getDoctrine() ->getRepository('WallabagCoreBundle:Tag') ->findOneByLabel($label); if (is_null($tagEntity)) { $tagEntity = new Tag($this->getUser()); $tagEntity->setLabel($label); } // only add the tag on the entry if the relation doesn't exist if (!$entry->getTags()->contains($tagEntity)) { $entry->addTag($tagEntity); } } } /** * Retrieve all entries. It could be filtered by many options. * * @ApiDoc( * parameters={ * {"name"="archive", "dataType"="boolean", "required"=false, "format"="true or false, all entries by default", "description"="filter by archived status."}, * {"name"="star", "dataType"="boolean", "required"=false, "format"="true or false, all entries by default", "description"="filter by starred status."}, * {"name"="sort", "dataType"="string", "required"=false, "format"="'created' or 'updated', default 'created'", "description"="sort entries by date."}, * {"name"="order", "dataType"="string", "required"=false, "format"="'asc' or 'desc', default 'desc'", "description"="order of sort."}, * {"name"="page", "dataType"="integer", "required"=false, "format"="default '1'", "description"="what page you want."}, * {"name"="perPage", "dataType"="integer", "required"=false, "format"="default'30'", "description"="results per page."}, * {"name"="tags", "dataType"="string", "required"=false, "format"="api%2Crest", "description"="a list of tags url encoded. Will returns entries that matches ALL tags."}, * } * ) * * @return Entry */ public function getEntriesAction(Request $request) { $isArchived = $request->query->get('archive'); $isStarred = $request->query->get('star'); $sort = $request->query->get('sort', 'created'); $order = $request->query->get('order', 'desc'); $page = (int) $request->query->get('page', 1); $perPage = (int) $request->query->get('perPage', 30); $tags = $request->query->get('tags', []); $pager = $this ->getDoctrine() ->getRepository('WallabagCoreBundle:Entry') ->findEntries($this->getUser()->getId(), $isArchived, $isStarred, $sort, $order); $pager->setCurrentPage($page); $pager->setMaxPerPage($perPage); $pagerfantaFactory = new PagerfantaFactory('page', 'perPage'); $paginatedCollection = $pagerfantaFactory->createRepresentation( $pager, new Route('api_get_entries', [], $absolute = true) ); $json = $this->get('serializer')->serialize($paginatedCollection, 'json'); return $this->renderJsonResponse($json); } /** * Retrieve a single entry. * * @ApiDoc( * requirements={ * {"name"="entry", "dataType"="integer", "requirement"="\w+", "description"="The entry ID"} * } * ) * * @return Entry */ public function getEntryAction(Entry $entry) { $this->validateUserAccess($entry->getUser()->getId()); $json = $this->get('serializer')->serialize($entry, 'json'); return $this->renderJsonResponse($json); } /** * Create an entry. * * @ApiDoc( * parameters={ * {"name"="url", "dataType"="string", "required"=true, "format"="", "description"="Url for the entry."}, * {"name"="title", "dataType"="string", "required"=false, "description"="Optional, we'll get the title from the page."}, * {"name"="tags", "dataType"="string", "required"=false, "format"="tag1,tag2,tag3", "description"="a comma-separated list of tags."}, * } * ) * * @return Entry */ public function postEntriesAction(Request $request) { $url = $request->request->get('url'); $entry = $this->get('wallabag_core.content_proxy')->updateEntry( new Entry($this->getUser()), $url ); $tags = $request->request->get('tags', ''); if (!empty($tags)) { $this->assignTagsToEntry($entry, $tags); } $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $em->persist($entry); $em->flush(); $json = $this->get('serializer')->serialize($entry, 'json'); return $this->renderJsonResponse($json); } /** * Change several properties of an entry. * * @ApiDoc( * requirements={ * {"name"="entry", "dataType"="integer", "requirement"="\w+", "description"="The entry ID"} * }, * parameters={ * {"name"="title", "dataType"="string", "required"=false}, * {"name"="tags", "dataType"="string", "required"=false, "format"="tag1,tag2,tag3", "description"="a comma-separated list of tags."}, * {"name"="archive", "dataType"="boolean", "required"=false, "format"="true or false", "description"="archived the entry."}, * {"name"="star", "dataType"="boolean", "required"=false, "format"="true or false", "description"="starred the entry."}, * } * ) * * @return Entry */ public function patchEntriesAction(Entry $entry, Request $request) { $this->validateUserAccess($entry->getUser()->getId()); $title = $request->request->get('title'); $isArchived = $request->request->get('is_archived'); $isStarred = $request->request->get('is_starred'); if (!is_null($title)) { $entry->setTitle($title); } if (!is_null($isArchived)) { $entry->setArchived($isArchived); } if (!is_null($isStarred)) { $entry->setStarred($isStarred); } $tags = $request->request->get('tags', ''); if (!empty($tags)) { $this->assignTagsToEntry($entry, $tags); } $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $em->flush(); $json = $this->get('serializer')->serialize($entry, 'json'); return $this->renderJsonResponse($json); } /** * Delete **permanently** an entry. * * @ApiDoc( * requirements={ * {"name"="entry", "dataType"="integer", "requirement"="\w+", "description"="The entry ID"} * } * ) * * @return Entry */ public function deleteEntriesAction(Entry $entry) { $this->validateUserAccess($entry->getUser()->getId()); $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $em->remove($entry); $em->flush(); $json = $this->get('serializer')->serialize($entry, 'json'); return $this->renderJsonResponse($json); } /** * Retrieve all tags for an entry. * * @ApiDoc( * requirements={ * {"name"="entry", "dataType"="integer", "requirement"="\w+", "description"="The entry ID"} * } * ) */ public function getEntriesTagsAction(Entry $entry) { $this->validateUserAccess($entry->getUser()->getId()); $json = $this->get('serializer')->serialize($entry->getTags(), 'json'); return $this->renderJsonResponse($json); } /** * Add one or more tags to an entry. * * @ApiDoc( * requirements={ * {"name"="entry", "dataType"="integer", "requirement"="\w+", "description"="The entry ID"} * }, * parameters={ * {"name"="tags", "dataType"="string", "required"=false, "format"="tag1,tag2,tag3", "description"="a comma-separated list of tags."}, * } * ) */ public function postEntriesTagsAction(Request $request, Entry $entry) { $this->validateUserAccess($entry->getUser()->getId()); $tags = $request->request->get('tags', ''); if (!empty($tags)) { $this->assignTagsToEntry($entry, $tags); } $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $em->persist($entry); $em->flush(); $json = $this->get('serializer')->serialize($entry, 'json'); return $this->renderJsonResponse($json); } /** * Permanently remove one tag for an entry. * * @ApiDoc( * requirements={ * {"name"="tag", "dataType"="integer", "requirement"="\w+", "description"="The tag ID"}, * {"name"="entry", "dataType"="integer", "requirement"="\w+", "description"="The entry ID"} * } * ) */ public function deleteEntriesTagsAction(Entry $entry, Tag $tag) { $this->validateUserAccess($entry->getUser()->getId()); $entry->removeTag($tag); $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $em->persist($entry); $em->flush(); $json = $this->get('serializer')->serialize($entry, 'json'); return $this->renderJsonResponse($json); } /** * Retrieve all tags. * * @ApiDoc() */ public function getTagsAction() { $json = $this->get('serializer')->serialize($this->getUser()->getTags(), 'json'); return $this->renderJsonResponse($json); } /** * Permanently remove one tag from **every** entry. * * @ApiDoc( * requirements={ * {"name"="tag", "dataType"="integer", "requirement"="\w+", "description"="The tag"} * } * ) */ public function deleteTagAction(Tag $tag) { $this->validateUserAccess($tag->getUser()->getId()); $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $em->remove($tag); $em->flush(); $json = $this->get('serializer')->serialize($tag, 'json'); return $this->renderJsonResponse($json); } /** * Validate that the first id is equal to the second one. * If not, throw exception. It means a user try to access information from an other user. * * @param int $requestUserId User id from the requested source */ private function validateUserAccess($requestUserId) { $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser(); if ($requestUserId != $user->getId()) { throw $this->createAccessDeniedException('Access forbidden. Entry user id: '.$requestUserId.', logged user id: '.$user->getId()); } } /** * Send a JSON Response. * We don't use the Symfony JsonRespone, because it takes an array as parameter instead of a JSON string. * * @param string $json * * @return Response */ private function renderJsonResponse($json) { return new Response($json, 200, array('application/json')); } }