Deshacer',
11 changeTo: 'Cambiar a',
12 errorLoading: 'Error cargando la aplicación del servidor: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Módulo de Control de Ortografía no instalado.\r\n¿Desea descargarlo ahora?',
14 manyChanges: 'Control finalizado: se ha cambiado %1 palabras',
15 noChanges: 'Control finalizado: no se ha cambiado ninguna palabra',
16 noMispell: 'Control finalizado: no se encontraron errores',
17 noSuggestions: '- No hay sugerencias -',
18 notAvailable: 'Lo sentimos pero el servicio no está disponible.',
19 notInDic: 'No se encuentra en el Diccionario',
20 oneChange: 'Control finalizado: se ha cambiado una palabra',
21 progress: 'Control de Ortografía en progreso...',
22 title: 'Comprobar ortografía',
23 toolbar: 'Ortografía'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/et.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e198459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'et', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignoreeri',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignoreeri kõiki',
8 btnReplace: 'Asenda',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Asenda kõik',
10 btnUndo: 'Võta tagasi',
11 changeTo: 'Muuda',
12 errorLoading: 'Viga rakenduse teenushosti laadimisel: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Õigekirja kontrollija ei ole paigaldatud. Soovid sa selle alla laadida?',
14 manyChanges: 'Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: %1 sõna muudetud',
15 noChanges: 'Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: ühtegi sõna ei muudetud',
16 noMispell: 'Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: õigekirjuvigu ei leitud',
17 noSuggestions: '- Soovitused puuduvad -',
18 notAvailable: 'Kahjuks ei ole teenus praegu saadaval.',
19 notInDic: 'Puudub sõnastikust',
20 oneChange: 'Õigekirja kontroll sooritatud: üks sõna muudeti',
21 progress: 'Toimub õigekirja kontroll...',
22 title: 'Õigekirjakontroll',
23 toolbar: 'Õigekirjakontroll'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/eu.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/eu.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b079af03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/eu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'eu', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ezikusi',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Denak Ezikusi',
8 btnReplace: 'Ordezkatu',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Denak Ordezkatu',
10 btnUndo: 'Desegin',
11 changeTo: 'Honekin ordezkatu',
12 errorLoading: 'Errorea gertatu da aplikazioa zerbitzaritik kargatzean: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Zuzentzaile ortografikoa ez dago instalatuta. Deskargatu nahi duzu?',
14 manyChanges: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: %1 hitz aldatu dira',
15 noChanges: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: Ez da ezer aldatu',
16 noMispell: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: Akatsik ez',
17 noSuggestions: '- Iradokizunik ez -',
18 notAvailable: 'Barkatu baina momentu honetan zerbitzua ez dago erabilgarri.',
19 notInDic: 'Ez dago hiztegian',
20 oneChange: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa bukatuta: Hitz bat aldatu da',
21 progress: 'Zuzenketa ortografikoa martxan...',
22 title: 'Ortografia zuzenketa',
23 toolbar: 'Ortografia'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fa.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de7041bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'fa', {
6 btnIgnore: 'چشمپوشی',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'چشمپوشی همه',
8 btnReplace: 'جایگزینی',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'جایگزینی همه',
10 btnUndo: 'واچینش',
11 changeTo: 'تغییر به',
12 errorLoading: 'خطا در بارگیری برنامه خدمات میزبان: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'بررسی کنندهٴ املا نصب نشده است. آیا میخواهید آن را هماکنون دریافت کنید؟',
14 manyChanges: 'بررسی املا انجام شد. %1 واژه تغییر یافت',
15 noChanges: 'بررسی املا انجام شد. هیچ واژهای تغییر نیافت',
16 noMispell: 'بررسی املا انجام شد. هیچ غلط املائی یافت نشد',
17 noSuggestions: '- پیشنهادی نیست -',
18 notAvailable: 'با عرض پوزش خدمات الان در دسترس نیستند.',
19 notInDic: 'در واژه~نامه یافت نشد',
20 oneChange: 'بررسی املا انجام شد. یک واژه تغییر یافت',
21 progress: 'بررسی املا در حال انجام...',
22 title: 'بررسی املا',
23 toolbar: 'بررسی املا'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fi.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..786404b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'fi', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Jätä huomioimatta',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Jätä kaikki huomioimatta',
8 btnReplace: 'Korvaa',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Korvaa kaikki',
10 btnUndo: 'Kumoa',
11 changeTo: 'Vaihda',
12 errorLoading: 'Virhe ladattaessa oikolukupalvelua isännältä: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistusta ei ole asennettu. Haluatko ladata sen nyt?',
14 manyChanges: 'Tarkistus valmis: %1 sanaa muutettiin',
15 noChanges: 'Tarkistus valmis: Yhtään sanaa ei muutettu',
16 noMispell: 'Tarkistus valmis: Ei virheitä',
17 noSuggestions: 'Ei ehdotuksia',
18 notAvailable: 'Valitettavasti oikoluku ei ole käytössä tällä hetkellä.',
19 notInDic: 'Ei sanakirjassa',
20 oneChange: 'Tarkistus valmis: Yksi sana muutettiin',
21 progress: 'Tarkistus käynnissä...',
22 title: 'Oikoluku',
23 toolbar: 'Tarkista oikeinkirjoitus'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fo.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fo.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cf829a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'fo', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Forfjóna',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Forfjóna alt',
8 btnReplace: 'Yvirskriva',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Yvirskriva alt',
10 btnUndo: 'Angra',
11 changeTo: 'Broyt til',
12 errorLoading: 'Feilur við innlesing av application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Rættstavarin er ikki tøkur í tekstviðgeranum. Vilt tú heinta hann nú?',
14 manyChanges: 'Rættstavarin liðugur: %1 orð broytt',
15 noChanges: 'Rættstavarin liðugur: Einki orð varð broytt',
16 noMispell: 'Rættstavarin liðugur: Eingin feilur funnin',
17 noSuggestions: '- Einki uppskot -',
18 notAvailable: 'Tíverri, ikki tøkt í løtuni.',
19 notInDic: 'Finst ikki í orðabókini',
20 oneChange: 'Rættstavarin liðugur: Eitt orð er broytt',
21 progress: 'Rættstavarin arbeiðir...',
22 title: 'Kanna stavseting',
23 toolbar: 'Kanna stavseting'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fr-ca.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fr-ca.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37f84c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fr-ca.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'fr-ca', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignorer',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorer tout',
8 btnReplace: 'Remplacer',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Remplacer tout',
10 btnUndo: 'Annuler',
11 changeTo: 'Changer en',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Le Correcteur d\'orthographe n\'est pas installé. Souhaitez-vous le télécharger maintenant?',
14 manyChanges: 'Vérification d\'orthographe terminée: %1 mots modifiés',
15 noChanges: 'Vérification d\'orthographe terminée: Pas de modifications',
16 noMispell: 'Vérification d\'orthographe terminée: pas d\'erreur trouvée',
17 noSuggestions: '- Pas de suggestion -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Pas dans le dictionnaire',
20 oneChange: 'Vérification d\'orthographe terminée: Un mot modifié',
21 progress: 'Vérification d\'orthographe en cours...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Orthographe'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fr.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f442bd9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'fr', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignorer',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorer tout',
8 btnReplace: 'Remplacer',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Remplacer tout',
10 btnUndo: 'Annuler',
11 changeTo: 'Modifier pour',
12 errorLoading: 'Erreur du chargement du service depuis l\'hôte : %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'La vérification d\'orthographe n\'est pas installée. Voulez-vous la télécharger maintenant?',
14 manyChanges: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe terminée : %1 mots corrigés.',
15 noChanges: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe terminée : Aucun mot corrigé.',
16 noMispell: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe terminée : aucune erreur trouvée.',
17 noSuggestions: '- Aucune suggestion -',
18 notAvailable: 'Désolé, le service est indisponible actuellement.',
19 notInDic: 'N\'existe pas dans le dictionnaire.',
20 oneChange: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe terminée : Un seul mot corrigé.',
21 progress: 'Vérification de l\'orthographe en cours...',
22 title: 'Vérifier l\'orthographe',
23 toolbar: 'Vérifier l\'orthographe'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/gl.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/gl.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5da1ff7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/gl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'gl', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignorar',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorar Todas',
8 btnReplace: 'Substituir',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Substituir Todas',
10 btnUndo: 'Desfacer',
11 changeTo: 'Cambiar a',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'O corrector ortográfico non está instalado. ¿Quere descargalo agora?',
14 manyChanges: 'Corrección ortográfica rematada: %1 verbas substituidas',
15 noChanges: 'Corrección ortográfica rematada: Non se substituiu nengunha verba',
16 noMispell: 'Corrección ortográfica rematada: Non se atoparon erros',
17 noSuggestions: '- Sen candidatos -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Non está no diccionario',
20 oneChange: 'Corrección ortográfica rematada: Unha verba substituida',
21 progress: 'Corrección ortográfica en progreso...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Corrección Ortográfica'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/gu.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/gu.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..385d9f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/gu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'gu', {
6 btnIgnore: 'ઇગ્નોર/અવગણના કરવી',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'બધાની ઇગ્નોર/અવગણના કરવી',
8 btnReplace: 'બદલવું',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'બધા બદલી કરો',
10 btnUndo: 'અન્ડૂ',
11 changeTo: 'આનાથી બદલવું',
12 errorLoading: 'સર્વિસ એપ્લીકેશન લોડ નથી થ: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'સ્પેલ-ચેકર ઇન્સ્ટોલ નથી. શું તમે ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માંગો છો?',
14 manyChanges: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક પૂર્ણ: %1 શબ્દ બદલયા છે',
15 noChanges: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક પૂર્ણ: એકપણ શબ્દ બદલયો નથી',
16 noMispell: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક પૂર્ણ: ખોટી જોડણી મળી નથી',
17 noSuggestions: '- કઇ સજેશન નથી -',
18 notAvailable: 'માફ કરશો, આ સુવિધા ઉપલબ્ધ નથી',
19 notInDic: 'શબ્દકોશમાં નથી',
20 oneChange: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક પૂર્ણ: એક શબ્દ બદલયો છે',
21 progress: 'શબ્દની જોડણી/સ્પેલ ચેક ચાલુ છે...',
22 title: 'સ્પેલ ',
23 toolbar: 'જોડણી (સ્પેલિંગ) તપાસવી'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/he.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b78bde6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'he', {
6 btnIgnore: 'התעלמות',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'התעלמות מהכל',
8 btnReplace: 'החלפה',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'החלפת הכל',
10 btnUndo: 'החזרה',
11 changeTo: 'שינוי ל',
12 errorLoading: 'שגיאה בהעלאת השירות: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'בודק האיות לא מותקן, האם להורידו?',
14 manyChanges: 'בדיקות איות הסתיימה: %1 מילים שונו',
15 noChanges: 'בדיקות איות הסתיימה: לא שונתה אף מילה',
16 noMispell: 'בדיקות איות הסתיימה: לא נמצאו שגיאות כתיב',
17 noSuggestions: '- אין הצעות -',
18 notAvailable: 'לא נמצא שירות זמין.',
19 notInDic: 'לא נמצא במילון',
20 oneChange: 'בדיקות איות הסתיימה: שונתה מילה אחת',
21 progress: 'בודק האיות בתהליך בדיקה....',
22 title: 'בדיקת איות',
23 toolbar: 'בדיקת איות'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/hi.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/hi.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb1a4dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/hi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'hi', {
6 btnIgnore: 'इग्नोर',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'सभी इग्नोर करें',
8 btnReplace: 'रिप्लेस',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'सभी रिप्लेस करें',
10 btnUndo: 'अन्डू',
11 changeTo: 'इसमें बदलें',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'स्पॅल-चॅकर इन्स्टाल नहीं किया गया है। क्या आप इसे डाउनलोड करना चाहेंगे?',
14 manyChanges: 'वर्तनी की जाँच : %1 शब्द बदले गये',
15 noChanges: 'वर्तनी की जाँच :कोई शब्द नहीं बदला गया',
16 noMispell: 'वर्तनी की जाँच : कोई गलत वर्तनी (स्पॅलिंग) नहीं पाई गई',
17 noSuggestions: '- कोई सुझाव नहीं -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'शब्दकोश में नहीं',
20 oneChange: 'वर्तनी की जाँच : एक शब्द बदला गया',
21 progress: 'वर्तनी की जाँच (स्पॅल-चॅक) जारी है...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'वर्तनी (स्पेलिंग) जाँच'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/hr.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1094e079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'hr', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Zanemari',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Zanemari sve',
8 btnReplace: 'Zamijeni',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Zamijeni sve',
10 btnUndo: 'Vrati',
11 changeTo: 'Promijeni u',
12 errorLoading: 'Greška učitavanja aplikacije: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Provjera pravopisa nije instalirana. Želite li skinuti provjeru pravopisa?',
14 manyChanges: 'Provjera završena: Promijenjeno %1 riječi',
15 noChanges: 'Provjera završena: Nije napravljena promjena',
16 noMispell: 'Provjera završena: Nema grešaka',
17 noSuggestions: '-Nema preporuke-',
18 notAvailable: 'Žao nam je, ali usluga trenutno nije dostupna.',
19 notInDic: 'Nije u rječniku',
20 oneChange: 'Provjera završena: Jedna riječ promjenjena',
21 progress: 'Provjera u tijeku...',
22 title: 'Provjera pravopisa',
23 toolbar: 'Provjeri pravopis'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/hu.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e442e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'hu', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Kihagyja',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Mindet kihagyja',
8 btnReplace: 'Csere',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Összes cseréje',
10 btnUndo: 'Visszavonás',
11 changeTo: 'Módosítás',
12 errorLoading: 'Hiba a szolgáltatás host betöltése közben: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'A helyesírás-ellenőrző nincs telepítve. Szeretné letölteni most?',
14 manyChanges: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés kész: %1 szó cserélve',
15 noChanges: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés kész: Nincs változtatott szó',
16 noMispell: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés kész: Nem találtam hibát',
17 noSuggestions: 'Nincs javaslat',
18 notAvailable: 'Sajnálom, de a szolgáltatás jelenleg nem elérhető.',
19 notInDic: 'Nincs a szótárban',
20 oneChange: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés kész: Egy szó cserélve',
21 progress: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés folyamatban...',
22 title: 'Helyesírás ellenörző',
23 toolbar: 'Helyesírás-ellenőrzés'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/is.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/is.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96931692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/is.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'is', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Hunsa',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Hunsa allt',
8 btnReplace: 'Skipta',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Skipta öllu',
10 btnUndo: 'Til baka',
11 changeTo: 'Tillaga',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Villuleit ekki sett upp.<br>Viltu setja hana upp?',
14 manyChanges: 'Villuleit lokið: %1 orðum breytt',
15 noChanges: 'Villuleit lokið: Engu orði breytt',
16 noMispell: 'Villuleit lokið: Engin villa fannst',
17 noSuggestions: '- engar tillögur -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Ekki í orðabókinni',
20 oneChange: 'Villuleit lokið: Einu orði breytt',
21 progress: 'Villuleit í gangi...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Villuleit'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/it.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e28785e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'it', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignora',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignora tutto',
8 btnReplace: 'Cambia',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Cambia tutto',
10 btnUndo: 'Annulla',
11 changeTo: 'Cambia in',
12 errorLoading: 'Errore nel caricamento dell\'host col servizio applicativo: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Contollo ortografico non installato. Lo vuoi scaricare ora?',
14 manyChanges: 'Controllo ortografico completato: %1 parole cambiate',
15 noChanges: 'Controllo ortografico completato: nessuna parola cambiata',
16 noMispell: 'Controllo ortografico completato: nessun errore trovato',
17 noSuggestions: '- Nessun suggerimento -',
18 notAvailable: 'Il servizio non è momentaneamente disponibile.',
19 notInDic: 'Non nel dizionario',
20 oneChange: 'Controllo ortografico completato: 1 parola cambiata',
21 progress: 'Controllo ortografico in corso',
22 title: 'Controllo ortografico',
23 toolbar: 'Correttore ortografico'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ja.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe90d5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ja', {
6 btnIgnore: '無視',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'すべて無視',
8 btnReplace: '置換',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'すべて置換',
10 btnUndo: 'やり直し',
11 changeTo: '変更',
12 errorLoading: 'アプリケーションサービスホスト読込みエラー: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'スペルチェッカーがインストールされていません。今すぐダウンロードしますか?',
14 manyChanges: 'スペルチェック完了: %1 語句変更されました',
15 noChanges: 'スペルチェック完了: 語句は変更されませんでした',
16 noMispell: 'スペルチェック完了: スペルの誤りはありませんでした',
17 noSuggestions: '- 該当なし -',
18 notAvailable: '申し訳ありません、現在サービスを利用することができません',
19 notInDic: '辞書にありません',
20 oneChange: 'スペルチェック完了: 1語句変更されました',
21 progress: 'スペルチェック処理中...',
22 title: 'スペルチェック',
23 toolbar: 'スペルチェック'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ka.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70cc4bed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ka', {
6 btnIgnore: 'უგულებელყოფა',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'ყველას უგულებელყოფა',
8 btnReplace: 'შეცვლა',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'ყველას შეცვლა',
10 btnUndo: 'გაუქმება',
11 changeTo: 'შეცვლელი',
12 errorLoading: 'სერვისის გამოძახების შეცდომა: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'მართლწერის შემოწმება არაა დაინსტალირებული. ჩამოვქაჩოთ ინტერნეტიდან?',
14 manyChanges: 'მართლწერის შემოწმება: %1 სიტყვა შეიცვალა',
15 noChanges: 'მართლწერის შემოწმება: არაფერი შეცვლილა',
16 noMispell: 'მართლწერის შემოწმება: შეცდომა არ მოიძებნა',
17 noSuggestions: '- არაა შემოთავაზება -',
18 notAvailable: 'უკაცრავად, ეს სერვისი ამჟამად მიუწვდომელია.',
19 notInDic: 'არაა ლექსიკონში',
20 oneChange: 'მართლწერის შემოწმება: ერთი სიტყვა შეიცვალა',
21 progress: 'მიმდინარეობს მართლწერის შემოწმება...',
22 title: 'მართლწერა',
23 toolbar: 'მართლწერა'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/km.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26693a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'km', {
6 btnIgnore: 'មិនផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'មិនផ្លាស់ប្តូរ ទាំងអស់',
8 btnReplace: 'ជំនួស',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'ជំនួសទាំងអស់',
10 btnUndo: 'សារឡើងវិញ',
11 changeTo: 'ផ្លាស់ប្តូរទៅ',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'ពុំមានកម្មវិធីពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ ។ តើចង់ទាញយកពីណា?',
14 manyChanges: 'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: %1 ពាក្យបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
15 noChanges: 'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: ពុំមានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
16 noMispell: 'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: គ្មានកំហុស',
17 noSuggestions: '- គ្មានសំណើរ -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'គ្មានក្នុងវចនានុក្រម',
20 oneChange: 'ការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធបានចប់: ពាក្យមួយត្រូចបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ',
21 progress: 'កំពុងពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'ពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ko.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e71340d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ko', {
6 btnIgnore: '건너뜀',
7 btnIgnoreAll: '모두 건너뜀',
8 btnReplace: '변경',
9 btnReplaceAll: '모두 변경',
10 btnUndo: '취소',
11 changeTo: '변경할 단어',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: '철자 검사기가 철치되지 않았습니다. 지금 다운로드하시겠습니까?',
14 manyChanges: '철자검사 완료: %1 단어가 변경되었습니다.',
15 noChanges: '철자검사 완료: 변경된 단어가 없습니다.',
16 noMispell: '철자검사 완료: 잘못된 철자가 없습니다.',
17 noSuggestions: '- 추천단어 없음 -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: '사전에 없는 단어',
20 oneChange: '철자검사 완료: 단어가 변경되었습니다.',
21 progress: '철자검사를 진행중입니다...',
22 title: 'Spell Check',
23 toolbar: '철자검사'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ku.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ku.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a69cdc01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ku.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ku', {
6 btnIgnore: 'پشتگوێ کردن',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'پشتگوێکردنی ههمووی',
8 btnReplace: 'لهبریدانن',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'لهبریدانانی ههمووی',
10 btnUndo: 'پووچکردنهوه',
11 changeTo: 'گۆڕینی بۆ',
12 errorLoading: 'ههڵه لههێنانی داخوازینامهی خانهخۆێی ڕاژه: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس دانهمزراوه. دهتهوێت ئێستا دایبگریت?',
14 manyChanges: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس کۆتای هات: لهسهدا %1 ی وشهکان گۆڕدرا',
15 noChanges: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس کۆتای هات: هیچ وشهیهك نۆگۆڕدرا',
16 noMispell: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس کۆتای هات: هیچ ههڵهیهکی ڕێنووس نهدۆزراوه',
17 noSuggestions: '- هیچ پێشنیارێك -',
18 notAvailable: 'ببووره، لهمکاتهدا ڕاژهکه لهبهردهستا نیه.',
19 notInDic: 'لهفهرههنگ دانیه',
20 oneChange: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس کۆتای هات: یهك وشه گۆڕدرا',
21 progress: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس لهبهردهوامبوون دایه...',
22 title: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس',
23 toolbar: 'پشکنینی ڕێنووس'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/lt.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce87d11e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'lt', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignoruoti',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignoruoti visus',
8 btnReplace: 'Pakeisti',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Pakeisti visus',
10 btnUndo: 'Atšaukti',
11 changeTo: 'Pakeisti į',
12 errorLoading: 'Klaida įkraunant servisą: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Rašybos tikrinimas neinstaliuotas. Ar Jūs norite jį dabar atsisiųsti?',
14 manyChanges: 'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Pakeista %1 žodžių',
15 noChanges: 'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Nėra pakeistų žodžių',
16 noMispell: 'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Nerasta rašybos klaidų',
17 noSuggestions: '- Nėra pasiūlymų -',
18 notAvailable: 'Atleiskite, šiuo metu servisas neprieinamas.',
19 notInDic: 'Žodyne nerastas',
20 oneChange: 'Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas: Vienas žodis pakeistas',
21 progress: 'Vyksta rašybos tikrinimas...',
22 title: 'Tikrinti klaidas',
23 toolbar: 'Rašybos tikrinimas'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/lv.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4084468b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'lv', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignorēt',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorēt visu',
8 btnReplace: 'Aizvietot',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Aizvietot visu',
10 btnUndo: 'Atcelt',
11 changeTo: 'Nomainīt uz',
12 errorLoading: 'Kļūda ielādējot aplikācijas servisa adresi: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaudītājs nav pievienots. Vai vēlaties to lejupielādēt tagad?',
14 manyChanges: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude pabeigta: %1 vārdi tika mainīti',
15 noChanges: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude pabeigta: nekas netika labots',
16 noMispell: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude pabeigta: kļūdas netika atrastas',
17 noSuggestions: '- Nav ieteikumu -',
18 notAvailable: 'Atvainojiet, bet serviss šobrīd nav pieejams.',
19 notInDic: 'Netika atrasts vārdnīcā',
20 oneChange: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude pabeigta: 1 vārds izmainīts',
21 progress: 'Notiek pareizrakstības pārbaude...',
22 title: 'Pārbaudīt gramatiku',
23 toolbar: 'Pareizrakstības pārbaude'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/mk.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/mk.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2145814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/mk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'mk', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignore',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignore All',
8 btnReplace: 'Replace',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Replace All',
10 btnUndo: 'Undo',
11 changeTo: 'Change to',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?',
14 manyChanges: 'Spell check complete: %1 words changed',
15 noChanges: 'Spell check complete: No words changed',
16 noMispell: 'Spell check complete: No misspellings found',
17 noSuggestions: '- No suggestions -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Not in dictionary',
20 oneChange: 'Spell check complete: One word changed',
21 progress: 'Spell check in progress...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Check Spelling'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/mn.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f61f9e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'mn', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Зөвшөөрөх',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Бүгдийг зөвшөөрөх',
8 btnReplace: 'Солих',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Бүгдийг Дарж бичих',
10 btnUndo: 'Буцаах',
11 changeTo: 'Өөрчлөх',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Дүрэм шалгагч суугаагүй байна. Татаж авахыг хүсч байна уу?',
14 manyChanges: 'Дүрэм шалгаад дууссан: %1 үг өөрчлөгдсөн',
15 noChanges: 'Дүрэм шалгаад дууссан: үг өөрчлөгдөөгүй',
16 noMispell: 'Дүрэм шалгаад дууссан: Алдаа олдсонгүй',
17 noSuggestions: '- Тайлбаргүй -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Толь бичиггүй',
20 oneChange: 'Дүрэм шалгаад дууссан: 1 үг өөрчлөгдсөн',
21 progress: 'Дүрэм шалгаж байгаа үйл явц...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Үгийн дүрэх шалгах'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ms.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a45a0346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ms', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Biar',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Biarkan semua',
8 btnReplace: 'Ganti',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Gantikan Semua',
10 btnUndo: 'Batalkan',
11 changeTo: 'Tukarkan kepada',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Pemeriksa ejaan tidak dipasang. Adakah anda mahu muat turun sekarang?',
14 manyChanges: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: %1 perkataan diubah',
15 noChanges: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Tiada perkataan diubah',
16 noMispell: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Tiada salah ejaan',
17 noSuggestions: '- Tiada cadangan -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Tidak terdapat didalam kamus',
20 oneChange: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Satu perkataan telah diubah',
21 progress: 'Pemeriksaan ejaan sedang diproses...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Semak Ejaan'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/nb.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/nb.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02a070a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/nb.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'nb', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignorer',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorer alle',
8 btnReplace: 'Erstatt',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Erstatt alle',
10 btnUndo: 'Angre',
11 changeTo: 'Endre til',
12 errorLoading: 'Feil under lasting av applikasjonstjenestetjener: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Stavekontroll er ikke installert. Vil du laste den ned nå?',
14 manyChanges: 'Stavekontroll fullført: %1 ord endret',
15 noChanges: 'Stavekontroll fullført: ingen ord endret',
16 noMispell: 'Stavekontroll fullført: ingen feilstavinger funnet',
17 noSuggestions: '- Ingen forslag -',
18 notAvailable: 'Beklager, tjenesten er utilgjenglig nå.',
19 notInDic: 'Ikke i ordboken',
20 oneChange: 'Stavekontroll fullført: Ett ord endret',
21 progress: 'Stavekontroll pågår...',
22 title: 'Stavekontroll',
23 toolbar: 'Stavekontroll'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/nl.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..742027dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'nl', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Negeren',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Alles negeren',
8 btnReplace: 'Vervangen',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Alles vervangen',
10 btnUndo: 'Ongedaan maken',
11 changeTo: 'Wijzig in',
12 errorLoading: 'Er is een fout opgetreden bij het laden van de dienst: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'De spellingscontrole is niet geïnstalleerd. Wilt u deze nu downloaden?',
14 manyChanges: 'Klaar met spellingscontrole: %1 woorden aangepast',
15 noChanges: 'Klaar met spellingscontrole: geen woorden aangepast',
16 noMispell: 'Klaar met spellingscontrole: geen fouten gevonden',
17 noSuggestions: '- Geen suggesties -',
18 notAvailable: 'Excuses, deze dienst is momenteel niet beschikbaar.',
19 notInDic: 'Niet in het woordenboek',
20 oneChange: 'Klaar met spellingscontrole: één woord aangepast',
21 progress: 'Bezig met spellingscontrole...',
22 title: 'Spellingscontrole',
23 toolbar: 'Spellingscontrole'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/no.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..416f67a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'no', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignorer',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorer alle',
8 btnReplace: 'Erstatt',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Erstatt alle',
10 btnUndo: 'Angre',
11 changeTo: 'Endre til',
12 errorLoading: 'Feil under lasting av applikasjonstjenestetjener: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Stavekontroll er ikke installert. Vil du laste den ned nå?',
14 manyChanges: 'Stavekontroll fullført: %1 ord endret',
15 noChanges: 'Stavekontroll fullført: ingen ord endret',
16 noMispell: 'Stavekontroll fullført: ingen feilstavinger funnet',
17 noSuggestions: '- Ingen forslag -',
18 notAvailable: 'Beklager, tjenesten er utilgjenglig nå.',
19 notInDic: 'Ikke i ordboken',
20 oneChange: 'Stavekontroll fullført: Ett ord endret',
21 progress: 'Stavekontroll pågår...',
22 title: 'Stavekontroll',
23 toolbar: 'Stavekontroll'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/pl.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f40934e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'pl', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignoruj',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignoruj wszystkie',
8 btnReplace: 'Zmień',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Zmień wszystkie',
10 btnUndo: 'Cofnij',
11 changeTo: 'Zmień na',
12 errorLoading: 'Błąd wczytywania hosta aplikacji usługi: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Słownik nie jest zainstalowany. Czy chcesz go pobrać?',
14 manyChanges: 'Sprawdzanie zakończone: zmieniono %l słów',
15 noChanges: 'Sprawdzanie zakończone: nie zmieniono żadnego słowa',
16 noMispell: 'Sprawdzanie zakończone: nie znaleziono błędów',
17 noSuggestions: '- Brak sugestii -',
18 notAvailable: 'Przepraszamy, ale usługa jest obecnie niedostępna.',
19 notInDic: 'Słowa nie ma w słowniku',
20 oneChange: 'Sprawdzanie zakończone: zmieniono jedno słowo',
21 progress: 'Trwa sprawdzanie...',
22 title: 'Sprawdź pisownię',
23 toolbar: 'Sprawdź pisownię'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/pt-br.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/pt-br.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0469357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/pt-br.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'pt-br', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignorar uma vez',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorar Todas',
8 btnReplace: 'Alterar',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Alterar Todas',
10 btnUndo: 'Desfazer',
11 changeTo: 'Alterar para',
12 errorLoading: 'Erro carregando servidor de aplicação: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'A verificação ortográfica não foi instalada. Você gostaria de realizar o download agora?',
14 manyChanges: 'Verificação ortográfica encerrada: %1 palavras foram alteradas',
15 noChanges: 'Verificação ortográfica encerrada: Não houve alterações',
16 noMispell: 'Verificação encerrada: Não foram encontrados erros de ortografia',
17 noSuggestions: '-sem sugestões de ortografia-',
18 notAvailable: 'Desculpe, o serviço não está disponível no momento.',
19 notInDic: 'Não encontrada',
20 oneChange: 'Verificação ortográfica encerrada: Uma palavra foi alterada',
21 progress: 'Verificação ortográfica em andamento...',
22 title: 'Corretor Ortográfico',
23 toolbar: 'Verificar Ortografia'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/pt.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/pt.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..744fd28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/pt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'pt', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignorar',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorar Tudo',
8 btnReplace: 'Substituir',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Substituir Tudo',
10 btnUndo: 'Anular',
11 changeTo: 'Mudar para',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: ' Verificação ortográfica não instalada. Quer descarregar agora?',
14 manyChanges: 'Verificação ortográfica completa: %1 palavras alteradas',
15 noChanges: 'Verificação ortográfica completa: não houve alteração de palavras',
16 noMispell: 'Verificação ortográfica completa: não foram encontrados erros',
17 noSuggestions: '- Sem sugestões -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Não está num directório',
20 oneChange: 'Verificação ortográfica completa: uma palavra alterada',
21 progress: 'Verificação ortográfica em progresso…',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Verificação Ortográfica'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ro.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4b40e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ro', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignoră',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignoră toate',
8 btnReplace: 'Înlocuieşte',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Înlocuieşte tot',
10 btnUndo: 'Starea anterioară (undo)',
11 changeTo: 'Schimbă în',
12 errorLoading: 'Eroare în lansarea aplicației service host %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Unealta pentru verificat textul (Spell checker) neinstalată. Doriţi să o descărcaţi acum?',
14 manyChanges: 'Verificarea textului terminată: 1% cuvinte modificate',
15 noChanges: 'Verificarea textului terminată: Niciun cuvânt modificat',
16 noMispell: 'Verificarea textului terminată: Nicio greşeală găsită',
17 noSuggestions: '- Fără sugestii -',
18 notAvailable: 'Scuzați, dar serviciul nu este disponibil momentan.',
19 notInDic: 'Nu e în dicţionar',
20 oneChange: 'Verificarea textului terminată: Un cuvânt modificat',
21 progress: 'Verificarea textului în desfăşurare...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Verifică scrierea textului'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ru.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d73f3018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ru', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Пропустить',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Пропустить всё',
8 btnReplace: 'Заменить',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Заменить всё',
10 btnUndo: 'Отменить',
11 changeTo: 'Изменить на',
12 errorLoading: 'Произошла ошибка при подключении к серверу проверки орфографии: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Модуль проверки орфографии не установлен. Хотите скачать его?',
14 manyChanges: 'Проверка орфографии завершена. Изменено слов: %1',
15 noChanges: 'Проверка орфографии завершена. Не изменено ни одного слова',
16 noMispell: 'Проверка орфографии завершена. Ошибок не найдено',
17 noSuggestions: '- Варианты отсутствуют -',
18 notAvailable: 'Извините, но в данный момент сервис недоступен.',
19 notInDic: 'Отсутствует в словаре',
20 oneChange: 'Проверка орфографии завершена. Изменено одно слово',
21 progress: 'Орфография проверяется...',
22 title: 'Проверка орфографии',
23 toolbar: 'Проверить орфографию'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sk.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c2ce037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'sk', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignorovať',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorovať všetko',
8 btnReplace: 'Prepísat',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Prepísat všetko',
10 btnUndo: 'Späť',
11 changeTo: 'Zmeniť na',
12 errorLoading: 'Chyba pri načítaní slovníka z adresy: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Kontrola pravopisu nie je naištalovaná. Chcete ju teraz stiahnuť?',
14 manyChanges: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: Bolo zmenených %1 slov',
15 noChanges: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: Neboli zmenené žiadne slová',
16 noMispell: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: Neboli nájdené žiadne chyby pravopisu',
17 noSuggestions: '- Žiadny návrh -',
18 notAvailable: 'Prepáčte, ale služba je momentálne nedostupná.',
19 notInDic: 'Nie je v slovníku',
20 oneChange: 'Kontrola pravopisu dokončená: Bolo zmenené jedno slovo',
21 progress: 'Prebieha kontrola pravopisu...',
22 title: 'Skontrolovať pravopis',
23 toolbar: 'Kontrola pravopisu'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sl.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sl.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba871234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'sl', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Prezri',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Prezri vse',
8 btnReplace: 'Zamenjaj',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Zamenjaj vse',
10 btnUndo: 'Razveljavi',
11 changeTo: 'Spremeni v',
12 errorLoading: 'Napaka pri nalaganju storitve programa na naslovu %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Črkovalnik ni nameščen. Ali ga želite prenesti sedaj?',
14 manyChanges: 'Črkovanje je končano: Spremenjenih je bilo %1 besed',
15 noChanges: 'Črkovanje je končano: Nobena beseda ni bila spremenjena',
16 noMispell: 'Črkovanje je končano: Brez napak',
17 noSuggestions: '- Ni predlogov -',
18 notAvailable: 'Oprostite, storitev trenutno ni dosegljiva.',
19 notInDic: 'Ni v slovarju',
20 oneChange: 'Črkovanje je končano: Spremenjena je bila ena beseda',
21 progress: 'Preverjanje črkovanja se izvaja...',
22 title: 'Črkovalnik',
23 toolbar: 'Preveri črkovanje'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sr-latn.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sr-latn.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9585cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sr-latn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'sr-latn', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignoriši',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignoriši sve',
8 btnReplace: 'Zameni',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Zameni sve',
10 btnUndo: 'Vrati akciju',
11 changeTo: 'Izmeni',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Provera spelovanja nije instalirana. Da li želite da je skinete sa Interneta?',
14 manyChanges: 'Provera spelovanja završena: %1 reč(i) je izmenjeno',
15 noChanges: 'Provera spelovanja završena: Nije izmenjena nijedna rec',
16 noMispell: 'Provera spelovanja završena: greške nisu pronadene',
17 noSuggestions: '- Bez sugestija -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Nije u rečniku',
20 oneChange: 'Provera spelovanja završena: Izmenjena je jedna reč',
21 progress: 'Provera spelovanja u toku...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Proveri spelovanje'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sr.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c4cb7f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'sr', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Игнориши',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Игнориши све',
8 btnReplace: 'Замени',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Замени све',
10 btnUndo: 'Врати акцију',
11 changeTo: 'Измени',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Провера спеловања није инсталирана. Да ли желите да је скинете са Интернета?',
14 manyChanges: 'Провера спеловања завршена: %1 реч(и) је измењено',
15 noChanges: 'Провера спеловања завршена: Није измењена ниједна реч',
16 noMispell: 'Провера спеловања завршена: грешке нису пронађене',
17 noSuggestions: '- Без сугестија -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'Није у речнику',
20 oneChange: 'Провера спеловања завршена: Измењена је једна реч',
21 progress: 'Провера спеловања у току...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'Провери спеловање'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sv.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32e11e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'sv', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Ignorera',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Ignorera alla',
8 btnReplace: 'Ersätt',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Ersätt alla',
10 btnUndo: 'Ångra',
11 changeTo: 'Ändra till',
12 errorLoading: 'Tjänsten är ej tillgänglig: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Stavningskontrollen är ej installerad. Vill du göra det nu?',
14 manyChanges: 'Stavningskontroll slutförd: %1 ord rättades.',
15 noChanges: 'Stavningskontroll slutförd: Inga ord rättades.',
16 noMispell: 'Stavningskontroll slutförd: Inga stavfel påträffades.',
17 noSuggestions: '- Förslag saknas -',
18 notAvailable: 'Tyvärr är tjänsten ej tillgänglig nu',
19 notInDic: 'Saknas i ordlistan',
20 oneChange: 'Stavningskontroll slutförd: Ett ord rättades.',
21 progress: 'Stavningskontroll pågår...',
22 title: 'Kontrollera stavning',
23 toolbar: 'Stavningskontroll'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/th.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/th.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e09e6cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/th.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'th', {
6 btnIgnore: 'ยกเว้น',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'ยกเว้นทั้งหมด',
8 btnReplace: 'แทนที่',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'แทนที่ทั้งหมด',
10 btnUndo: 'ยกเลิก',
11 changeTo: 'แก้ไขเป็น',
12 errorLoading: 'Error loading application service host: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'ไม่ได้ติดตั้งระบบตรวจสอบคำสะกด. ต้องการติดตั้งไหมครับ?',
14 manyChanges: 'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น:: แก้ไข %1 คำ',
15 noChanges: 'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: ไม่มีการแก้คำใดๆ',
16 noMispell: 'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: ไม่พบคำสะกดผิด',
17 noSuggestions: '- ไม่มีคำแนะนำใดๆ -',
18 notAvailable: 'Sorry, but service is unavailable now.',
19 notInDic: 'ไม่พบในดิกชันนารี',
20 oneChange: 'ตรวจสอบคำสะกดเสร็จสิ้น: แก้ไข1คำ',
21 progress: 'กำลังตรวจสอบคำสะกด...',
22 title: 'Spell Checker',
23 toolbar: 'ตรวจการสะกดคำ'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/tr.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f400035c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'tr', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Yoksay',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Tümünü Yoksay',
8 btnReplace: 'Değiştir',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Tümünü Değiştir',
10 btnUndo: 'Geri Al',
11 changeTo: 'Şuna değiştir:',
12 errorLoading: 'Uygulamada yüklerken hata oluştu: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Yazım denetimi yüklenmemiş. Şimdi yüklemek ister misiniz?',
14 manyChanges: 'Yazım denetimi tamamlandı: %1 kelime değiştirildi',
15 noChanges: 'Yazım denetimi tamamlandı: Hiçbir kelime değiştirilmedi',
16 noMispell: 'Yazım denetimi tamamlandı: Yanlış yazıma rastlanmadı',
17 noSuggestions: '- Öneri Yok -',
18 notAvailable: 'Üzügünüz, bu servis şuanda hizmet dışıdır.',
19 notInDic: 'Sözlükte Yok',
20 oneChange: 'Yazım denetimi tamamlandı: Bir kelime değiştirildi',
21 progress: 'Yazım denetimi işlemde...',
22 title: 'Yazımı Denetle',
23 toolbar: 'Yazım Denetimi'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ug.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ug.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..273621e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/ug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'ug', {
6 btnIgnore: 'پەرۋا قىلما',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'ھەممىگە پەرۋا قىلما',
8 btnReplace: 'ئالماشتۇر',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'ھەممىنى ئالماشتۇر',
10 btnUndo: 'يېنىۋال',
11 changeTo: 'ئۆزگەرت',
12 errorLoading: 'لازىملىق مۇلازىمېتىرنى يۈكلىگەندە خاتالىق كۆرۈلدى: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'ئىملا تەكشۈرۈش قىستۇرمىسى تېخى ئورنىتىلمىغان، ھازىرلا چۈشۈرەمسىز؟',
14 manyChanges: 'ئىملا تەكشۈرۈش تامام: %1 سۆزنى ئۆزگەرتتى',
15 noChanges: 'ئىملا تەكشۈرۈش تامام: ھېچقانداق سۆزنى ئۆزگەرتمىدى',
16 noMispell: 'ئىملا تەكشۈرۈش تامام: ئىملا خاتالىقى بايقالمىدى',
17 noSuggestions: '-تەكلىپ يوق-',
18 notAvailable: 'كەچۈرۈڭ، مۇلازىمېتىرنى ۋاقتىنچە ئىشلەتكىلى بولمايدۇ',
19 notInDic: 'لۇغەتتە يوق',
20 oneChange: 'ئىملا تەكشۈرۈش تامام: بىر سۆزنى ئۆزگەرتتى',
21 progress: 'ئىملا تەكشۈرۈۋاتىدۇ…',
22 title: 'ئىملا تەكشۈر',
23 toolbar: 'ئىملا تەكشۈر'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/uk.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a813bff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'uk', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Пропустити',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Пропустити все',
8 btnReplace: 'Замінити',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Замінити все',
10 btnUndo: 'Назад',
11 changeTo: 'Замінити на',
12 errorLoading: 'Помилка завантаження : %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Модуль перевірки орфографії не встановлено. Бажаєте завантажити його зараз?',
14 manyChanges: 'Перевірку орфографії завершено: 1% слів(ова) змінено',
15 noChanges: 'Перевірку орфографії завершено: жодне слово не змінено',
16 noMispell: 'Перевірку орфографії завершено: помилок не знайдено',
17 noSuggestions: '- немає варіантів -',
18 notAvailable: 'Вибачте, але сервіс наразі недоступний.',
19 notInDic: 'Немає в словнику',
20 oneChange: 'Перевірку орфографії завершено: змінено одне слово',
21 progress: 'Виконується перевірка орфографії...',
22 title: 'Перевірка орфографії',
23 toolbar: 'Перевірити орфографію'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/vi.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/vi.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bba8969c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/vi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'vi', {
6 btnIgnore: 'Bỏ qua',
7 btnIgnoreAll: 'Bỏ qua tất cả',
8 btnReplace: 'Thay thế',
9 btnReplaceAll: 'Thay thế tất cả',
10 btnUndo: 'Phục hồi lại',
11 changeTo: 'Chuyển thành',
12 errorLoading: 'Lỗi khi đang nạp dịch vụ ứng dụng: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: 'Chức năng kiểm tra chính tả chưa được cài đặt. Bạn có muốn tải về ngay bây giờ?',
14 manyChanges: 'Hoàn tất kiểm tra chính tả: %1 từ đã được thay đổi',
15 noChanges: 'Hoàn tất kiểm tra chính tả: Không có từ nào được thay đổi',
16 noMispell: 'Hoàn tất kiểm tra chính tả: Không có lỗi chính tả',
17 noSuggestions: '- Không đưa ra gợi ý về từ -',
18 notAvailable: 'Xin lỗi, dịch vụ này hiện tại không có.',
19 notInDic: 'Không có trong từ điển',
20 oneChange: 'Hoàn tất kiểm tra chính tả: Một từ đã được thay đổi',
21 progress: 'Đang tiến hành kiểm tra chính tả...',
22 title: 'Kiểm tra chính tả',
23 toolbar: 'Kiểm tra chính tả'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/zh-cn.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2987b84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'zh-cn', {
6 btnIgnore: '忽略',
7 btnIgnoreAll: '全部忽略',
8 btnReplace: '替换',
9 btnReplaceAll: '全部替换',
10 btnUndo: '撤消',
11 changeTo: '更改为',
12 errorLoading: '加载应该服务主机时出错: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: '拼写检查插件还没安装, 您是否想现在就下载?',
14 manyChanges: '拼写检查完成: 更改了 %1 个单词',
15 noChanges: '拼写检查完成: 没有更改任何单词',
16 noMispell: '拼写检查完成: 没有发现拼写错误',
17 noSuggestions: '- 没有建议 -',
18 notAvailable: '抱歉, 服务目前暂不可用',
19 notInDic: '没有在字典里',
20 oneChange: '拼写检查完成: 更改了一个单词',
21 progress: '正在进行拼写检查...',
22 title: '拼写检查',
23 toolbar: '拼写检查'
diff --git a/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/zh.js b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/zh.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3aa83d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/plugins/wsc/lang/zh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
2Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
5CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'wsc', 'zh', {
6 btnIgnore: '忽略',
7 btnIgnoreAll: '全部忽略',
8 btnReplace: '取代',
9 btnReplaceAll: '全部取代',
10 btnUndo: '復原',
11 changeTo: '更改為',
12 errorLoading: '無法聯系侍服器: %s.',
13 ieSpellDownload: '尚未安裝拼字檢查元件。您是否想要現在下載?',
14 manyChanges: '拼字檢查完成:更改了 %1 個單字',
15 noChanges: '拼字檢查完成:未更改任何單字',
16 noMispell: '拼字檢查完成:未發現拼字錯誤',
17 noSuggestions: '- 無建議值 -',
18 notAvailable: '抱歉,服務目前暫不可用',
19 notInDic: '不在字典中',
20 oneChange: '拼字檢查完成:更改了 1 個單字',
21 progress: '進行拼字檢查中…',
22 title: '拼字檢查',
23 toolbar: '拼字檢查'