<?php /** * poche, a read it later open source system * * @category poche * @author Nicolas LÅ“uillet <nicolas@loeuillet.org> * @copyright 2013 * @license http://www.wtfpl.net/ see COPYING file */ define ('POCHE_VERSION', '1.0-alpha'); define ('MODE_DEMO', FALSE); define ('DEBUG_POCHE', FALSE); define ('CONVERT_LINKS_FOOTNOTES', FALSE); define ('REVERT_FORCED_PARAGRAPH_ELEMENTS', FALSE); define ('DOWNLOAD_PICTURES', FALSE); define ('SHARE_TWITTER', TRUE); define ('SALT', '464v54gLLw928uz4zUBqkRJeiPY68zCX'); define ('ABS_PATH', 'assets/'); define ('TPL', './tpl'); define ('LOCALE', './locale'); define ('CACHE', './cache'); define ('LANG', 'fr_FR.UTF8'); $storage_type = 'sqlite'; # sqlite, mysql, (file, not yet) # /!\ Be careful if you change the lines below /!\ require_once './inc/poche/Tools.class.php'; require_once './inc/poche/Url.class.php'; require_once './inc/poche/Poche.class.php'; require_once './inc/3rdparty/Readability.php'; require_once './inc/3rdparty/Encoding.php'; require_once './inc/3rdparty/Session.class.php'; require_once './inc/store/store.class.php'; require_once './inc/store/' . $storage_type . '.class.php'; require_once './vendor/autoload.php'; require_once './inc/3rdparty/simple_html_dom.php'; if (DOWNLOAD_PICTURES) { require_once './inc/poche/pochePictures.php'; } $poche = new Poche($storage_type);