render('WallabagImportBundle:Import:index.html.twig', [ 'imports' => $this->get('wallabag_import.chain')->getAll(), ]); } /** * Display how many messages are queue (both in Redis and RabbitMQ). * Only for admins. */ public function checkQueueAction() { $nbRedisMessages = null; $nbRabbitMessages = null; $redisNotInstalled = false; $rabbitNotInstalled = false; if (!$this->get('security.authorization_checker')->isGranted('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN')) { return $this->render('WallabagImportBundle:Import:check_queue.html.twig'); } if ($this->get('craue_config')->get('import_with_rabbitmq')) { // in case rabbit is activated but not installed try { $nbRabbitMessages = $this->getTotalMessageInRabbitQueue('pocket') + $this->getTotalMessageInRabbitQueue('readability') + $this->getTotalMessageInRabbitQueue('wallabag_v1') + $this->getTotalMessageInRabbitQueue('wallabag_v2') + $this->getTotalMessageInRabbitQueue('firefox') + $this->getTotalMessageInRabbitQueue('chrome') + $this->getTotalMessageInRabbitQueue('instapaper') ; } catch (\Exception $e) { $rabbitNotInstalled = true; } } elseif ($this->get('craue_config')->get('import_with_redis')) { $redis = $this->get('wallabag_core.redis.client'); try { $nbRedisMessages = $redis->llen('wallabag.import.pocket') + $redis->llen('wallabag.import.readability') + $redis->llen('wallabag.import.wallabag_v1') + $redis->llen('wallabag.import.wallabag_v2') + $redis->llen('wallabag.import.firefox') + $redis->llen('') + $redis->llen('wallabag.import.instapaper') ; } catch (\Exception $e) { $redisNotInstalled = true; } } return $this->render('WallabagImportBundle:Import:check_queue.html.twig', [ 'nbRedisMessages' => $nbRedisMessages, 'nbRabbitMessages' => $nbRabbitMessages, 'redisNotInstalled' => $redisNotInstalled, 'rabbitNotInstalled' => $rabbitNotInstalled, ]); } /** * Count message in RabbitMQ queue. * It get one message without acking it (so it'll stay in the queue) * which will include the total of *other* messages in the queue. * Adding one to that messages will result in the full total message. * * @param string $importService The import service related: pocket, readability, wallabag_v1 or wallabag_v2 * * @return int */ private function getTotalMessageInRabbitQueue($importService) { $message = $this ->get('old_sound_rabbit_mq.import_'.$importService.'_consumer') ->getChannel() ->basic_get('wallabag.import.'.$importService); if (null === $message) { return 0; } return $message->delivery_info['message_count'] + 1; } }