from kivy.uix.relativelayout import RelativeLayout from import NumericProperty, ListProperty from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.clock import Clock import threading import yaml import sys from .music_file import * from .mixer import Mixer from . import Config, gain, error_print class Mapping(RelativeLayout): expected_keys = NumericProperty(0) master_volume = NumericProperty(100) ready_color = ListProperty([1, 165/255, 0, 1]) def __init__(self, **kwargs): if Config.builtin_mixing: self.mixer = Mixer() else: self.mixer = None self.key_config, self.open_files = self.parse_config() super(Mapping, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self._keyboard_closed, self) self._keyboard.bind(on_key_down=self._on_keyboard_down) self.running = [] Clock.schedule_interval(self.not_all_keys_ready, 1) @property def master_gain(self): return gain(self.master_volume) def set_master_volume(self, value, delta=False): [db_gain, self.master_volume] = gain( value + int(delta) * self.master_volume, self.master_volume) for music in self.open_files.values(): music.set_gain(db_gain) def _keyboard_closed(self): self._keyboard.unbind(on_key_down=self._on_keyboard_down) self._keyboard = None def _on_keyboard_down(self, keyboard, keycode, text, modifiers): key = self.find_by_key_code(keycode) if len(modifiers) == 0 and key is not None: threading.Thread(name="MSKeyAction", target=key.do_actions).start() elif 'ctrl' in modifiers and (keycode[0] == 113 or keycode[0] == '99'): for thread in threading.enumerate(): if thread.getName()[0:2] != "MS": continue thread.join() sys.exit() return True def find_by_key_code(self, key_code): if "Key_" + str(key_code[0]) in self.ids: return self.ids["Key_" + str(key_code[0])] return None def not_all_keys_ready(self, dt): for key in self.children: if not type(key).__name__ == "Key": continue if not key.is_key_ready: return True self.ready_color = [0, 1, 0, 1] return False def stop_all_running(self): running = self.running self.running = [] for (key, start_time) in running: key.interrupt_action() def start_running(self, key, start_time): self.running.append((key, start_time)) def keep_running(self, key, start_time): return (key, start_time) in self.running def finished_running(self, key, start_time): if (key, start_time) in self.running: self.running.remove((key, start_time)) def parse_config(self): stream = open(Config.yml_file, "r") try: config = yaml.load(stream) except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as e: error_print("Error while loading config file: {}".format(e)) sys.exit() stream.close() aliases = config['aliases'] seen_files = {} key_properties = {} for key in config['key_properties']: if key not in key_properties: key_prop = config['key_properties'][key] if 'include' in key_prop: included = key_prop['include'] del(key_prop['include']) if isinstance(included, str): key_prop.update(aliases[included], **key_prop) else: for included_ in included: key_prop.update(aliases[included_], **key_prop) key_properties[key] = { "actions": [], "properties": key_prop, "files": [] } for mapped_key in config['keys']: if mapped_key not in key_properties: key_properties[mapped_key] = { "actions": [], "properties": {}, "files": [] } for action in config['keys'][mapped_key]: action_name = list(action)[0] action_args = {} if action[action_name] is None: action[action_name] = [] if 'include' in action[action_name]: included = action[action_name]['include'] del(action[action_name]['include']) if isinstance(included, str): action[action_name].update( aliases[included], **action[action_name]) else: for included_ in included: action[action_name].update( aliases[included_], **action[action_name]) for argument in action[action_name]: if argument == 'file': filename = action[action_name]['file'] if filename not in seen_files: if filename in config['music_properties']: seen_files[filename] = MusicFile( filename, self, **config['music_properties'][filename]) else: seen_files[filename] = MusicFile( self, filename) if filename not in key_properties[mapped_key]['files']: key_properties[mapped_key]['files'] \ .append(seen_files[filename]) action_args['music'] = seen_files[filename] else: action_args[argument] = action[action_name][argument] key_properties[mapped_key]['actions'] \ .append([action_name, action_args]) return (key_properties, seen_files)