path: root/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/public/themes/material/font/icomoon/icomoon.svg
diff options
authorThomas Citharel <tcit@tcit.fr>2016-03-08 17:02:34 +0100
committerThomas Citharel <tcit@tcit.fr>2016-06-09 17:12:51 +0200
commit5ecdfcd041767c9e3244a92bb0a6cc3c3f80fea3 (patch)
tree03ee1eab0d89d1857daca9e273fd8c9ca47e33c2 /src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/public/themes/material/font/icomoon/icomoon.svg
parent9f95b14dec88cf083cefa38d5fbd84189e07acac (diff)
manage assets through npm
first draft remote assetic totally work nearly there use at least nodejs > 0.12 use proper version of grunt bump nodejs version for travis update npm workaround for materialize install node 5.0 add grunt-cli baggy theme & cache node modules cache bower & npm make travis build assets on php7 only exclude installing node & npm if not needed & use bash clean & try to make icomoon work on baggy ready config for travis rebase make travis work more travis work impove travis & update deps add missing pixrem deps add module through oddly lost ui updates install latest nodejs add install_dev.sh, link local binaries for npm/bower/grunt ui improvements (mostly baggy) fix travis build no need to install on travis Add unread filter to entries pages Add the ability to filter for unread pages in the filters menu. Add unread filter test to EntryControllerTest Add a new test to the EntryControllerTest collection which checks that only entries which have not been archived (and are treated as "unread") are retrieved. Improve English translation Update FAQ -Fix grammar -Add notes about MTA, firewall, and SELinux Update installation instructions -Fix grammar -Add SELinux section add screenshots of android docu in English Fix the deletion of Tags/Entries relation when delete an entry Fix #2121 Move fixtures to the right place Display a message when saving an entry failed When saving an entry fail because of database error we previously just returned `false`. Now we got an error in the log and the displayed notice to the user is updated too. Change ManyToMany between entry & tag Following https://gist.github.com/Ocramius/3121916 Be sure to remove the related entity when removing an entity. Let say you have Entry -> EntryTag -> Tag. If you remove the entry: - before that commit, the EntryTag will stay (at least using SQLite). - with that commit, the related entity is removed Prepare wallabag 2.0.5 enforce older materialize version
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/public/themes/material/font/icomoon/icomoon.svg')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 17 deletions
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