path: root/inc
diff options
authornicosomb <nicolas@loeuillet.org>2013-04-18 15:39:34 +0200
committernicosomb <nicolas@loeuillet.org>2013-04-18 15:39:34 +0200
commite4d2565e05a517641de921c4c19a2c9d1beea2e7 (patch)
tree156715bc739b2810368c717f20f03172955c32a1 /inc
parentb693a19e1c3d4ffcf2f3aaef1d67df4b986e4903 (diff)
#4 - ajout système de connexion (login poche mot de passe poche pour l'instant)
Diffstat (limited to 'inc')
5 files changed, 474 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/inc/MyTool.class.php b/inc/MyTool.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8206f3f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/MyTool.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
2class MyTool
4 public static function initPhp()
5 {
6 define('START_TIME', microtime(true));
8 if (phpversion() < 5) {
9 die("Argh you don't have PHP 5 !");
10 }
12 error_reporting(E_ALL);
14 function stripslashesDeep($value) {
15 return is_array($value)
16 ? array_map('stripslashesDeep', $value)
17 : stripslashes($value);
18 }
20 if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
21 $_POST = array_map('stripslashesDeep', $_POST);
22 $_GET = array_map('stripslashesDeep', $_GET);
23 $_COOKIE = array_map('stripslashesDeep', $_COOKIE);
24 }
26 ob_start();
27 register_shutdown_function('ob_end_flush');
28 }
30 public static function isUrl($url)
31 {
32 // http://neo22s.com/check-if-url-exists-and-is-online-php/
33 $pattern='|^http(s)?://[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$|i';
35 return preg_match($pattern, $url);
36 }
38 public static function isEmail($email)
39 {
40 $pattern = "/^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2, 4}$/i";
42 return (preg_match($pattern, $email));
43 }
45 public static function formatBBCode($text)
46 {
47 $replace = array(
48 '/\[m\](.+?)\[\/m\]/is'
49 => '/* moderate */',
50 '/\[b\](.+?)\[\/b\]/is'
51 => '<strong>$1</strong>',
52 '/\[i\](.+?)\[\/i\]/is'
53 => '<em>$1</em>',
54 '/\[s\](.+?)\[\/s\]/is'
55 => '<del>$1</del>',
56 '/\[u\](.+?)\[\/u\]/is'
57 => '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">$1</span>',
58 '/\[url\](.+?)\[\/url]/is'
59 => '<a href="$1">$1</a>',
60 '/\[url=(\w+:\/\/[^\]]+)\](.+?)\[\/url]/is'
61 => '<a href="$1">$2</a>',
62 '/\[quote\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/is'
63 => '<blockquote>$1</blockquote>',
64 '/\[code\](.+?)\[\/code\]/is'
65 => '<code>$1</code>',
66 '/\[([^[]+)\|([^[]+)\]/is'
67 => '<a href="$2">$1</a>'
68 );
69 $text = preg_replace(
70 array_keys($replace),
71 array_values($replace),
72 $text
73 );
75 return $text;
76 }
78 public static function formatText($text)
79 {
80 $text = preg_replace_callback(
81 '/<code_html>(.*?)<\/code_html>/is',
82 create_function(
83 '$matches',
84 'return htmlspecialchars($matches[1]);'
85 ),
86 $text
87 );
88 $text = preg_replace_callback(
89 '/<code_php>(.*?)<\/code_php>/is',
90 create_function(
91 '$matches',
92 'return highlight_string("<?php $matches[1] ?>", true);'
93 ),
94 $text
95 );
96 $text = preg_replace('/<br \/>/is', '', $text);
98 $text = preg_replace(
99 '#(^|\s)([a-z]+://([^\s\w/]?[\w/])*)(\s|$)#im',
100 '\\1<a href="\\2">\\2</a>\\4',
101 $text
102 );
103 $text = preg_replace(
104 '#(^|\s)wp:?([a-z]{2}|):([\w]+)#im',
105 '\\1<a href="http://\\2.wikipedia.org/wiki/\\3">\\3</a>',
106 $text
107 );
108 $text = str_replace(
109 'http://.wikipedia.org/wiki/',
110 'http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/',
111 $text
112 );
113 $text = str_replace('\wp:', 'wp:', $text);
114 $text = str_replace('\http:', 'http:', $text);
115 $text = MyTool::formatBBCode($text);
116 $text = nl2br($text);
118 return $text;
119 }
121 public static function getUrl()
122 {
123 $https = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])
124 && (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on'))
125 || (isset($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"])
126 && $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == '443'); // HTTPS detection.
127 $serverport = (!isset($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"])
128 || $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == '80'
129 || ($https && $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == '443')
130 ? ''
131 : ':' . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]);
133 $scriptname = str_replace('/index.php', '/', $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);
135 if (!isset($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"])) {
136 return $scriptname;
137 }
139 return 'http' . ($https ? 's' : '') . '://'
140 . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $serverport . $scriptname;
141 }
143 public static function rrmdir($dir)
144 {
145 if (is_dir($dir) && ($d = @opendir($dir))) {
146 while (($file = @readdir($d)) !== false) {
147 if ( $file == '.' || $file == '..' ) {
148 continue;
149 } else {
150 unlink($dir . '/' . $file);
151 }
152 }
153 }
154 }
156 public static function humanBytes($bytes)
157 {
158 $siPrefix = array( 'bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB' );
159 $base = 1024;
160 $class = min((int) log($bytes, $base), count($siPrefix) - 1);
161 $val = sprintf('%1.2f', $bytes / pow($base, $class));
163 return $val . ' ' . $siPrefix[$class];
164 }
166 public static function returnBytes($val)
167 {
168 $val = trim($val);
169 $last = strtolower($val[strlen($val)-1]);
170 switch($last)
171 {
172 case 'g': $val *= 1024;
173 case 'm': $val *= 1024;
174 case 'k': $val *= 1024;
175 }
177 return $val;
178 }
180 public static function getMaxFileSize()
181 {
182 $sizePostMax = MyTool::returnBytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
183 $sizeUploadMax = MyTool::returnBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
185 // Return the smaller of two:
186 return min($sizePostMax, $sizeUploadMax);
187 }
189 public static function smallHash($text)
190 {
191 $t = rtrim(base64_encode(hash('crc32', $text, true)), '=');
192 // Get rid of characters which need encoding in URLs.
193 $t = str_replace('+', '-', $t);
194 $t = str_replace('/', '_', $t);
195 $t = str_replace('=', '@', $t);
197 return $t;
198 }
200 public static function renderJson($data)
201 {
202 header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
203 header('Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
204 header('Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');
206 echo json_encode($data);
207 exit();
208 }
210 public static function grabToLocal($url, $file, $force = false)
211 {
212 if ((!file_exists($file) || $force) && in_array('curl', get_loaded_extensions())){
213 $ch = curl_init ($url);
214 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
215 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
216 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true);
217 $raw = curl_exec($ch);
218 if (curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 200) {
219 $fp = fopen($file, 'x');
220 fwrite($fp, $raw);
221 fclose($fp);
222 }
223 curl_close ($ch);
224 }
225 }
227 public static function redirect($rurl = '')
228 {
229 if ($rurl === '') {
230 // if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strcmp(parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],PHP_URL_HOST),$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])==0)
231 $rurl = (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])?'?':$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
232 if (isset($_POST['returnurl'])) {
233 $rurl = $_POST['returnurl'];
234 }
235 }
237 // prevent loop
238 if (empty($rurl) || parse_url($rurl, PHP_URL_QUERY) === $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) {
239 $rurl = MyTool::getUrl();
240 }
242 if (substr($rurl, 0, 1) !== '?') {
243 $ref = MyTool::getUrl();
244 if (substr($rurl, 0, strlen($ref)) !== $ref) {
245 $rurl = $ref;
246 }
247 }
248 header('Location: '.$rurl);
249 exit();
250 }
252 public static function silence_errors($num, $str)
253 {
254// No-op
255 }
256} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/Session.class.php b/inc/Session.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06fa6a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/Session.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
3 * Session management class
4 * http://www.developpez.net/forums/d51943/php/langage/sessions/
5 * http://sebsauvage.net/wiki/doku.php?id=php:session
6 * http://sebsauvage.net/wiki/doku.php?id=php:shaarli
7 *
8 * Features:
9 * - Everything is stored on server-side (we do not trust client-side data,
10 * such as cookie expiration)
11 * - IP addresses + user agent are checked on each access to prevent session
12 * cookie hijacking (such as Firesheep)
13 * - Session expires on user inactivity (Session expiration date is
14 * automatically updated everytime the user accesses a page.)
15 * - A unique secret key is generated on server-side for this session
16 * (and never sent over the wire) which can be used
17 * to sign forms (HMAC) (See $_SESSION['uid'] )
18 * - Token management to prevent XSRF attacks.
19 *
20 * TODO:
21 * - log login fail
22 * - prevent brute force (ban IP)
23 *
25 * - Just call Session::init(); to initialize session and
26 * check if connected with Session::isLogged()
27 */
29class Session
31 // If the user does not access any page within this time,
32 // his/her session is considered expired (in seconds).
33 public static $inactivity_timeout = 3600;
34 private static $_instance;
36 // constructor
37 private function __construct()
38 {
39 // Use cookies to store session.
40 ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1);
41 // Force cookies for session (phpsessionID forbidden in URL)
42 ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1);
43 if (!session_id()){
44 // Prevent php to use sessionID in URL if cookies are disabled.
45 ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', false);
46 session_start('poche');
47 }
48 }
50 // initialize session
51 public static function init()
52 {
53 if (!isset(self::$_instance)) {
54 self::$_instance = new Session();
55 }
56 }
58 // Returns the IP address, user agent and language of the client
59 // (Used to prevent session cookie hijacking.)
60 private static function _allInfos()
61 {
62 $infos = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
63 if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
65 }
66 if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {
67 $infos.='_'.$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
68 }
69 $infos.='_'.$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
70 $infos.='_'.$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'];
71 return sha1($infos);
72 }
74 // Check that user/password is correct and init some SESSION variables.
75 public static function login($login,$password,$login_test,$password_test,
76 $pValues = array())
77 {
78 foreach ($pValues as $key => $value) {
79 $_SESSION[$key] = $value;
80 }
81 if ($login==$login_test && $password==$password_test){
82 // generate unique random number to sign forms (HMAC)
83 $_SESSION['uid'] = sha1(uniqid('',true).'_'.mt_rand());
84 $_SESSION['info']=Session::_allInfos();
85 $_SESSION['username']=$login;
86 // Set session expiration.
87 $_SESSION['expires_on']=time()+Session::$inactivity_timeout;
88 return true;
89 }
90 return false;
91 }
93 // Force logout
94 public static function logout()
95 {
96 unset($_SESSION['uid'],$_SESSION['info'],$_SESSION['expires_on']);
97 }
99 // Make sure user is logged in.
100 public static function isLogged()
101 {
102 if (!isset ($_SESSION['uid'])
103 || $_SESSION['info']!=Session::_allInfos()
104 || time()>=$_SESSION['expires_on']){
105 Session::logout();
106 return false;
107 }
108 // User accessed a page : Update his/her session expiration date.
109 $_SESSION['expires_on']=time()+Session::$inactivity_timeout;
110 return true;
111 }
113 // Returns a token.
114 public static function getToken()
115 {
116 if (!isset($_SESSION['tokens'])){
117 $_SESSION['tokens']=array();
118 }
119 // We generate a random string and store it on the server side.
120 $rnd = sha1(uniqid('',true).'_'.mt_rand());
121 $_SESSION['tokens'][$rnd]=1;
122 return $rnd;
123 }
125 // Tells if a token is ok. Using this function will destroy the token.
126 // return true if token is ok.
127 public static function isToken($token)
128 {
129 if (isset($_SESSION['tokens'][$token]))
130 {
131 unset($_SESSION['tokens'][$token]); // Token is used: destroy it.
132 return true; // Token is ok.
133 }
134 return false; // Wrong token, or already used.
135 }
136} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/config.php b/inc/config.php
index 386fd036..403217ce 100644
--- a/inc/config.php
+++ b/inc/config.php
@@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ include 'functions.php';
22require_once 'Readability.php'; 22require_once 'Readability.php';
23require_once 'Encoding.php'; 23require_once 'Encoding.php';
24require_once 'rain.tpl.class.php'; 24require_once 'rain.tpl.class.php';
25require_once 'MyTool.class.php';
26require_once 'Session.class.php';
25 27
26$db = new db(DB_PATH); 28$db = new db(DB_PATH);
27 29
28# Initialisation de RainTPL 30# initialisation de RainTPL
29raintpl::$tpl_dir = './tpl/'; 31raintpl::$tpl_dir = './tpl/';
30raintpl::$cache_dir = './cache/'; 32raintpl::$cache_dir = './cache/';
31raintpl::$base_url = get_poche_url(); 33raintpl::$base_url = get_poche_url();
@@ -33,13 +35,43 @@ raintpl::configure('path_replace', false);
33raintpl::configure('debug', false); 35raintpl::configure('debug', false);
34$tpl = new raintpl(); 36$tpl = new raintpl();
35 37
36# Démarrage session et initialisation du jeton de sécurité 38# initialize session
37session_start(); 39Session::init();
40# XSRF protection with token
41if (!empty($_POST)) {
42 if (!Session::isToken($_POST['token'])) {
43 die('Wrong token.');
44 }
45 unset($_SESSION['tokens']);
48$ref = empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? '' : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
50if (isset($_GET['login'])) {
51 // Login
52 if (!empty($_POST['login']) && !empty($_POST['password'])) {
53 if (Session::login('poche', 'poche', $_POST['login'], $_POST['password'])) {
54 if (!empty($_POST['longlastingsession'])) {
55 $_SESSION['longlastingsession'] = 31536000;
56 $_SESSION['expires_on'] = time() + $_SESSION['longlastingsession'];
57 session_set_cookie_params($_SESSION['longlastingsession']);
58 } else {
59 session_set_cookie_params(0); // when browser closes
60 }
61 session_regenerate_id(true);
38 62
39if (!isset($_SESSION['token_poche'])) { 63 MyTool::redirect();
40 $token = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); 64 }
41 $_SESSION['token_poche'] = $token; 65 logm('login failed');
42 $_SESSION['token_time_poche'] = time(); 66 die("Login failed !");
67 } else {
68 logm('login successful');
69 }
71elseif (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
72 logm('logout');
73 Session::logout();
74 MyTool::redirect();
43} 75}
44 76
45# Traitement des paramètres et déclenchement des actions 77# Traitement des paramètres et déclenchement des actions
@@ -48,8 +80,12 @@ $action = (isset ($_REQUEST['action'])) ? htmlentities($_REQUEST['ac
48$_SESSION['sort'] = (isset ($_REQUEST['sort'])) ? htmlentities($_REQUEST['sort']) : 'id'; 80$_SESSION['sort'] = (isset ($_REQUEST['sort'])) ? htmlentities($_REQUEST['sort']) : 'id';
49$id = (isset ($_REQUEST['id'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['id']) : ''; 81$id = (isset ($_REQUEST['id'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['id']) : '';
50$url = (isset ($_GET['url'])) ? $_GET['url'] : ''; 82$url = (isset ($_GET['url'])) ? $_GET['url'] : '';
51$token = (isset ($_REQUEST['token'])) ? $_REQUEST['token'] : ''; 83
84$tpl->assign('isLogged', Session::isLogged());
85$tpl->assign('referer', $ref);
86$tpl->assign('view', $view);
87$tpl->assign('poche_url', get_poche_url());
52 88
53if ($action != '') { 89if ($action != '') {
54 action_to_do($action, $url, $token, $id); 90 action_to_do($action, $url, $id);
55} 91}
diff --git a/inc/functions.php b/inc/functions.php
index 936ec6ea..13acd36f 100644
--- a/inc/functions.php
+++ b/inc/functions.php
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ function get_external_file($url)
91function prepare_url($url) 91function prepare_url($url)
92{ 92{
93 $parametres = array(); 93 $parametres = array();
94 $url = html_entity_decode(trim($url)); 94 $url = html_entity_decode(trim($url));
95 95
96 // We remove the annoying parameters added by FeedBurner and GoogleFeedProxy (?utm_source=...) 96 // We remove the annoying parameters added by FeedBurner and GoogleFeedProxy (?utm_source=...)
97 // from shaarli, by sebsauvage 97 // from shaarli, by sebsauvage
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ function prepare_url($url)
99 $i=strpos($url,'?utm_source='); if ($i!==false) $url=substr($url,0,$i); 99 $i=strpos($url,'?utm_source='); if ($i!==false) $url=substr($url,0,$i);
100 $i=strpos($url,'#xtor=RSS-'); if ($i!==false) $url=substr($url,0,$i); 100 $i=strpos($url,'#xtor=RSS-'); if ($i!==false) $url=substr($url,0,$i);
101 101
102 $title = $url; 102 $title = $url;
103 if (!preg_match('!^https?://!i', $url)) 103 if (!preg_match('!^https?://!i', $url))
104 $url = 'http://' . $url; 104 $url = 'http://' . $url;
105 105
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ function remove_directory($directory)
230 * Appel d'une action (mark as fav, archive, delete) 230 * Appel d'une action (mark as fav, archive, delete)
231 */ 231 */
232 232
233function action_to_do($action, $url, $token, $id = 0) 233function action_to_do($action, $url, $id = 0)
234{ 234{
235 global $db; 235 global $db;
236 236
@@ -248,29 +248,20 @@ function action_to_do($action, $url, $token, $id = 0)
248 logm('add link ' . $url); 248 logm('add link ' . $url);
249 break; 249 break;
250 case 'delete': 250 case 'delete':
251 if (verif_token($token)) { 251 remove_directory(ABS_PATH . $id);
252 remove_directory(ABS_PATH . $id); 252 $sql_action = "DELETE FROM entries WHERE id=?";
253 $sql_action = "DELETE FROM entries WHERE id=?"; 253 $params_action = array($id);
254 $params_action = array($id); 254 logm('delete link #' . $id);
255 logm('delete link #' . $id);
256 }
257 else logm('csrf problem while deleting entry');
258 break; 255 break;
259 case 'toggle_fav' : 256 case 'toggle_fav' :
260 if (verif_token($token)) { 257 $sql_action = "UPDATE entries SET is_fav=~is_fav WHERE id=?";
261 $sql_action = "UPDATE entries SET is_fav=~is_fav WHERE id=?"; 258 $params_action = array($id);
262 $params_action = array($id); 259 logm('mark as favorite link #' . $id);
263 logm('mark as favorite link #' . $id);
264 }
265 else logm('csrf problem while fav entry');
266 break; 260 break;
267 case 'toggle_archive' : 261 case 'toggle_archive' :
268 if (verif_token($token)) { 262 $sql_action = "UPDATE entries SET is_read=~is_read WHERE id=?";
269 $sql_action = "UPDATE entries SET is_read=~is_read WHERE id=?"; 263 $params_action = array($id);
270 $params_action = array($id); 264 logm('archive link #' . $id);
271 logm('archive link #' . $id);
272 }
273 else logm('csrf problem while archive entry');
274 break; 265 break;
275 default: 266 default:
276 break; 267 break;
@@ -305,7 +296,7 @@ function action_to_do($action, $url, $token, $id = 0)
305/** 296/**
306 * Détermine quels liens afficher : home, fav ou archives 297 * Détermine quels liens afficher : home, fav ou archives
307 */ 298 */
308function display_view($view) 299function get_entries($view)
309{ 300{
310 global $db; 301 global $db;
311 302
@@ -385,36 +376,6 @@ function get_article($id)
385 return $entry; 376 return $entry;
386} 377}
387 378
389 * Vérifie si le jeton passé en $_POST correspond à celui en session
390 */
391function verif_token($token)
393 if(isset($_SESSION['token_poche']) && isset($_SESSION['token_time_poche']) && isset($token))
394 {
395 if($_SESSION['token_poche'] == $token)
396 {
397 $old_timestamp = time() - (15*60);
398 if($_SESSION['token_time_poche'] >= $old_timestamp)
399 {
400 return TRUE;
401 }
402 else {
403 session_destroy();
404 logm('session expired');
405 }
406 }
407 else {
408 logm('token error : the token is different');
409 return FALSE;
410 }
411 }
412 else {
413 logm('token error : the token is not here');
414 return FALSE;
415 }
418function logm($message) 379function logm($message)
419{ 380{
420 $t = strval(date('Y/m/d_H:i:s')).' - '.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].' - '.strval($message)."\n"; 381 $t = strval(date('Y/m/d_H:i:s')).' - '.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].' - '.strval($message)."\n";
diff --git a/inc/rain.tpl.class.php b/inc/rain.tpl.class.php
index ea83b2c1..6522c798 100644
--- a/inc/rain.tpl.class.php
+++ b/inc/rain.tpl.class.php
@@ -81,18 +81,18 @@ class RainTPL{
81 * 81 *
82 */ 82 */
83 static $check_template_update = true; 83 static $check_template_update = true;
84 84
85 85
86 /** 86 /**
87 * PHP tags <? ?> 87 * PHP tags <? ?>
88 * True: php tags are enabled into the template 88 * True: php tags are enabled into the template
89 * False: php tags are disabled into the template and rendered as html 89 * False: php tags are disabled into the template and rendered as html
90 * 90 *
91 * @var bool 91 * @var bool
92 */ 92 */
93 static $php_enabled = false; 93 static $php_enabled = true;
94 95
96 /** 96 /**
97 * Debug mode flag. 97 * Debug mode flag.
98 * True: debug mode is used, syntax errors are displayed directly in template. Execution of script is not terminated. 98 * True: debug mode is used, syntax errors are displayed directly in template. Execution of script is not terminated.
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ class RainTPL{
285 */ 285 */
286 protected function xml_reSubstitution($capture) { 286 protected function xml_reSubstitution($capture) {
287 return "<?php echo '<?xml ".stripslashes($capture[1])." ?>'; ?>"; 287 return "<?php echo '<?xml ".stripslashes($capture[1])." ?>'; ?>";
288 } 288 }
289 289
290 /** 290 /**
291 * Compile and write the compiled template file 291 * Compile and write the compiled template file
@@ -304,11 +304,11 @@ class RainTPL{
304 $template_code = str_replace( array("<?","?>"), array("&lt;?","?&gt;"), $template_code ); 304 $template_code = str_replace( array("<?","?>"), array("&lt;?","?&gt;"), $template_code );
305 305
306 //xml re-substitution 306 //xml re-substitution
307 $template_code = preg_replace_callback ( "/##XML(.*?)XML##/s", array($this, 'xml_reSubstitution'), $template_code ); 307 $template_code = preg_replace_callback ( "/##XML(.*?)XML##/s", array($this, 'xml_reSubstitution'), $template_code );
308 308
309 //compile template 309 //compile template
310 $template_compiled = "<?php if(!class_exists('raintpl')){exit;}?>" . $this->compileTemplate( $template_code, $tpl_basedir ); 310 $template_compiled = "<?php if(!class_exists('raintpl')){exit;}?>" . $this->compileTemplate( $template_code, $tpl_basedir );
311 311
312 312
313 // fix the php-eating-newline-after-closing-tag-problem 313 // fix the php-eating-newline-after-closing-tag-problem
314 $template_compiled = str_replace( "?>\n", "?>\n\n", $template_compiled ); 314 $template_compiled = str_replace( "?>\n", "?>\n\n", $template_compiled );
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ class RainTPL{
413 413
414 // if the cache is active 414 // if the cache is active
415 if( isset($code[ 2 ]) ){ 415 if( isset($code[ 2 ]) ){
416 416
417 //dynamic include 417 //dynamic include
418 $compiled_code .= '<?php $tpl = new '.get_class($this).';' . 418 $compiled_code .= '<?php $tpl = new '.get_class($this).';' .
419 'if( $cache = $tpl->cache( $template = basename("'.$include_var.'") ) )' . 419 'if( $cache = $tpl->cache( $template = basename("'.$include_var.'") ) )' .
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ class RainTPL{
426 '} ?>'; 426 '} ?>';
427 } 427 }
428 else{ 428 else{
429 429
430 //dynamic include 430 //dynamic include
431 $compiled_code .= '<?php $tpl = new '.get_class($this).';' . 431 $compiled_code .= '<?php $tpl = new '.get_class($this).';' .
432 '$tpl_dir_temp = self::$tpl_dir;' . 432 '$tpl_dir_temp = self::$tpl_dir;' .
@@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ class RainTPL{
434 ( !$loop_level ? null : '$tpl->assign( "key", $key'.$loop_level.' ); $tpl->assign( "value", $value'.$loop_level.' );' ). 434 ( !$loop_level ? null : '$tpl->assign( "key", $key'.$loop_level.' ); $tpl->assign( "value", $value'.$loop_level.' );' ).
435 '$tpl->draw( dirname("'.$include_var.'") . ( substr("'.$include_var.'",-1,1) != "/" ? "/" : "" ) . basename("'.$include_var.'") );'. 435 '$tpl->draw( dirname("'.$include_var.'") . ( substr("'.$include_var.'",-1,1) != "/" ? "/" : "" ) . basename("'.$include_var.'") );'.
436 '?>'; 436 '?>';
437 437
438 438
439 } 439 }
440 440
441 } 441 }
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ class RainTPL{
548 else 548 else
549 // parse the function 549 // parse the function
550 $parsed_function = $function . $this->var_replace( $code[ 2 ], $tag_left_delimiter = null, $tag_right_delimiter = null, $php_left_delimiter = null, $php_right_delimiter = null, $loop_level ); 550 $parsed_function = $function . $this->var_replace( $code[ 2 ], $tag_left_delimiter = null, $tag_right_delimiter = null, $php_left_delimiter = null, $php_right_delimiter = null, $loop_level );
551 551
552 //if code 552 //if code
553 $compiled_code .= "<?php echo $parsed_function; ?>"; 553 $compiled_code .= "<?php echo $parsed_function; ?>";
554 } 554 }
@@ -582,8 +582,8 @@ class RainTPL{
582 } 582 }
583 return $compiled_code; 583 return $compiled_code;
584 } 584 }
585 585
586 586
587 /** 587 /**
588 * Reduce a path, eg. www/library/../filepath//file => www/filepath/file 588 * Reduce a path, eg. www/library/../filepath//file => www/filepath/file
589 * @param type $path 589 * @param type $path
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ class RainTPL{
612 if( self::$path_replace ){ 612 if( self::$path_replace ){
613 613
614 $tpl_dir = self::$base_url . self::$tpl_dir . $tpl_basedir; 614 $tpl_dir = self::$base_url . self::$tpl_dir . $tpl_basedir;
615 615
616 // reduce the path 616 // reduce the path
617 $path = $this->reduce_path($tpl_dir); 617 $path = $this->reduce_path($tpl_dir);
618 618
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ class RainTPL{
683 $this->function_check( $tag ); 683 $this->function_check( $tag );
684 684
685 $extra_var = $this->var_replace( $extra_var, null, null, null, null, $loop_level ); 685 $extra_var = $this->var_replace( $extra_var, null, null, null, null, $loop_level );
686 686
687 687
688 // check if there's an operator = in the variable tags, if there's this is an initialization so it will not output any value 688 // check if there's an operator = in the variable tags, if there's this is an initialization so it will not output any value
689 $is_init_variable = preg_match( "/^(\s*?)\=[^=](.*?)$/", $extra_var ); 689 $is_init_variable = preg_match( "/^(\s*?)\=[^=](.*?)$/", $extra_var );
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ class RainTPL{
712 712
713 //if there's a function 713 //if there's a function
714 if( $function_var ){ 714 if( $function_var ){
715 715
716 // check if there's a function or a static method and separate, function by parameters 716 // check if there's a function or a static method and separate, function by parameters
717 $function_var = str_replace("::", "@double_dot@", $function_var ); 717 $function_var = str_replace("::", "@double_dot@", $function_var );
718 718
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ class RainTPL{
786 786
787 // check if there's an operator = in the variable tags, if there's this is an initialization so it will not output any value 787 // check if there's an operator = in the variable tags, if there's this is an initialization so it will not output any value
788 $is_init_variable = preg_match( "/^[a-z_A-Z\.\[\](\-\>)]*=[^=]*$/", $extra_var ); 788 $is_init_variable = preg_match( "/^[a-z_A-Z\.\[\](\-\>)]*=[^=]*$/", $extra_var );
789 789
790 //function associate to variable 790 //function associate to variable
791 $function_var = ( $extra_var and $extra_var[0] == '|') ? substr( $extra_var, 1 ) : null; 791 $function_var = ( $extra_var and $extra_var[0] == '|') ? substr( $extra_var, 1 ) : null;
792 792
@@ -805,16 +805,16 @@ class RainTPL{
805 805
806 //transform .$variable in ["$variable"] and .variable in ["variable"] 806 //transform .$variable in ["$variable"] and .variable in ["variable"]
807 $variable_path = preg_replace('/\.(\${0,1}\w+)/', '["\\1"]', $variable_path ); 807 $variable_path = preg_replace('/\.(\${0,1}\w+)/', '["\\1"]', $variable_path );
808 808
809 // if is an assignment also assign the variable to $this->var['value'] 809 // if is an assignment also assign the variable to $this->var['value']
810 if( $is_init_variable ) 810 if( $is_init_variable )
811 $extra_var = "=\$this->var['{$var_name}']{$variable_path}" . $extra_var; 811 $extra_var = "=\$this->var['{$var_name}']{$variable_path}" . $extra_var;
812 812
813 813
814 814
815 //if there's a function 815 //if there's a function
816 if( $function_var ){ 816 if( $function_var ){
817 817
818 // check if there's a function or a static method and separate, function by parameters 818 // check if there's a function or a static method and separate, function by parameters
819 $function_var = str_replace("::", "@double_dot@", $function_var ); 819 $function_var = str_replace("::", "@double_dot@", $function_var );
820 820
@@ -855,13 +855,13 @@ class RainTPL{
855 $php_var = '$' . $var_name . $variable_path; 855 $php_var = '$' . $var_name . $variable_path;
856 }else 856 }else
857 $php_var = '$' . $var_name . $variable_path; 857 $php_var = '$' . $var_name . $variable_path;
858 858
859 // compile the variable for php 859 // compile the variable for php
860 if( isset( $function ) ) 860 if( isset( $function ) )
861 $php_var = $php_left_delimiter . ( !$is_init_variable && $echo ? 'echo ' : null ) . ( $params ? "( $function( $php_var, $params ) )" : "$function( $php_var )" ) . $php_right_delimiter; 861 $php_var = $php_left_delimiter . ( !$is_init_variable && $echo ? 'echo ' : null ) . ( $params ? "( $function( $php_var, $params ) )" : "$function( $php_var )" ) . $php_right_delimiter;
862 else 862 else
863 $php_var = $php_left_delimiter . ( !$is_init_variable && $echo ? 'echo ' : null ) . $php_var . $extra_var . $php_right_delimiter; 863 $php_var = $php_left_delimiter . ( !$is_init_variable && $echo ? 'echo ' : null ) . $php_var . $extra_var . $php_right_delimiter;
864 864
865 $html = str_replace( $tag, $php_var, $html ); 865 $html = str_replace( $tag, $php_var, $html );
866 866
867 867