#!/bin/bash TEMPLATE='{ "cmd": "submitcheck", "token": $token, "checkresult": [{ "hostname": $hostname, "state": $state, "output": $output, "type": $type, "servicename": $servicename }] }' url="<%= @naemon_url %>" token="<%= @naemon_token %>" while getopts "u:t:H:s:S:o:" option do case $option in u) url=$OPTARG ;; t) token=$OPTARG ;; H) hostname=$OPTARG ;; s) servicename=$OPTARG ;; S) state=$OPTARG ;; o) output=$OPTARG ;; esac done if [ -n "$servicename" ]; then checktype="service" else checktype="host" fi payload=$(jq -n \ --arg type "$checktype" \ --arg hostname "$hostname" \ --arg servicename "$servicename" \ --arg output "$output" \ --arg token "$token" \ --arg state "$state" \ "$TEMPLATE") rslt=$(curl -f --silent --insecure -d "$payload" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "$url") ret=$? if [ $ret != 0 ];then echo "ERROR: could not connect to NRDP server at $url" exit 1 fi status=$(echo "$rslt" | jq -r .status) message=$(echo "$rslt" | jq -r .message) if [ "$status" != "ok" ];then echo "ERROR: The NRDP Server said $message" exit 2 fi echo "Sent 1 checks to $url"