path: root/inc/Session.class.php
blob: eff924ccdb06dddf8c68bcfab1a15fc967bfc000 (plain) (tree)


 * Session management class
 * http://www.developpez.net/forums/d51943/php/langage/sessions/
 * http://sebsauvage.net/wiki/doku.php?id=php:session
 * http://sebsauvage.net/wiki/doku.php?id=php:shaarli
 * Features:
 * - Everything is stored on server-side (we do not trust client-side data,
 *   such as cookie expiration)
 * - IP addresses + user agent are checked on each access to prevent session
 *   cookie hijacking (such as Firesheep)
 * - Session expires on user inactivity (Session expiration date is
 *   automatically updated everytime the user accesses a page.)
 * - A unique secret key is generated on server-side for this session
 *   (and never sent over the wire) which can be used
 *   to sign forms (HMAC) (See $_SESSION['uid'] )
 * - Token management to prevent XSRF attacks.
 * TODO:
 * - log login fail
 * - prevent brute force (ban IP)
 * - Just call Session::init(); to initialize session and
 *   check if connected with Session::isLogged()

class Session
    // If the user does not access any page within this time,
    // his/her session is considered expired (in seconds).
    public static $inactivity_timeout = 3600;
    private static $_instance;

    // constructor
    private function __construct()
        // Use cookies to store session.
        ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1);
        // Force cookies for session  (phpsessionID forbidden in URL)
        ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1);
        if (!session_id()){
            // Prevent php to use sessionID in URL if cookies are disabled.
            ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', false);

    // initialize session
    public static function init()
        if (!isset(self::$_instance)) {
            self::$_instance = new Session();

    // Returns the IP address, user agent and language of the client
    // (Used to prevent session cookie hijacking.)
    private static function _allInfos()
        $infos = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {
        return sha1($infos);

    // Check that user/password is correct and init some SESSION variables.
    public static function login($login,$password,$login_test,$password_test,
                                 $pValues = array())
        foreach ($pValues as $key => $value) {
            $_SESSION[$key] = $value;
        if ($login==$login_test && $password==$password_test){
            // generate unique random number to sign forms (HMAC)
            $_SESSION['uid'] = sha1(uniqid('',true).'_'.mt_rand());
            // Set session expiration.
            return true;
        return false;

    // Force logout
    public static function logout()
        unset($_SESSION['uid'],$_SESSION['info'],$_SESSION['expires_on'],$_SESSION['tokens'], $_SESSION['login'], $_SESSION['pass']);

    // Make sure user is logged in.
    public static function isLogged()
        if (!isset ($_SESSION['uid'])
            || $_SESSION['info']!=Session::_allInfos()
            || time()>=$_SESSION['expires_on']){
            return false;
        // User accessed a page : Update his/her session expiration date.
        return true;

    // Returns a token.
    public static function getToken()
        if (!isset($_SESSION['tokens'])){
        // We generate a random string and store it on the server side.
        $rnd = sha1(uniqid('',true).'_'.mt_rand());
        return $rnd;

    // Tells if a token is ok. Using this function will destroy the token.
    // return true if token is ok.
    public static function isToken($token)
        if (isset($_SESSION['tokens'][$token]))
            unset($_SESSION['tokens'][$token]); // Token is used: destroy it.
            return true; // Token is ok.
        return false; // Wrong token, or already used.