path: root/docs/en/user/upgrade.rst
blob: e47356312e4695cf926f1cb190797045794b7691 (plain) (tree)

Upgrade wallabag

Upgrade on a dedicated web server

The last release is published on https://www.wallabag.org/pages/download-wallabag.html. In order to upgrade your wallabag installation and get the last version, run the following commands in you wallabag folder (replace ``2.0.3`` by the last release number):

    git fetch origin
    git fetch --tags
    git checkout 2.0.3
    SYMFONY_ENV=prod composer install --no-dev -o --prefer-dist
    php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod

Upgrade on a shared hosting 

Backup your ``app/config/parameters.yml`` file. Extract the archive in your wallabag folder and replace ``app/config/parameters.yml`` with yours.

If you use SQLite, you must also copy your ``data/`` folder inside the new installation.

Empty ``var/cache`` folder.