diff --git a/tgl/crypto/rsa_pem_openssl.c b/tgl/crypto/rsa_pem_openssl.c
index db653f2..5e6a697 100644
--- a/tgl/crypto/rsa_pem_openssl.c
+++ b/tgl/crypto/rsa_pem_openssl.c
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ TGLC_WRAPPER_ASSOC(rsa,RSA)
 // TODO: Refactor crucial struct-identity into its own header.
+ * Since OpenSSL version 1.1.0 the RSA struct (rsa_st) is opaque,
+ * see also https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/OpenSSL_1.1.0_Changes
+ */
+#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L)
 TGLC_rsa *TGLC_rsa_new (unsigned long e, int n_bytes, const unsigned char *n) {
   RSA *ret = RSA_new ();
   ret->e = unwrap_bn (TGLC_bn_new ());
@@ -47,7 +53,30 @@ TGLC_rsa *TGLC_rsa_new (unsigned long e, int n_bytes, const unsigned char *n) {
 #define RSA_GETTER(M)                                                          \
   TGLC_bn *TGLC_rsa_ ## M (TGLC_rsa *key) {                                    \
     return wrap_bn (unwrap_rsa (key)->M);                                      \
-  }                                                                            \
+  }
+TGLC_rsa *TGLC_rsa_new (unsigned long e, int n_bytes, const unsigned char *n) {
+  RSA *ret = RSA_new ();
+  BIGNUM *ret_e = unwrap_bn (TGLC_bn_new ());
+  BIGNUM *ret_n = unwrap_bn (TGLC_bn_bin2bn (n, n_bytes, NULL));
+  RSA_set0_key (ret, ret_n, ret_e, NULL);
+  TGLC_bn_set_word (wrap_bn (ret_e), e);
+  return wrap_rsa (ret);
+#define RSA_GETTER(M)                       \
+TGLC_bn *TGLC_rsa_ ## M (TGLC_rsa *key) {   \
+    BIGNUM *rsa_n, *rsa_e, *rsa_d;          \
+    RSA_get0_key(unwrap_rsa (key),          \
+        (const BIGNUM **) &rsa_n,           \
+        (const BIGNUM **) &rsa_e,           \
+        (const BIGNUM **) &rsa_d);          \
+    return wrap_bn (rsa_ ## M);             \
@@ -60,4 +89,4 @@ TGLC_rsa *TGLC_pem_read_RSAPublicKey (FILE *fp) {
   return wrap_rsa (PEM_read_RSAPublicKey (fp, NULL, NULL, NULL));
diff --git a/tgl/mtproto-utils.c b/tgl/mtproto-utils.c
index 0948bc8..cfdb216 100644
--- a/tgl/mtproto-utils.c
+++ b/tgl/mtproto-utils.c
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ static unsigned long long BN2ull (TGLC_bn *b) {
   if (sizeof (unsigned long) == 8) {
     return TGLC_bn_get_word (b);
   } else if (sizeof (unsigned long long) == 8) {
-    assert (0); // As long as nobody ever uses this code, assume it is broken.
+//    assert (0); // As long as nobody ever uses this code, assume it is broken.
     unsigned long long tmp;
     /* Here be dragons, but it should be okay due to be64toh */
     TGLC_bn_bn2bin (b, (unsigned char *) &tmp);
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ static void ull2BN (TGLC_bn *b, unsigned long long val) {
   if (sizeof (unsigned long) == 8 || val < (1ll << 32)) {
     TGLC_bn_set_word (b, val);
   } else if (sizeof (unsigned long long) == 8) {
-    assert (0); // As long as nobody ever uses this code, assume it is broken.
+//    assert (0); // As long as nobody ever uses this code, assume it is broken.
     /* Here be dragons, but it should be okay due to htobe64 */
     TGLC_bn_bin2bn ((unsigned char *) &val, 8, b);
diff --git a/tgl/tl-parser/tl-parser.c b/tgl/tl-parser/tl-parser.c
index 524b196..aeadbd2 100644
--- a/tgl/tl-parser/tl-parser.c
+++ b/tgl/tl-parser/tl-parser.c
@@ -1903,7 +1903,7 @@ struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_args134 (struct tree *T) {
       //assert (S->data);
       char *name = S->data;
       if (!name) {
-        static char s[20];
+        static char s[21];
         sprintf (s, "%lld", lrand48 () * (1ll << 32) + lrand48 ());
         name = s;