path: root/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations
diff options
authorNicolas Lœuillet <nicolas@loeuillet.org>2017-11-20 17:39:14 +0100
committerNicolas Lœuillet <nicolas@loeuillet.org>2017-11-20 18:47:48 +0100
commit8a21985474c2daae9f84ac52463fe7d297aae3ae (patch)
tree278b3c516222f3a1f6286f7c62a0852bb61fcb65 /app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations
parente585dde46c4ed9e0223925968f1634e81c15c67f (diff)
Added internal setting to enable/disable headers storage
Diffstat (limited to 'app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations')
13 files changed, 39 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.da.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.da.yml
index 5475e571..c3fd843f 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.da.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.da.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ export_xml: Aktiver eksport til XML
12# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously 12# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously
13# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously 13# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously
14shaarli_url: Shaarli-URL, hvis tjenesten er aktiv 14shaarli_url: Shaarli-URL, hvis tjenesten er aktiv
15scuttle_url: Scuttle-URL, hvis tjenesten er aktiv
16unmark_url: Unmark-URL, hvis tjenesten er aktiv
15share_diaspora: Aktiver deling til Diaspora 17share_diaspora: Aktiver deling til Diaspora
16share_mail: Aktiver deling med email 18share_mail: Aktiver deling med email
17share_shaarli: Aktiver deling gennem Shaarli 19share_shaarli: Aktiver deling gennem Shaarli
@@ -34,3 +36,4 @@ demo_mode_username: "Demobruger"
34# download_images_enabled: Download images locally 36# download_images_enabled: Download images locally
35# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall 37# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall
36# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API 38# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
39# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.de.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.de.yml
index a066c8e3..37da383e 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.de.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.de.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ export_xml: 'XML-Export aktivieren'
12import_with_rabbitmq: 'Aktiviere RabbitMQ, um Artikel asynchron zu importieren' 12import_with_rabbitmq: 'Aktiviere RabbitMQ, um Artikel asynchron zu importieren'
13import_with_redis: 'Aktiviere Redis, um Artikel asynchron zu importieren' 13import_with_redis: 'Aktiviere Redis, um Artikel asynchron zu importieren'
14shaarli_url: 'Shaarli-URL, sofern der Service aktiviert ist' 14shaarli_url: 'Shaarli-URL, sofern der Service aktiviert ist'
15scuttle_url: 'Scuttle-URL, sofern der Service aktiviert ist'
16unmark_url: 'Unmark-URL, sofern der Service aktiviert ist'
15share_diaspora: 'Teilen zu Diaspora aktiveren' 17share_diaspora: 'Teilen zu Diaspora aktiveren'
16share_mail: 'Teilen via E-Mail aktiveren' 18share_mail: 'Teilen via E-Mail aktiveren'
17share_shaarli: 'Teilen zu Shaarli aktiveren' 19share_shaarli: 'Teilen zu Shaarli aktiveren'
@@ -34,3 +36,4 @@ share_public: 'Erlaube eine öffentliche URL für Einträge'
34download_images_enabled: 'Bilder lokal herunterladen' 36download_images_enabled: 'Bilder lokal herunterladen'
35restricted_access: 'Authentifizierung für Webseiten mit Paywall aktivieren' 37restricted_access: 'Authentifizierung für Webseiten mit Paywall aktivieren'
36api_user_registration: 'Registrierung eines Benutzers über die API ermöglichen' 38api_user_registration: 'Registrierung eines Benutzers über die API ermöglichen'
39# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.en.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.en.yml
index b53066b1..0a89ce2c 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.en.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.en.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ export_xml: Enable XML export
12import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously 12import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously
13import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously 13import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously
14shaarli_url: Shaarli URL, if the service is enabled 14shaarli_url: Shaarli URL, if the service is enabled
15scuttle_url: Scuttle URL, if the service is enabled
16unmark_url: Unmark URL, if the service is enabled
15share_diaspora: Enable share to diaspora* 17share_diaspora: Enable share to diaspora*
16share_mail: Enable share by e-mail 18share_mail: Enable share by e-mail
17share_shaarli: Enable sharing to Shaarli 19share_shaarli: Enable sharing to Shaarli
@@ -34,3 +36,4 @@ share_public: Allow public URL for entries
34download_images_enabled: Download images locally 36download_images_enabled: Download images locally
35restricted_access: Enable authentication for paywalled websites 37restricted_access: Enable authentication for paywalled websites
36api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API 38api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
39store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.es.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.es.yml
index 46ed4040..db5858d6 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.es.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.es.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ export_xml: Activar exportación a XML
12import_with_rabbitmq: Activar RabbitMQ para importar datos de forma asíncrona 12import_with_rabbitmq: Activar RabbitMQ para importar datos de forma asíncrona
13import_with_redis: Activar Redis para importar datos de forma asíncrona 13import_with_redis: Activar Redis para importar datos de forma asíncrona
14shaarli_url: URL de Shaarli, si el servicio está activado 14shaarli_url: URL de Shaarli, si el servicio está activado
15scuttle_url: URL de Scuttle, si el servicio está activado
16unmark_url: URL de Unmark, si el servicio está activado
15share_diaspora: Activar compartir con Diaspora 17share_diaspora: Activar compartir con Diaspora
16share_mail: Activar compartir con Email 18share_mail: Activar compartir con Email
17share_shaarli: Activar compartir con Shaarli 19share_shaarli: Activar compartir con Shaarli
@@ -34,3 +36,4 @@ share_public: Permitir URL pública para los artículos
34download_images_enabled: Descargar imágenes localmente 36download_images_enabled: Descargar imágenes localmente
35restricted_access: Activar autenticación para websites con paywall 37restricted_access: Activar autenticación para websites con paywall
36# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API 38# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
39# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fa.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fa.yml
index f8da4acf..11cc601b 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fa.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fa.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ export_xml: فعال‌سازی برون‌سپاری به XML
12# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously 12# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously
13# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously 13# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously
14shaarli_url: نشانی Shaarli، اگر فعال بود 14shaarli_url: نشانی Shaarli، اگر فعال بود
15scuttle_url: نشانی Scuttle، اگر فعال بود
16unmark_url: نشانی Unmark، اگر فعال بود
15share_diaspora: فعال‌سازی هم‌رسانی به Diaspora 17share_diaspora: فعال‌سازی هم‌رسانی به Diaspora
16share_mail: فعال‌سازی هم‌رسانی با ایمیل 18share_mail: فعال‌سازی هم‌رسانی با ایمیل
17share_shaarli: فعال‌سازی هم‌رسانی به Shaarli 19share_shaarli: فعال‌سازی هم‌رسانی به Shaarli
@@ -34,3 +36,4 @@ modify_settings: "اعمال"
34# download_images_enabled: Download images locally 36# download_images_enabled: Download images locally
35# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall 37# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall
36# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API 38# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
39# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fr.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fr.yml
index a79409b4..f23b5bf9 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fr.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.fr.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ export_xml: Activer l'export XML
12import_with_rabbitmq: Activer RabbitMQ pour gérer les imports de façon asynchrone 12import_with_rabbitmq: Activer RabbitMQ pour gérer les imports de façon asynchrone
13import_with_redis: Activer Redis pour gérer les imports de façon asynchrone 13import_with_redis: Activer Redis pour gérer les imports de façon asynchrone
14shaarli_url: URL de Shaarli, si le service Shaarli est activé 14shaarli_url: URL de Shaarli, si le service Shaarli est activé
15scuttle_url: URL de Scuttle, si le service Scuttle est activé
16unmark_url: URL de Unmark, si le service Unmark est activé
15share_diaspora: Activer le partage vers Diaspora 17share_diaspora: Activer le partage vers Diaspora
16share_mail: Activer le partage par email 18share_mail: Activer le partage par email
17share_shaarli: Activer le partage vers Shaarli 19share_shaarli: Activer le partage vers Shaarli
@@ -34,3 +36,4 @@ share_public: Autoriser une URL publique pour les articles
34download_images_enabled: Télécharger les images en local 36download_images_enabled: Télécharger les images en local
35restricted_access: Activer l'authentification pour les articles derrière un paywall 37restricted_access: Activer l'authentification pour les articles derrière un paywall
36api_user_registration: Activer la création de compte depuis l'API 38api_user_registration: Activer la création de compte depuis l'API
39store_article_headers: Activer le stockage des en-têtes HTTP de chaque article
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.it.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.it.yml
index dd4def4b..ade6f7da 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.it.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.it.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ export_xml: Abilita esportazione XML
12# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously 12# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously
13# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously 13# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously
14shaarli_url: Shaarli URL, se il servizio è abilitato 14shaarli_url: Shaarli URL, se il servizio è abilitato
15scuttle_url: Scuttle URL, se il servizio è abilitato
16unmark_url: Unmark URL, se il servizio è abilitato
15share_diaspora: Abilita la condivisione con Diaspora 17share_diaspora: Abilita la condivisione con Diaspora
16share_mail: Abilita la condivisione per email 18share_mail: Abilita la condivisione per email
17share_shaarli: Abilita la condivisione con Shaarli 19share_shaarli: Abilita la condivisione con Shaarli
@@ -34,3 +36,4 @@ demo_mode_username: "Utente Demo"
34# download_images_enabled: Download images locally 36# download_images_enabled: Download images locally
35# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall 37# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall
36api_user_registration: Abilita la registrazione dell'utente attraverso l'API 38api_user_registration: Abilita la registrazione dell'utente attraverso l'API
39# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.oc.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.oc.yml
index fb163ce7..99986642 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.oc.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.oc.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ export_xml: Activar l'expòrt XML
12import_with_rabbitmq: Activar RabbitMQ per importar de donadas de manièra asincròna 12import_with_rabbitmq: Activar RabbitMQ per importar de donadas de manièra asincròna
13import_with_redis: Activar Redis per importar de donadas de manièra asincròna 13import_with_redis: Activar Redis per importar de donadas de manièra asincròna
14shaarli_url: URL de Shaarli, se lo servici Shaarli es activat 14shaarli_url: URL de Shaarli, se lo servici Shaarli es activat
15scuttle_url: URL de Scuttle, se lo servici Scuttle es activat
16unmark_url: URL de Unmark, se lo servici Scuttle es activat
15share_diaspora: Activar lo partatge cap a Diaspora* 17share_diaspora: Activar lo partatge cap a Diaspora*
16share_mail: Activar lo partatge per corrièl 18share_mail: Activar lo partatge per corrièl
17share_shaarli: Activar lo partatge cap a Shaarli 19share_shaarli: Activar lo partatge cap a Shaarli
@@ -34,3 +36,4 @@ share_public: Autorizar una URL publica pels articles
34download_images_enabled: Telecargar los imatges en local 36download_images_enabled: Telecargar los imatges en local
35restricted_access: Activar l'autenticacion pels sites amb peatge 37restricted_access: Activar l'autenticacion pels sites amb peatge
36api_user_registration: Autorizar los utilizaires a se marcar amb l'API 38api_user_registration: Autorizar los utilizaires a se marcar amb l'API
39# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pl.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pl.yml
index 04ad4fd3..8b8f2ebd 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pl.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pl.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ export_xml: Włącz eksport do XML
12import_with_rabbitmq: Włącz RabbitMQ dla asynchronicznego importu danych 12import_with_rabbitmq: Włącz RabbitMQ dla asynchronicznego importu danych
13import_with_redis: Włącz Redis dla asynchronicznego importu danych 13import_with_redis: Włącz Redis dla asynchronicznego importu danych
14shaarli_url: Adress URL Shaarli, jeżeli usługa jest włączona 14shaarli_url: Adress URL Shaarli, jeżeli usługa jest włączona
15scuttle_url: Adress URL Scuttle, jeżeli usługa jest włączona
15share_diaspora: Włącz udostępnianie dla Diaspora 16share_diaspora: Włącz udostępnianie dla Diaspora
16share_mail: Włącz udostępnianie przez email 17share_mail: Włącz udostępnianie przez email
17share_shaarli: Włącz udostępnianie dla Shaarli 18share_shaarli: Włącz udostępnianie dla Shaarli
@@ -34,3 +35,4 @@ share_public: Zezwalaj na publiczny adres url dla wpisow
34download_images_enabled: Pobierz obrazy lokalnie 35download_images_enabled: Pobierz obrazy lokalnie
35restricted_access: Włącz autoryzację dla stron z paywallem 36restricted_access: Włącz autoryzację dla stron z paywallem
36api_user_registration: Włącz rejestrację użytkownika przy użyciu API 37api_user_registration: Włącz rejestrację użytkownika przy użyciu API
38# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pt.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pt.yml
index 77e22b37..76cb0174 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pt.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.pt.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ export_xml: Habilita exportação para XML
12# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously 12# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously
13# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously 13# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously
14shaarli_url: URL Shaarli, se o serviço está habilitado 14shaarli_url: URL Shaarli, se o serviço está habilitado
15scuttle_url: URL Scuttle, se o serviço está habilitado
16unmark_url: URL Unmark, se o serviço está habilitado
15share_diaspora: Habilitar compartilhamento para o Diaspora 17share_diaspora: Habilitar compartilhamento para o Diaspora
16share_mail: Habilitar compartilhamento por e-mail 18share_mail: Habilitar compartilhamento por e-mail
17share_shaarli: Habilitar compartilhamento para o Shaarli 19share_shaarli: Habilitar compartilhamento para o Shaarli
@@ -34,3 +36,4 @@ demo_mode_username: "Usuário demo"
34# download_images_enabled: Download images locally 36# download_images_enabled: Download images locally
35# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall 37# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall
36# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API 38# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
39# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ro.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ro.yml
index 1b4bfb5b..8300cec8 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ro.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ro.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ export_xml: Permite exportare XML
12# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously 12# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously
13# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously 13# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously
14shaarli_url: Shaarli URL, dacă serviciul este permis 14shaarli_url: Shaarli URL, dacă serviciul este permis
15scuttle_url: Scuttle URL, dacă serviciul este permis
16unmark_url: Unmark URL, dacă serviciul este permis
15share_diaspora: Permite share către Diaspora 17share_diaspora: Permite share către Diaspora
16share_mail: Permite share prin email 18share_mail: Permite share prin email
17share_shaarli: Permite share către Shaarli 19share_shaarli: Permite share către Shaarli
@@ -34,3 +36,4 @@ modify_settings: "aplică"
34# download_images_enabled: Download images locally 36# download_images_enabled: Download images locally
35# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall 37# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall
36# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API 38# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
39# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ru.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ru.yml
index 37b4bbfd..8fed84ae 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ru.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.ru.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ export_xml: "Включить XML экспорт"
12import_with_rabbitmq: "Включить RabbitMQ для импорта данных(асинхронно)" 12import_with_rabbitmq: "Включить RabbitMQ для импорта данных(асинхронно)"
13import_with_redis: "Включить Redis для импорта данных(асинхронно)" 13import_with_redis: "Включить Redis для импорта данных(асинхронно)"
14shaarli_url: "Shaarli URL, если сервис включен" 14shaarli_url: "Shaarli URL, если сервис включен"
15scuttle_url: "Scuttle URL, если сервис включен"
16unmark_url: "Unmark URL, если сервис включен"
15share_diaspora: "Включить возможность поделиться в соц.сети Diaspora" 17share_diaspora: "Включить возможность поделиться в соц.сети Diaspora"
16share_mail: "Включить возможность поделиться по email" 18share_mail: "Включить возможность поделиться по email"
17share_shaarli: "Включить возможность поделиться в Shaarli" 19share_shaarli: "Включить возможность поделиться в Shaarli"
@@ -33,3 +35,5 @@ demo_mode_username: "Демо пользователь"
33share_public: "Разрешить публичные ссылки на записи" 35share_public: "Разрешить публичные ссылки на записи"
34download_images_enabled: "Скачивать изображения локально" 36download_images_enabled: "Скачивать изображения локально"
35restricted_access: "Включить авторизацию на сайте с помощью paywall" 37restricted_access: "Включить авторизацию на сайте с помощью paywall"
38# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
39# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
diff --git a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.tr.yml b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.tr.yml
index 1579366d..b992ccc2 100644
--- a/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.tr.yml
+++ b/app/Resources/CraueConfigBundle/translations/CraueConfigBundle.tr.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
12# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously 12# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously
13# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously 13# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously
14# shaarli_url: Shaarli URL, if the service is enabled 14# shaarli_url: Shaarli URL, if the service is enabled
15# scuttle_url: Scuttle URL, if the service is enabled
16# unmark_url: Unmark URL, if the service is enabled
15# share_diaspora: Enable share to Diaspora 17# share_diaspora: Enable share to Diaspora
16# share_mail: Enable share by email 18# share_mail: Enable share by email
17# share_shaarli: Enable share to Shaarli 19# share_shaarli: Enable share to Shaarli
@@ -35,3 +37,4 @@
35# download_images_enabled: Download images locally 37# download_images_enabled: Download images locally
36# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall 38# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall
37# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API 39# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
40# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article