<?php /** * poche, a read it later open source system * * @category poche * @author Nicolas LÅ“uillet <support@inthepoche.com> * @copyright 2013 * @license http://www.wtfpl.net/ see COPYING file */ class Poche { public $user; public $store; public $tpl; public $messages; public $pagination; function __construct() { $this->initTpl(); if (!$this->checkBeforeInstall()) { exit; } $this->store = new Database(); $this->init(); $this->messages = new Messages(); # installation if(!$this->store->isInstalled()) { $this->install(); } } /** * all checks before installation. * @return boolean */ private function checkBeforeInstall() { $msg = ''; $allIsGood = TRUE; if (file_exists('./install') && !DEBUG_POCHE) { Tools::logm('folder /install exists'); $msg = 'If you want to update your poche, you just have to delete /install folder. <br />To install your poche with sqlite, copy /install/poche.sqlite in /db and delete the folder /install. you have to delete the /install folder before using poche.'; $allIsGood = FALSE; } if (STORAGE == 'sqlite' && !is_writable(STORAGE_SQLITE)) { Tools::logm('you don\'t have write access on db file'); $msg = 'You don\'t have write access on ' . STORAGE_SQLITE . ' file.'; $allIsGood = FALSE; } if (!$allIsGood) { echo $this->tpl->render('error.twig', array( 'msg' => $msg )); } return $allIsGood; } private function initTpl() { # template engine $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(TPL); if (DEBUG_POCHE) { $twig_params = array(); } else { $twig_params = array('cache' => CACHE); } $this->tpl = new Twig_Environment($loader, $twig_params); $this->tpl->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_I18n()); # filter to display domain name of an url $filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('getDomain', 'Tools::getDomain'); $this->tpl->addFilter($filter); # filter for reading time $filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('getReadingTime', 'Tools::getReadingTime'); $this->tpl->addFilter($filter); } private function init() { Tools::initPhp(); Session::init(); if (isset($_SESSION['poche_user']) && $_SESSION['poche_user'] != array()) { $this->user = $_SESSION['poche_user']; } else { # fake user, just for install & login screens $this->user = new User(); $this->user->setConfig($this->getDefaultConfig()); } # l10n $language = $this->user->getConfigValue('language'); putenv('LC_ALL=' . $language); setlocale(LC_ALL, $language); bindtextdomain($language, LOCALE); textdomain($language); # Pagination $this->pagination = new Paginator($this->user->getConfigValue('pager'), 'p'); } private function install() { Tools::logm('poche still not installed'); echo $this->tpl->render('install.twig', array( 'token' => Session::getToken() )); if (isset($_GET['install'])) { if (($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password_repeat']) && $_POST['password'] != "" && $_POST['login'] != "") { # let's rock, install poche baby ! $this->store->install($_POST['login'], Tools::encodeString($_POST['password'] . $_POST['login'])); Session::logout(); Tools::logm('poche is now installed'); Tools::redirect(); } else { Tools::logm('error during installation'); Tools::redirect(); } } exit(); } public function getDefaultConfig() { return array( 'pager' => PAGINATION, 'language' => LANG, ); } /** * Call action (mark as fav, archive, delete, etc.) */ public function action($action, Url $url, $id = 0, $import = FALSE) { switch ($action) { case 'add': if($parametres_url = $url->fetchContent()) { if ($this->store->add($url->getUrl(), $parametres_url['title'], $parametres_url['content'], $this->user->getId())) { Tools::logm('add link ' . $url->getUrl()); $sequence = ''; if (STORAGE == 'postgres') { $sequence = 'entries_id_seq'; } $last_id = $this->store->getLastId($sequence); if (DOWNLOAD_PICTURES) { $content = filtre_picture($parametres_url['content'], $url->getUrl(), $last_id); Tools::logm('updating content article'); $this->store->updateContent($last_id, $content, $this->user->getId()); } if (!$import) { $this->messages->add('s', _('the link has been added successfully')); } } else { if (!$import) { $this->messages->add('e', _('error during insertion : the link wasn\'t added')); Tools::logm('error during insertion : the link wasn\'t added ' . $url->getUrl()); } } } else { if (!$import) { $this->messages->add('e', _('error during fetching content : the link wasn\'t added')); Tools::logm('error during content fetch ' . $url->getUrl()); } } if (!$import) { Tools::redirect(); } break; case 'delete': $msg = 'delete link #' . $id; if ($this->store->deleteById($id, $this->user->getId())) { if (DOWNLOAD_PICTURES) { remove_directory(ABS_PATH . $id); } $this->messages->add('s', _('the link has been deleted successfully')); } else { $this->messages->add('e', _('the link wasn\'t deleted')); $msg = 'error : can\'t delete link #' . $id; } Tools::logm($msg); Tools::redirect('?'); break; case 'toggle_fav' : $this->store->favoriteById($id, $this->user->getId()); Tools::logm('mark as favorite link #' . $id); if (!$import) { Tools::redirect(); } break; case 'toggle_archive' : $this->store->archiveById($id, $this->user->getId()); Tools::logm('archive link #' . $id); if (!$import) { Tools::redirect(); } break; default: Tools::logm('action ' . $action . 'doesn\'t exist'); break; } } function displayView($view, $id = 0) { $tpl_vars = array(); switch ($view) { case 'config': $dev = $this->getPocheVersion('dev'); $prod = $this->getPocheVersion('prod'); $compare_dev = version_compare(POCHE_VERSION, $dev); $compare_prod = version_compare(POCHE_VERSION, $prod); $tpl_vars = array( 'dev' => $dev, 'prod' => $prod, 'compare_dev' => $compare_dev, 'compare_prod' => $compare_prod, ); Tools::logm('config view'); break; case 'view': $entry = $this->store->retrieveOneById($id, $this->user->getId()); if ($entry != NULL) { Tools::logm('view link #' . $id); $content = $entry['content']; if (function_exists('tidy_parse_string')) { $tidy = tidy_parse_string($content, array('indent'=>true, 'show-body-only' => true), 'UTF8'); $tidy->cleanRepair(); $content = $tidy->value; } $tpl_vars = array( 'entry' => $entry, 'content' => $content, ); } else { Tools::logm('error in view call : entry is null'); } break; default: # home view $entries = $this->store->getEntriesByView($view, $this->user->getId()); $this->pagination->set_total(count($entries)); $page_links = $this->pagination->page_links('?view=' . $view . '&sort=' . $_SESSION['sort'] . '&'); $datas = $this->store->getEntriesByView($view, $this->user->getId(), $this->pagination->get_limit()); $tpl_vars = array( 'entries' => $datas, 'page_links' => $page_links, ); Tools::logm('display ' . $view . ' view'); break; } return $tpl_vars; } /** * update the password of the current user. * if MODE_DEMO is TRUE, the password can't be updated. * @todo add the return value * @todo set the new password in function header like this updatePassword($newPassword) * @return boolean */ public function updatePassword() { if (MODE_DEMO) { $this->messages->add('i', _('in demo mode, you can\'t update your password')); Tools::logm('in demo mode, you can\'t do this'); Tools::redirect('?view=config'); } else { if (isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['password_repeat'])) { if ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password_repeat'] && $_POST['password'] != "") { $this->messages->add('s', _('your password has been updated')); $this->store->updatePassword($this->user->getId(), Tools::encodeString($_POST['password'] . $this->user->getUsername())); Session::logout(); Tools::logm('password updated'); Tools::redirect(); } else { $this->messages->add('e', _('the two fields have to be filled & the password must be the same in the two fields')); Tools::redirect('?view=config'); } } } } /** * checks if login & password are correct and save the user in session. * it redirects the user to the $referer link * @param string $referer the url to redirect after login * @todo add the return value * @return boolean */ public function login($referer) { if (!empty($_POST['login']) && !empty($_POST['password'])) { $user = $this->store->login($_POST['login'], Tools::encodeString($_POST['password'] . $_POST['login'])); if ($user != array()) { # Save login into Session Session::login($user['username'], $user['password'], $_POST['login'], Tools::encodeString($_POST['password'] . $_POST['login']), array('poche_user' => new User($user))); $this->messages->add('s', _('welcome to your poche')); if (!empty($_POST['longlastingsession'])) { $_SESSION['longlastingsession'] = 31536000; $_SESSION['expires_on'] = time() + $_SESSION['longlastingsession']; session_set_cookie_params($_SESSION['longlastingsession']); } else { session_set_cookie_params(0); } session_regenerate_id(true); Tools::logm('login successful'); Tools::redirect($referer); } $this->messages->add('e', _('login failed: bad login or password')); Tools::logm('login failed'); Tools::redirect(); } else { $this->messages->add('e', _('login failed: you have to fill all fields')); Tools::logm('login failed'); Tools::redirect(); } } /** * log out the poche user. It cleans the session. * @todo add the return value * @return boolean */ public function logout() { $this->user = array(); Session::logout(); $this->messages->add('s', _('see you soon!')); Tools::logm('logout'); Tools::redirect(); } /** * import from Instapaper. poche needs a ./instapaper-export.html file * @todo add the return value * @return boolean */ private function importFromInstapaper() { # TODO gestion des articles favs $html = new simple_html_dom(); $html->load_file('./instapaper-export.html'); Tools::logm('starting import from instapaper'); $read = 0; $errors = array(); foreach($html->find('ol') as $ul) { foreach($ul->find('li') as $li) { $a = $li->find('a'); $url = new Url(base64_encode($a[0]->href)); $this->action('add', $url, 0, TRUE); if ($read == '1') { $sequence = ''; if (STORAGE == 'postgres') { $sequence = 'entries_id_seq'; } $last_id = $this->store->getLastId($sequence); $this->action('toggle_archive', $url, $last_id, TRUE); } } # the second <ol> is for read links $read = 1; } $this->messages->add('s', _('import from instapaper completed')); Tools::logm('import from instapaper completed'); Tools::redirect(); } /** * import from Pocket. poche needs a ./ril_export.html file * @todo add the return value * @return boolean */ private function importFromPocket() { # TODO gestion des articles favs $html = new simple_html_dom(); $html->load_file('./ril_export.html'); Tools::logm('starting import from pocket'); $read = 0; $errors = array(); foreach($html->find('ul') as $ul) { foreach($ul->find('li') as $li) { $a = $li->find('a'); $url = new Url(base64_encode($a[0]->href)); $this->action('add', $url, 0, TRUE); if ($read == '1') { $sequence = ''; if (STORAGE == 'postgres') { $sequence = 'entries_id_seq'; } $last_id = $this->store->getLastId($sequence); $this->action('toggle_archive', $url, $last_id, TRUE); } } # the second <ul> is for read links $read = 1; } $this->messages->add('s', _('import from pocket completed')); Tools::logm('import from pocket completed'); Tools::redirect(); } /** * import from Readability. poche needs a ./readability file * @todo add the return value * @return boolean */ private function importFromReadability() { # TODO gestion des articles lus / favs $str_data = file_get_contents("./readability"); $data = json_decode($str_data,true); Tools::logm('starting import from Readability'); $count = 0; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $url = NULL; $favorite = FALSE; $archive = FALSE; foreach ($value as $attr => $attr_value) { if ($attr == 'article__url') { $url = new Url(base64_encode($attr_value)); } $sequence = ''; if (STORAGE == 'postgres') { $sequence = 'entries_id_seq'; } if ($attr_value == 'true') { if ($attr == 'favorite') { $favorite = TRUE; } if ($attr == 'archive') { $archive = TRUE; } } } # we can add the url if (!is_null($url) && $url->isCorrect()) { $this->action('add', $url, 0, TRUE); $count++; if ($favorite) { $last_id = $this->store->getLastId($sequence); $this->action('toggle_fav', $url, $last_id, TRUE); } if ($archive) { $last_id = $this->store->getLastId($sequence); $this->action('toggle_archive', $url, $last_id, TRUE); } } } $this->messages->add('s', _('import from Readability completed. ' . $count . ' new links.')); Tools::logm('import from Readability completed'); Tools::redirect(); } /** * import datas into your poche * @param string $from name of the service to import : pocket, instapaper or readability * @todo add the return value * @return boolean */ public function import($from) { if ($from == 'pocket') { return $this->importFromPocket(); } else if ($from == 'readability') { return $this->importFromReadability(); } else if ($from == 'instapaper') { return $this->importFromInstapaper(); } } /** * export poche entries in json * @return json all poche entries */ public function export() { $entries = $this->store->retrieveAll($this->user->getId()); echo $this->tpl->render('export.twig', array( 'export' => Tools::renderJson($entries), )); Tools::logm('export view'); } /** * Checks online the latest version of poche and cache it * @param string $which 'prod' or 'dev' * @return string latest $which version */ private function getPocheVersion($which = 'prod') { $cache_file = CACHE . '/' . $which; # checks if the cached version file exists if (file_exists($cache_file) && (filemtime($cache_file) > (time() - 86400 ))) { $version = file_get_contents($cache_file); } else { $version = file_get_contents('http://static.inthepoche.com/versions/' . $which); file_put_contents($cache_file, $version, LOCK_EX); } return $version; } }