Download and install wallabag

I don't want to install wallabag

If you can't or don't want to install Wallabag on your server, we suggest you create a free account on Framabag wich uses our software: read the complete documentation here (TODO write Create a framabag account).

I want to install wallabag

I want to download wallabag the easiest way possible

Download the latest wallabag version and unpack it. Copy the files on your web server. Jump off to next section.

I want to download wallabag via composer

You need to install composer:

curl -s | php

Next, on your web server, run this command:

composer create-project wallabag/wallabag . dev-master

All is downloaded into wallabag folder.


Your web server needs a writing access to the assets, cache and db directories. Otherwise, a message will report that the installation is impossible.

Installation of wallabag. At last.

Access to wallabag from your web browser. If your server is correctly configured, you directly reach the setup screen.


The installer will tell you which prerequisites are missing. If there's any, jump off to the corresponding session to know how to deal with that problem.

Twig installation

wallabag is build with Twig, a template library. You have to download it for wallabag to work.

  • One option is to choose the automatic download of the package which will be automatically downloaded and installed.
  • If this option fails, you can choose the second option which is to manually download the vendor package, unzip it and copy the vendor directory in your wallabag directory
  • Finally, you can here also use Composer to install Twig by following the commands written on screen :

    curl -s | php
    php composer.phar install

Database connection

You have to choose a database system between:

  • SQLite: The easiest system of all. No extra configuration needed.
  • MySQL: A well known database system, which is in most cases more efficient than SQLite
  • Postgresql: Some people found it better than MySQL.

Note : If you're using MySQL or Postgresql, you have to fill all the fields, otherwise the installation will not work and an error message will tell you what's wrong. You must create the database that you will use for wallabag manually with a tool like PHPMyAdmin or the console.

User Account

Finally, you need to create an user account. As always, be sure to choose a strong password. An email field is present but it is not at all required.

If you get a green success message, it means wallabag is now installed.


List of prerequisites for your web server



From your web browser, you reach the login screen: fill your username and your password to connect to your account.
