<?php /** * poche, a read it later open source system * * @category poche * @author Nicolas Lœuillet <support@inthepoche.com> * @copyright 2013 * @license http://www.wtfpl.net/ see COPYING file */ set_time_limit(0); include dirname(__FILE__).'/inc/config.php'; include dirname(__FILE__).'/inc/simple_html_dom.php'; if (!isset($_GET['start'])) { echo _('Please execute the import script locally, it can take a very long time.') . '<br /><br />' . _('Please choose between Pocket & Readabilty :') . '<br /><a href="import.php?start=pocket">' . _('Bye bye Pocket, let\'s go !') . '</a><br /><a href="import.php?start=readability">' . _('Bye bye Readability, let\'s go !') . '</a>'; } else { if ($_GET['start'] == 'pocket') { $html = new simple_html_dom(); $html->load_file('ril_export.html'); $read = 0; $errors = array(); foreach($html->find('ul') as $ul) { foreach($ul->find('li') as $li) { $a = $li->find('a'); $url = $a[0]->href; action_to_do('add', $url); if ($read == '1') { $last_id = $db->getHandle()->lastInsertId(); $sql_update = "UPDATE entries SET is_read=~is_read WHERE id=?"; $params_update = array($last_id); $query_update = $db->getHandle()->prepare($sql_update); $query_update->execute($params_update); } } # Pocket génère un fichier HTML avec deux <ul> # Le premier concerne les éléments non lus # Le second concerne les éléments archivés $read = 1; } echo _('Import from Pocket completed.') . '<a href="index.php">' . _('Welcome to poche !') .'</a>'; logm('import from pocket completed'); } else if ($_GET['start'] == 'readability') { $str_data = file_get_contents("readability"); $data = json_decode($str_data,true); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $url = ''; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key2 == 'article__url') { $url = $value2; } } if ($url != '') action_to_do('add', $url); } echo _('Import from Readability completed.') . '<a href="index.php">' . _('Welcome to poche !') . '</a>'; logm('import from Readability completed'); } else { echo _('Error with the import.') . '<a href="index.php">' . _('Back to poche'). '</a>'; logm('error with the import'); } }