path: root/docs/en/user/import.rst
blob: f6aaa373d2c768c16dbdb196b44cd93bf721616d (plain) (tree)
















Migrate from ...

In wallabag 2.x, you can import data from:

- `Pocket <#id1>`_
- `Readability <#id2>`_
- `Instapaper <#id4>`_
- `wallabag 1.x <#id6>`_
- `wallabag 2.x <#id7>`_

We also developed `a script to execute migrations via command-line interface <#import-via-command-line-interface-cli>`_.

Because imports can take ages, we developed an asynchronous tasks system. `You can read the documentation here <http://doc.wallabag.org/fr/master/developer/asynchronous.html>`_ (for experts).


Create a new application on Pocket

To import your data from Pocket, we use the Pocket API. You need to create
a new application on their developer website to continue.

* Create a new application `on the developer website <https://getpocket.com/developer/apps/new>`_
* Fill in the required fields: application name, application description,
  permissions (only **retrieve**), platform (**web**), accept the terms of service
  and submit your new application

Pocket will give you a **Consumer Key** (for example, `49961-985e4b92fe21fe4c78d682c1`).
You need to configure the ``pocket_consumer_key`` in the ``Config`` menu.

Now, all is fine to migrate from Pocket.

Import your data into wallabag 2.x

Click on ``Import`` link in the menu, on ``Import contents`` in Pocket section
and then on ``Connect to Pocket and import data``.

You need to authorize wallabag to interact with your Pocket account.
Your data will be imported. Data import can be a demanding process for your server.


Export your Readability data

On the tools (`https://www.readability.com/tools/ <https://www.readability.com/tools/>`_) page, click on "Export your data" in the "Data Export" section. You will received an email to download a json (which does not end with .json in fact).

Import your data into wallabag 2.x

Click on ``Import`` link in the menu, on ``Import contents`` in Readability section
and then select your json file and upload it.

Your data will be imported. Data import can be a demanding process for your server.

From Pinboard

Export your Pinboard data

On the backup (`https://pinboard.in/settings/backup <https://pinboard.in/settings/backup>`_) page, click on "JSON" in the "Bookmarks" section. A JSON file will be downloaded (like ``pinboard_export``).

Import your data into wallabag 2.x

Click on ``Import`` link in the menu, on ``Import contents`` in Pinboard section
and then select your json file and upload it.

Your data will be imported. Data import can be a demanding process for your server.

From Instapaper

Export your Instapaper data

On the settings (`https://www.instapaper.com/user <https://www.instapaper.com/user>`_) page, click on "Download .CSV file" in the "Export" section. A CSV file will be downloaded (like ``instapaper-export.csv``).

Import your data into wallabag 2.x

Click on ``Import`` link in the menu, on ``Import contents`` in Instapaper section
and then select your CSV file and upload it.

Your data will be imported. Data import can be a demanding process for your server.

wallabag 1.x

If you were using wallabag v1.x, you need to export your data before migrating to wallabag v2.x, because the application and its database changed a lot. In your old wallabag installation, you can export your data, which can be done on the Config page of your old wallabag installation.

.. image:: ../../img/user/export_v1.png
   :alt: Exporting from wallabag v1
   :align: center

.. note::
    If you have multiple accounts on the same instance of wallabag, each user must export from v1 and import into v2 its data.

.. note::
    If you encounter issues during the export or the import, don't hesitate to `ask for support <https://gitter.im/wallabag/wallabag>`__.

When you have retrieved the json file containing your entries, you can install wallabag v2 if needed by following `the standard procedure <http://doc.wallabag.org/en/master/user/installation.html>`__.

After creating an user account on your new wallabag v2 instance, you must head over to the `Import` section and select `Import from wallabag v1`. Select your json file and upload it.

.. image:: ../../img/user/import_wallabagv1.png
   :alt: Import from wallabag v1
   :align: center

wallabag 2.x

From the previous wallabag instance on which you were before, go to `All articles`, then export these articles as json.

.. image:: ../../img/user/export_v2.png
   :alt: Export depuis wallabag v2
   :align: center

From your new wallabag instance, create your user account and click on the link in the menu to proceed to import. Choose import from wallabag v2 and select your json file to upload it.

.. note::
    If you encounter issues during the export or the import, don't hesitate to `ask for support <https://gitter.im/wallabag/wallabag>`__.

Import via command-line interface (CLI)

If you have a CLI access on your web server, you can execute this command to import your wallabag v1 export:


    bin/console wallabag:import username ~/Downloads/wallabag-export-1-2016-04-05.json --env=prod

Please replace values:

* ``username`` is the user's username
* ``~/Downloads/wallabag-export-1-2016-04-05.json`` is the path of your wallabag v1 export

.. note::
    If you want to mark all these entries as read, you can add the ``--markAsRead`` option.

.. note::
    To import a wallabag v2 file, you need to add the option ``--importer=v2``.

.. note::
    If you want to pass the user id of the user instead of it's username, add the option ``--useUserId=true``.

You'll have this in return:


    Start : 05-04-2016 11:36:07 ---
    403 imported
    0 already saved
    End : 05-04-2016 11:36:09 ---