{ environment, varDir, secretsPath , composerEnv, fetchurl, fetchgit, sources }: let app = composerEnv.buildPackage ( import ./php-packages.nix { inherit composerEnv fetchurl fetchgit; } // rec { version = sources.websites-piedsjaloux-app.version; pname = "piedsjaloux"; name = "${pname}-${version}"; src = sources.websites-piedsjaloux-app; noDev = (environment == "prod"); preInstall = '' export SYMFONY_ENV="${environment}" ''; # /!\ miniatures and data need to be in the same physical dir due to a # bug in leapt.im (searches for data/../miniatures) postInstall = '' cd $out rm app/config/parameters.yml ln -sf ${secretsPath} app/config/parameters.yml rm -rf var/{logs,cache,data,miniatures,tmp} ln -sf ${varDir}/{logs,cache,data,miniatures,tmp} var/ ''; passthru = { inherit varDir environment secretsPath; webRoot = "${app}/web"; }; }); in app