Read an article

To read an article is not the most complex thing in wallabag: you only have to click on the title of the article for it to be displayed.

Back to where you quit reading your article

If you quit reading an article while you are only at half of it (for example), when you will open it again, wallabag will display it at the place you left the article.

This feature works only with web applications and not with smartphone applications.

Possible actions in an article

These actions are possible through the icons displayed at the top of the page. We suppose that you are using the theme Baggy (read the documentation about how to change theme). Icons in other themes are very similar.

Here are the actions, in the order of appearance of the icons.

Read the original article

Move to the original article.

Mark the article as read

Archive the article, that will be put in the category Archive of the wallabag menu. Clicking again on this button will move the article back to the unread category.

Mark the article as favorite

Mark the article as favorite, and it will be put to the category Favorites of the wallabag menu Clicking again on this button will remove the favorite status.

Delete the article

Delete completely the article from wallabag. It cannot be restored. Be careful: no confirmation message is displayed.

Share through twitter

Share the title and the original link of the article through twitter.

Share via email

Share the title and the original link of the article via email.

Print the article

Open the print window of the browser.

Convert into ePub

Convert the article into ePub format. A full chapter about this here.

Notify us that the article appears wrong

Allow to notify us that an article is not displayed as expected. A full chapter about this here.