# Since this element has class="clear", the Instapaper stylesheets (at least this text parser preview), will render it unreadable, with a 1px font size and line height. body: //div[@id="article-content"] # Ads strip_id_or_class: advert-space # Read more, recommend, comments etc strip_id_or_class: fbc-recommend strip_id_or_class: recommend strip_id_or_class: article-readers strip_id_or_class: article-addons strip_id_or_class: hook strip_id_or_class: right strip_id_or_class: footer strip_id_or_class: ad-head strip_id_or_class: atc-share-title # Other news strip: //div[@id="mirrors"] # Author author: //div[@id="byline"]/div/p/strong # Date date: substring(substring-after(//p[@class="published"], 'Publicerad '), 0, 11) test_url: http://www.dn.se/nyheter/varlden/landade-flygplan-mitt-i-villaomrade test_contains: Ett tekniskt haveri tvingade test_url: http://www.dn.se/rss/senaste-nytt