{% extends "layout.twig" %} {% block title %}{% trans "config" %}{% endblock %} {% block menu %} {% include '_menu.twig' %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% trans "There are several ways to save an article:" %} (?)
{% trans "Your feed token is currently empty and must first be generated to enable feeds. Click here to generate it." %}
{% else %}{% trans "Your token:" %} {{token}}
{% trans "Your user id:" %} {{user_id}}
{% trans "You can regenerate your token: generate!." %}
{% endif %}{% trans "You can import your Pocket, Readability, Instapaper, Wallabag or any data in appropriate json or html format." %}
{% trans "Please select export file on your computer and press \"Import\" button below.
Wallabag will parse your file, insert all URLs and start fetching of articles if required.
Fetching process is controlled by two constants in your config file: IMPORT_LIMIT (how many articles are fetched at once) and IMPORT_DELAY (delay between fetch of next batch of articles)." %}
{% trans "Click here" %} {% trans "to download your database." %}
{% endif %}{% trans "Click here" %} {% trans "to export your wallabag data." %}
{% trans "Click here" %} {% trans "to delete cache." %}
{% endblock %}