Configure wallabag

From the configuration menu, you can change some wallabag's options.

Some parts won't be presented here as they have a complete chapter in the documentation (RSS feeds, import from a third party service, export your data, Epub conversion and multi-user mode).


Of tastes and colors, we do not discuss. That's why wallabag offers you to change its skin to please everyone.

Select the theme of your choice from the drop down list and confirm by clicking on Update.


Select the language of your choice in the drop down list and confirm by clicking on Update.


Fill in your new password in the two dedicated fields and confirm by clicking on Update.

You will be disconnected and need to enter your new password to access your wallabag.

Clear the cache

The cache allows wallabag perform certain functions faster.

After updating wallabag, it is advised to clear the cache. You only have to click to do so.