{% extends "layout.twig" %} {% block title %}{% trans "config" %}{% endblock %} {% block menu %} {% include '_menu.twig' %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% trans "There are several ways to save an article:" %} (?)
{% trans "Please execute the import script locally, it can take a very long time." %}
{% trans "More infos in the official doc:" %} wallabag.org
{% trans "Click here" %} {% trans "to export your wallabag data." %}
{% trans "Click on this link to get all your articles in one ebook (ePub 3 format)." %}
{% trans "This can take a while and can even fail if you have too many articles, depending on your server configuration." %}
{% trans 'Add a new user :' %}
{% trans "You are the only user, you cannot delete your own account." %}
{% trans "To completely remove wallabag, delete the wallabag folder on your web server." %}