from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from import AliasProperty, BooleanProperty, \ ListProperty, StringProperty from kivy.uix.behaviors import ButtonBehavior from .action import Action from . import debug_print import time import threading from transitions.extensions import HierarchicalMachine as Machine class Key(ButtonBehavior, Widget): STATES = [ 'initial', 'configuring', 'configured', 'loading', 'failed', { 'name': 'loaded', 'children': [ 'no_config', 'no_actions', 'running', 'protecting_repeat' ] } ] TRANSITIONS = [ { 'trigger': 'configure', 'source': 'initial', 'dest': 'configuring' }, { 'trigger': 'fail', 'source': 'configuring', 'dest': 'failed', 'after': 'key_loaded_callback' }, { 'trigger': 'success', 'source': 'configuring', 'dest': 'configured', 'after': 'load' }, { 'trigger': 'no_config', 'source': 'configuring', 'dest': 'loaded_no_config', 'after': 'key_loaded_callback' }, { 'trigger': 'load', 'source': 'configured', 'dest': 'loading' }, { 'trigger': 'fail', 'source': 'loading', 'dest': 'failed', 'after': 'key_loaded_callback' }, { 'trigger': 'success', 'source': 'loading', 'dest': 'loaded', 'after': 'key_loaded_callback' }, { 'trigger': 'no_actions', 'source': 'loading', 'dest': 'loaded_no_actions', 'after': 'key_loaded_callback' }, { 'trigger': 'reload', 'source': ['loaded','failed'], 'dest': 'configuring', 'after': 'key_loaded_callback' }, { 'trigger': 'run', 'source': 'loaded', 'dest': 'loaded_running', 'after': ['run_actions', 'finish'], # if a child, like loaded_no_actions, has no transitions, then it is # bubbled to the parent, and we don't want that. 'conditions': ['is_loaded'] }, { 'trigger': 'finish', 'source': 'loaded_running', 'dest': 'loaded_protecting_repeat' }, { 'trigger': 'repeat_protection_finished', 'source': 'loaded_protecting_repeat', 'dest': 'loaded' }, ] key_sym = StringProperty(None) custom_color = ListProperty([0, 1, 0]) description_title = StringProperty("") description = ListProperty([]) state = StringProperty("") def get_alias_line_color(self): if self.is_loaded_running(): return [0, 0, 0, 1] else: return [120/255, 120/255, 120/255, 1] def set_alias_line_color(self): pass line_color = AliasProperty(get_alias_line_color, set_alias_line_color, bind=['state']) def get_alias_color(self): if self.is_loaded_inactive(): return [1, 1, 1, 1] elif self.is_loaded_protecting_repeat(): return [*self.custom_color, 100/255] elif self.is_loaded(allow_substates=True): return [*self.custom_color, 1] elif self.is_failed(): return [0, 0, 0, 1] else: return [*self.custom_color, 100/255] def set_alias_color(self): pass color = AliasProperty(get_alias_color, set_alias_color, bind=['state', 'custom_color']) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.actions = [] self.current_action = None Machine(model=self, states=self.STATES, transitions=self.TRANSITIONS, initial='initial', ignore_invalid_triggers=True, queued=True) super(Key, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Kivy events def on_key_sym(self, key, key_sym): if key_sym != "": self.configure() def on_press(self): self.list_actions() # Machine states / events def is_loaded_or_failed(self): return self.is_loaded(allow_substates=True) or self.is_failed() def is_loaded_inactive(self): return self.is_loaded_no_config() or self.is_loaded_no_actions() def on_enter_configuring(self): if self.key_sym in self.parent.key_config: self.config = self.parent.key_config[self.key_sym] self.actions = [] for key_action in self.config['actions']: self.add_action(key_action[0], **key_action[1]) if 'description' in self.config['properties']: self.set_description(self.config['properties']['description']) if 'color' in self.config['properties']: self.set_color(self.config['properties']['color']) self.success() else: self.no_config() def on_enter_loading(self): if len(self.actions) > 0: for action in self.actions: action.load() else: self.no_actions() def run_actions(self, modifiers): self.parent.parent.ids['KeyList'].append(self.key_sym) debug_print("running actions for {}".format(self.key_sym)) start_time = time.time() self.parent.start_running(self, start_time) for self.current_action in self.actions: if self.parent.keep_running(self, start_time): self.list_actions() self.list_actions(last_action_finished=True) self.parent.finished_running(self, start_time) def on_enter_loaded_protecting_repeat(self, modifiers): if 'repeat_delay' in self.config['properties']: self.protecting_repeat_timer = threading.Timer( self.config['properties']['repeat_delay'], self.repeat_protection_finished) self.protecting_repeat_timer.start() else: self.repeat_protection_finished() # This one cannot be in the Machine state since it would be queued to run # *after* the loop is ended... def interrupt(self): self.current_action.interrupt() # Callbacks def key_loaded_callback(self): self.parent.key_loaded_callback() def callback_action_ready(self, action, success): if not success: elif all(action.is_loaded_or_failed() for action in self.actions): self.success() # Setters def set_description(self, description): if description[0] is not None: self.description_title = str(description[0]) self.description = [] for desc in description[1 :]: if desc is None: self.description.append("") else: self.description.append(str(desc).replace(" ", " ")) def set_color(self, color): color = [x / 255 for x in color] self.custom_color = color # Actions handling def add_action(self, action_name, **arguments): self.actions.append(Action(action_name, self, **arguments)) def list_actions(self, last_action_finished=False): not_running = (not self.is_loaded_running()) current_action_seen = False action_descriptions = [] for action in self.actions: if not_running: state = "inactive" elif last_action_finished: state = "done" elif current_action_seen: state = "pending" elif action == self.current_action: current_action_seen = True state = "current" else: state = "done" action_descriptions.append([action.description(), state]) self.parent.parent.ids['ActionList'].update_list( self, action_descriptions)