<?php /** * poche, a read it later open source system * * @category poche * @author Nicolas LÅ“uillet <nicolas@loeuillet.org> * @copyright 2013 * @license http://www.wtfpl.net/ see COPYING file */ define ('POCHE_VERSION', '0.3'); define ('MODE_DEMO', FALSE); define ('DEBUG_POCHE', TRUE); define ('CONVERT_LINKS_FOOTNOTES', FALSE); define ('REVERT_FORCED_PARAGRAPH_ELEMENTS', FALSE); define ('DOWNLOAD_PICTURES', FALSE); define ('SALT', '464v54gLLw928uz4zUBqkRJeiPY68zCX'); define ('ABS_PATH', 'assets/'); define ('TPL', './tpl'); define ('LOCALE', './locale'); define ('CACHE', './cache'); define ('LANG', 'fr_FR.UTF8'); $storage_type = 'sqlite'; # sqlite or file # /!\ Be careful if you change the lines below /!\ require_once 'poche/pocheTools.class.php'; require_once 'poche/pocheCore.php'; require_once '3rdparty/Readability.php'; require_once '3rdparty/Encoding.php'; require_once '3rdparty/Session.class.php'; require_once '3rdparty/Twig/Autoloader.php'; require_once 'store/store.class.php'; require_once 'store/' . $storage_type . '.class.php'; if (DOWNLOAD_PICTURES) { require_once 'poche/pochePicture.php'; } # i18n putenv('LC_ALL=' . LANG); setlocale(LC_ALL, LANG); bindtextdomain(LANG, LOCALE); textdomain(LANG); # template engine Twig_Autoloader::register(); $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(TPL); $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array( 'cache' => CACHE, )); $twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_I18n()); Session::init(); $store = new $storage_type(); # installation if(!$store->isInstalled()) { pocheTools::logm('poche still not installed'); echo $twig->render('install.twig', array( 'token' => Session::getToken(), )); if (isset($_GET['install'])) { if (($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password_repeat']) && $_POST['password'] != "" && $_POST['login'] != "") { # let's rock, install poche baby ! $store->install($_POST['login'], encode_string($_POST['password'] . $_POST['login'])); Session::logout(); pocheTools::redirect(); } } exit(); } $_SESSION['login'] = (isset ($_SESSION['login'])) ? $_SESSION['login'] : $store->getLogin(); $_SESSION['pass'] = (isset ($_SESSION['pass'])) ? $_SESSION['pass'] : $store->getPassword();