filepath = $filepath; return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function import() { if (!$this->user) { $this->logger->error('InstapaperImport: user is not defined'); return false; } if (!file_exists($this->filepath) || !is_readable($this->filepath)) { $this->logger->error('InstapaperImport: unable to read file', ['filepath' => $this->filepath]); return false; } $entries = []; $handle = fopen($this->filepath, 'r'); while (false !== ($data = fgetcsv($handle, 10240))) { if ('URL' === $data[0]) { continue; } // last element in the csv is the folder where the content belong // BUT it can also be the status (since status = folder in Instapaper) // and we don't want archive, unread & starred to become a tag $tags = null; if (false === \in_array($data[3], ['Archive', 'Unread', 'Starred'], true)) { $tags = [$data[3]]; } $entries[] = [ 'url' => $data[0], 'title' => $data[1], 'status' => $data[3], 'is_archived' => 'Archive' === $data[3] || 'Starred' === $data[3], 'is_starred' => 'Starred' === $data[3], 'html' => false, 'tags' => $tags, ]; } fclose($handle); if (empty($entries)) { $this->logger->error('InstapaperImport: no entries in imported file'); return false; } if ($this->producer) { $this->parseEntriesForProducer($entries); return true; } $this->parseEntries($entries); return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function validateEntry(array $importedEntry) { if (empty($importedEntry['url'])) { return false; } return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function parseEntry(array $importedEntry) { $existingEntry = $this->em ->getRepository('WallabagCoreBundle:Entry') ->findByUrlAndUserId($importedEntry['url'], $this->user->getId()); if (false !== $existingEntry) { ++$this->skippedEntries; return; } $entry = new Entry($this->user); $entry->setUrl($importedEntry['url']); $entry->setTitle($importedEntry['title']); // update entry with content (in case fetching failed, the given entry will be return) $this->fetchContent($entry, $importedEntry['url'], $importedEntry); if (!empty($importedEntry['tags'])) { $this->tagsAssigner->assignTagsToEntry( $entry, $importedEntry['tags'], $this->em->getUnitOfWork()->getScheduledEntityInsertions() ); } $entry->setArchived($importedEntry['is_archived']); $entry->setStarred($importedEntry['is_starred']); $this->em->persist($entry); ++$this->importedEntries; return $entry; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function setEntryAsRead(array $importedEntry) { $importedEntry['is_archived'] = 1; return $importedEntry; } }