path: root/modules/profile/manifests/postgresql/backup_dump.pp
blob: 10e349a560d0b9126a75192eca2d2daa1af05e7c (plain) (tree)

define profile::postgresql::backup_dump (
  String $pg_user  = "postgres",
  String $pg_group = "postgres",
) {
  $base_path        = $title
  $pg_path          = "$base_path/postgresql"
  $pg_backup_path   = "$base_path/postgresql_backup"
  $pg_host          = split($base_path, "/")[-1]

  ensure_packages(["python", "python-pip"])
  ensure_resource("package", "pylog2rotate", {
    source   => "git+https://github.com/avian2/pylog2rotate",
    ensure   => present,
    provider => "pip3",
    require  => Package["python-pip"],

  file { $pg_backup_path:
    ensure  => directory,
    owner   => $pg_user,
    group   => $pg_group,
    mode    => "0700",
    require => File[$base_path],

  cron::job::multiple { "backup_psql_$pg_host":
    ensure  => "present",
    require => [File[$pg_backup_path], File[$pg_path]],
    jobs    => [
        command     => "/usr/bin/pg_dumpall -h $pg_path -f $pg_backup_path/\$(date -Iseconds).sql",
        user        => $pg_user,
        hour        => "22,4,10,16",
        minute      => 0,
        description => "Backup the database",
        command     => "/usr/bin/rm -f $(ls -1 $pg_backup_path/*.sql | grep -v 'T22:' | sort -r | sed -e '1,12d')",
        user        => $pg_user,
        hour        => 3,
        minute      => 0,
        description => "Cleanup the database backups",
        command     => "cd $pg_backup_path ; /usr/bin/rm -f $(ls -1 *T22*.sql | log2rotate --skip 7 --fuzz 7 --delete --format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+02:00.sql')",
        user        => $pg_user,
        hour        => 3,
        minute      => 1,
        description => "Cleanup the database backups exponentially",