nur: ./scripts/make-nur curl -o /dev/null -XPOST "" push_remote: git push origin $$(stg id {base}):master shellcheck: shellcheck scripts/* deploy/scripts/* modules/private/gitolite/ modules/private/ssh/ modules/private/pub/restrict .PHONY: nur shellcheck ###### Initial setup setup: ./scripts/setup .PHONY: setup ###### Morph regular tasks PROFILE=./deploy/history TARGET ?= COMMON_COLEMNA_ARGS = -f ./deploy/flake.nix -v #Only enabled in colemna 0.4: --nix-option allow-unsafe-native-code-during-evaluation true --nix-option allow-import-from-derivation true --nix-option substituters MORPH_ARGS ?= ifdef TARGET # multiple targets: --on="{machine1,machine2}" (works with * glob too) override MORPH_ARGS +=--on=$(TARGET) endif SSH_ARGS ?= nodes= dilion eldiron backup-2 monitoring-1 quatresaisons zoldene refresh_flakes: @if [ -n "$(TARGET)" ]; then \ ./scripts/refresh_flakes --no-new-inputs ./systems/$(TARGET)/flake.nix; \ nix --no-warn-dirty flake lock --update-input n-$(TARGET) ./flakes; \ nix --no-warn-dirty flake lock --update-input main-flake ./deploy; \ else \ ./scripts/refresh_flakes --no-new-inputs; \ fi (cd deploy ; nix flake lock --update-input secrets || true) (cd deploy ; nix flake lock --update-input secrets-local || true) .PHONY: refresh_flakes .PHONY: build $(addprefix build-,$(nodes)) build-dilion build-eldiron build-backup-2 build-monitoring-1 build-quatresaisons build-zoldene: $(MAKE) build TARGET=$(@:build-%=%) build: refresh_flakes colmena build $(COMMON_COLEMNA_ARGS) $(MORPH_ARGS) .PHONY: deploy $(addprefix deploy-,$(nodes)) deploy-dilion deploy-eldiron deploy-backup-2 deploy-monitoring-1 deploy-quatresaisons deploy-zoldene: $(MAKE) deploy TARGET=$(@:deploy-%=%) deploy: refresh_flakes ./scripts/with_env colmena apply $(COMMON_COLEMNA_ARGS) switch --keep-result $(MORPH_ARGS) $(MAKE) keep-roots .PHONY: ssh $(addprefix ssh-,$(nodes)) ssh-4c: ssh-quatresaisons ssh-dilion ssh-eldiron ssh-backup-2 ssh-monitoring-1 ssh-quatresaisons ssh-zoldene: $(MAKE) ssh TARGET=$(@:ssh-%=%) ssh: ./scripts/with_env bash -c 'ssh -i $$SSH_IDENTITY_FILE root@$(TARGET) $(SSH_ARGS)' .PHONY: ssh-decrypt $(addsuffix -decrypt,$(addprefix ssh-,$(nodes))) ssh-zoldene-decrypt: $(MAKE) ssh-decrypt TARGET=$(@:ssh-%-decrypt=%) ssh-decrypt: until ping -c1 $(TARGET); do :; done ./scripts/with_env bash -c 'ssh -p 2222 -i $$SSH_IDENTITY_FILE root@$(TARGET) $(SSH_ARGS)' .PHONY: debug $(addprefix debug-,$(nodes)) debug-dilion debug-eldiron debug-backup-2 debug-monitoring-1 debug-quatresaisons debug-zoldene: $(MAKE) debug TARGET=$(@:debug-%=%) debug: refresh_flakes colmena build $(COMMON_COLEMNA_ARGS) --show-trace $(MORPH_ARGS) .PHONY: upload $(addprefix upload-,$(nodes)) upload-dilion upload-eldiron upload-backup-2 upload-monitoring-1 upload-quatresaisons upload-zoldene: $(MAKE) upload TARGET=$(@:upload-%=%) upload: refresh_flakes ./scripts/with_env colmena apply $(COMMON_COLEMNA_ARGS) push $(MORPH_ARGS) .PHONY: test-deploy $(addprefix test-deploy-,$(nodes)) test-deploy-dilion test-deploy-eldiron test-deploy-backup-2 test-deploy-monitoring-1 test-deploy-quatresaisons test-deploy-zoldene: $(MAKE) test-deploy TARGET=$(@:test-deploy-%=%) test-deploy: refresh_flakes ./scripts/with_env colmena apply $(COMMON_COLEMNA_ARGS) test $(MORPH_ARGS) .PHONY: next-boot $(addprefix next-boot-,$(nodes)) next-boot-dilion next-boot-eldiron next-boot-backup-2 next-boot-monitoring-1 next-boot-quatresaisons next-boot-zoldene: $(MAKE) next-boot TARGET=$(@:next-boot-%=%) next-boot: refresh_flakes ./scripts/with_env colmena apply $(COMMON_COLEMNA_ARGS) boot $(MORPH_ARGS) .PHONY: deploy-reboot $(addprefix deploy-reboot-,$(nodes)) deploy-reboot-dilion deploy-reboot-eldiron deploy-reboot-backup-2 deploy-reboot-monitoring-1 deploy-reboot-quatresaisons deploy-reboot-zoldene: $(MAKE) deploy-reboot TARGET=$(@:deploy-reboot-%=%) deploy-reboot: refresh_flakes ./scripts/with_env colmena apply $(COMMON_COLEMNA_ARGS) boot --reboot $(MORPH_ARGS) # Run it a second time because first time uploads the secrets # before rebooting $(MAKE) deploy keep-roots: mkdir -p $(PROFILE) for i in deploy/.gcroots/node-*; do nix-env -p $(PROFILE)/$$(basename $$i | sed -e "s/node-//") --set "$$i"; done systems := $(shell find $(PROFILE) -type l -not -name "*link" -printf "%f ") ###### Cleanup generations and garbage collection GEN ?= "+3" list-generations: @$(foreach system, $(systems), echo $(system);\ nix-env -p $(PROFILE)/$(system) --list-generations;\ $(MAKE) ssh-$(system) SSH_ARGS="nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --list-generations";\ ) .PHONY: list-generations delete-generations: $(MAKE) keep-roots @$(foreach system, $(systems), echo $(system); \ nix-env -p $(PROFILE)/$(system) --delete-generations $(GEN);\ $(MAKE) ssh-$(system) SSH_ARGS="nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --delete-generations $(GEN)";\ ) .PHONY: delete-generations cleanup: delete-generations nix-store --gc @$(foreach system, $(systems), echo $(system); \ $(MAKE) ssh-$(system) SSH_ARGS="nix-store --gc";\ ) .PHONY: cleanup