path: root/vendor/symfony/translation/Symfony/Component/Translation/Tests/TranslatorTest.php
blob: fb843d727f6cb3d8529abdb6c091b922479b8fd5 (plain) (tree)


 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Tests;

use Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageSelector;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader\ArrayLoader;

class TranslatorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testSetGetLocale()
        $translator = new Translator('en', new MessageSelector());

        $this->assertEquals('en', $translator->getLocale());

        $this->assertEquals('fr', $translator->getLocale());

    public function testSetFallbackLocales()
        $translator = new Translator('en', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', array('foo' => 'foofoo'), 'en');
        $translator->addResource('array', array('bar' => 'foobar'), 'fr');

        // force catalogue loading

        $this->assertEquals('foobar', $translator->trans('bar'));

    public function testSetFallbackLocalesMultiple()
        $translator = new Translator('en', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', array('foo' => 'foo (en)'), 'en');
        $translator->addResource('array', array('bar' => 'bar (fr)'), 'fr');

        // force catalogue loading

        $translator->setFallbackLocales(array('fr_FR', 'fr'));
        $this->assertEquals('bar (fr)', $translator->trans('bar'));

    public function testTransWithFallbackLocale()
        $translator = new Translator('fr_FR', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', array('foo' => 'foofoo'), 'en_US');
        $translator->addResource('array', array('bar' => 'foobar'), 'en');


        $this->assertEquals('foobar', $translator->trans('bar'));

    public function testAddResourceAfterTrans()
        $translator = new Translator('fr', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());


        $translator->addResource('array', array('foo' => 'foofoo'), 'en');
        $this->assertEquals('foofoo', $translator->trans('foo'));

        $translator->addResource('array', array('bar' => 'foobar'), 'en');
        $this->assertEquals('foobar', $translator->trans('bar'));

     * @dataProvider      getTransFileTests
     * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Translation\Exception\NotFoundResourceException
    public function testTransWithoutFallbackLocaleFile($format, $loader)
        $loaderClass = 'Symfony\\Component\\Translation\\Loader\\'.$loader;
        $translator = new Translator('en', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader($format, new $loaderClass());
        $translator->addResource($format, __DIR__.'/fixtures/non-existing', 'en');
        $translator->addResource($format, __DIR__.'/fixtures/resources.'.$format, 'en');

        // force catalogue loading

     * @dataProvider getTransFileTests
    public function testTransWithFallbackLocaleFile($format, $loader)
        $loaderClass = 'Symfony\\Component\\Translation\\Loader\\'.$loader;
        $translator = new Translator('en_GB', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader($format, new $loaderClass());
        $translator->addResource($format, __DIR__.'/fixtures/non-existing', 'en_GB');
        $translator->addResource($format, __DIR__.'/fixtures/resources.'.$format, 'en', 'resources');

        $this->assertEquals('bar', $translator->trans('foo', array(), 'resources'));

    public function testTransWithFallbackLocaleBis()
        $translator = new Translator('en_US', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', array('foo' => 'foofoo'), 'en_US');
        $translator->addResource('array', array('bar' => 'foobar'), 'en');
        $this->assertEquals('foobar', $translator->trans('bar'));

    public function testTransWithFallbackLocaleTer()
        $translator = new Translator('fr_FR', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', array('foo' => 'foo (en_US)'), 'en_US');
        $translator->addResource('array', array('bar' => 'bar (en)'), 'en');

        $translator->setFallbackLocales(array('en_US', 'en'));

        $this->assertEquals('foo (en_US)', $translator->trans('foo'));
        $this->assertEquals('bar (en)', $translator->trans('bar'));

    public function testTransNonExistentWithFallback()
        $translator = new Translator('fr', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $this->assertEquals('non-existent', $translator->trans('non-existent'));

     * @expectedException RuntimeException
    public function testWhenAResourceHasNoRegisteredLoader()
        $translator = new Translator('en', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addResource('array', array('foo' => 'foofoo'), 'en');


     * @dataProvider getTransTests
    public function testTrans($expected, $id, $translation, $parameters, $locale, $domain)
        $translator = new Translator('en', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', array((string) $id => $translation), $locale, $domain);

        $this->assertEquals($expected, $translator->trans($id, $parameters, $domain, $locale));

     * @dataProvider getFlattenedTransTests
    public function testFlattenedTrans($expected, $messages, $id)
        $translator = new Translator('en', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', $messages, 'fr', '');

        $this->assertEquals($expected, $translator->trans($id, array(), '', 'fr'));

     * @dataProvider getTransChoiceTests
    public function testTransChoice($expected, $id, $translation, $number, $parameters, $locale, $domain)
        $translator = new Translator('en', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', array((string) $id => $translation), $locale, $domain);

        $this->assertEquals($expected, $translator->transChoice($id, $number, $parameters, $domain, $locale));

    public function getTransFileTests()
        return array(
            array('csv', 'CsvFileLoader'),
            array('ini', 'IniFileLoader'),
            array('mo', 'MoFileLoader'),
            array('po', 'PoFileLoader'),
            array('php', 'PhpFileLoader'),
            array('ts', 'QtFileLoader'),
            array('xlf', 'XliffFileLoader'),
            array('yml', 'YamlFileLoader'),

    public function getTransTests()
        return array(
            array('Symfony2 est super !', 'Symfony2 is great!', 'Symfony2 est super !', array(), 'fr', ''),
            array('Symfony2 est awesome !', 'Symfony2 is %what%!', 'Symfony2 est %what% !', array('%what%' => 'awesome'), 'fr', ''),
            array('Symfony2 est super !', new String('Symfony2 is great!'), 'Symfony2 est super !', array(), 'fr', ''),

    public function getFlattenedTransTests()
        $messages = array(
            'symfony2' => array(
                'is' => array(
                    'great' => 'Symfony2 est super!'
            'foo' => array(
                'bar' => array(
                    'baz' => 'Foo Bar Baz'
                'baz' => 'Foo Baz',

        return array(
            array('Symfony2 est super!', $messages, 'symfony2.is.great'),
            array('Foo Bar Baz', $messages, 'foo.bar.baz'),
            array('Foo Baz', $messages, 'foo.baz'),

    public function getTransChoiceTests()
        return array(
            array('Il y a 0 pomme', '{0} There is no apples|{1} There is one apple|]1,Inf] There is %count% apples', '[0,1] Il y a %count% pomme|]1,Inf] Il y a %count% pommes', 0, array('%count%' => 0), 'fr', ''),
            array('Il y a 1 pomme', '{0} There is no apples|{1} There is one apple|]1,Inf] There is %count% apples', '[0,1] Il y a %count% pomme|]1,Inf] Il y a %count% pommes', 1, array('%count%' => 1), 'fr', ''),
            array('Il y a 10 pommes', '{0} There is no apples|{1} There is one apple|]1,Inf] There is %count% apples', '[0,1] Il y a %count% pomme|]1,Inf] Il y a %count% pommes', 10, array('%count%' => 10), 'fr', ''),

            array('Il y a 0 pomme', 'There is one apple|There is %count% apples', 'Il y a %count% pomme|Il y a %count% pommes', 0, array('%count%' => 0), 'fr', ''),
            array('Il y a 1 pomme', 'There is one apple|There is %count% apples', 'Il y a %count% pomme|Il y a %count% pommes', 1, array('%count%' => 1), 'fr', ''),
            array('Il y a 10 pommes', 'There is one apple|There is %count% apples', 'Il y a %count% pomme|Il y a %count% pommes', 10, array('%count%' => 10), 'fr', ''),

            array('Il y a 0 pomme', 'one: There is one apple|more: There is %count% apples', 'one: Il y a %count% pomme|more: Il y a %count% pommes', 0, array('%count%' => 0), 'fr', ''),
            array('Il y a 1 pomme', 'one: There is one apple|more: There is %count% apples', 'one: Il y a %count% pomme|more: Il y a %count% pommes', 1, array('%count%' => 1), 'fr', ''),
            array('Il y a 10 pommes', 'one: There is one apple|more: There is %count% apples', 'one: Il y a %count% pomme|more: Il y a %count% pommes', 10, array('%count%' => 10), 'fr', ''),

            array('Il n\'y a aucune pomme', '{0} There is no apple|one: There is one apple|more: There is %count% apples', '{0} Il n\'y a aucune pomme|one: Il y a %count% pomme|more: Il y a %count% pommes', 0, array('%count%' => 0), 'fr', ''),
            array('Il y a 1 pomme', '{0} There is no apple|one: There is one apple|more: There is %count% apples', '{0} Il n\'y a aucune pomme|one: Il y a %count% pomme|more: Il y a %count% pommes', 1, array('%count%' => 1), 'fr', ''),
            array('Il y a 10 pommes', '{0} There is no apple|one: There is one apple|more: There is %count% apples', '{0} Il n\'y a aucune pomme|one: Il y a %count% pomme|more: Il y a %count% pommes', 10, array('%count%' => 10), 'fr', ''),

            array('Il y a 0 pomme', new String('{0} There is no apples|{1} There is one apple|]1,Inf] There is %count% apples'), '[0,1] Il y a %count% pomme|]1,Inf] Il y a %count% pommes', 0, array('%count%' => 0), 'fr', ''),

    public function testTransChoiceFallback()
        $translator = new Translator('ru', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', array('some_message2' => 'one thing|%count% things'), 'en');

        $this->assertEquals('10 things', $translator->transChoice('some_message2', 10, array('%count%' => 10)));

    public function testTransChoiceFallbackBis()
        $translator = new Translator('ru', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->setFallbackLocales(array('en_US', 'en'));
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', array('some_message2' => 'one thing|%count% things'), 'en_US');

        $this->assertEquals('10 things', $translator->transChoice('some_message2', 10, array('%count%' => 10)));

     * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
    public function testTransChoiceFallbackWithNoTranslation()
        $translator = new Translator('ru', new MessageSelector());
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());

        $this->assertEquals('10 things', $translator->transChoice('some_message2', 10, array('%count%' => 10)));

class String
    protected $str;

    public function __construct($str)
        $this->str = $str;

    public function __toString()
        return $this->str;