entryRepository = $entryRepository; $this->tagRepository = $tagRepository; $this->notificationRepository = $notificationRepository; $this->tokenStorage = $tokenStorage; $this->lifeTime = $lifeTime; $this->nbNotifications = $nbNotifications; $this->translator = $translator; } public function getFilters() { return [ new \Twig_SimpleFilter('removeWww', [$this, 'removeWww']), new \Twig_SimpleFilter('unread_notif', [$this, 'unreadNotif']), ]; } public function getFunctions() { return array( new \Twig_SimpleFunction('count_entries', [$this, 'countEntries']), new \Twig_SimpleFunction('count_tags', [$this, 'countTags']), new \Twig_SimpleFunction('display_stats', [$this, 'displayStats']), new \Twig_SimpleFunction('get_notifications', [$this, 'getNotifications']) ); } public function removeWww($url) { return preg_replace('/^www\./i', '', $url); } /** * @param $notifs * @return array */ public function unreadNotif($notifs) { return array_filter($notifs, function (NotificationInterface $notif) { return !$notif->isRead(); }); } /** * Return number of entries depending of the type (unread, archive, starred or all). * * @param string $type Type of entries to count * * @return int */ public function countEntries($type) { $user = $this->tokenStorage->getToken() ? $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser() : null; if (null === $user || !is_object($user)) { return 0; } switch ($type) { case 'starred': $qb = $this->entryRepository->getBuilderForStarredByUser($user->getId()); break; case 'archive': $qb = $this->entryRepository->getBuilderForArchiveByUser($user->getId()); break; case 'unread': $qb = $this->entryRepository->getBuilderForUnreadByUser($user->getId()); break; case 'all': $qb = $this->entryRepository->getBuilderForAllByUser($user->getId()); break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Type "%s" is not implemented.', $type)); } // THANKS to PostgreSQL we CAN'T make a DEAD SIMPLE count(e.id) // ERROR: column "e0_.id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function $query = $qb ->select('e.id') ->groupBy('e.id') ->getQuery(); $query->useQueryCache(true); $query->useResultCache(true); $query->setResultCacheLifetime($this->lifeTime); return count($query->getArrayResult()); } /** * Return number of tags. * * @return int */ public function countTags() { $user = $this->tokenStorage->getToken() ? $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser() : null; if (null === $user || !is_object($user)) { return 0; } return $this->tagRepository->countAllTags($user->getId()); } public function getNotifications() { $user = $this->tokenStorage->getToken() ? $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser() : null; if (null === $user || !is_object($user)) { return 0; } return $this->notificationRepository->findBy( ['user' => $user->getId()], ['timestamp' => 'DESC'], $this->nbNotifications ); } /** * Display a single line about reading stats. * * @return string */ public function displayStats() { $user = $this->tokenStorage->getToken() ? $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser() : null; if (null === $user || !is_object($user)) { return 0; } $query = $this->entryRepository->getBuilderForArchiveByUser($user->getId()) ->select('e.id') ->groupBy('e.id') ->getQuery(); $query->useQueryCache(true); $query->useResultCache(true); $query->setResultCacheLifetime($this->lifeTime); $nbArchives = count($query->getArrayResult()); $interval = $user->getCreatedAt()->diff(new \DateTime('now')); $nbDays = (int) $interval->format('%a') ?: 1; // force setlocale for date translation setlocale(LC_TIME, strtolower($user->getConfig()->getLanguage()).'_'.strtoupper(strtolower($user->getConfig()->getLanguage()))); return $this->translator->trans('footer.stats', [ '%user_creation%' => strftime('%e %B %Y', $user->getCreatedAt()->getTimestamp()), '%nb_archives%' => $nbArchives, '%per_day%' => round($nbArchives / $nbDays, 2), ]); } }