{'Configure your Shaarli'|t}
{'Plugin administration'|t}
{'Change password'|t}
{'Manage tags'|t}
{'Import links'|t}
{'Export database'|t}
{loop="$tools_plugin"} {$value} {/loop}
{'Drag one of these button to your bookmarks toolbar or right-click it and "Bookmark This Link"'|t}, {'then click on the bookmarklet in any page you want to share.'|t}
✚ {'Shaare link'|t}
✚ {'Add Note'|t}
Firefox Social API
{'You need to browse your Shaarli over
to use this functionality.'|t}
✚ {'Add to'|t} Firefox Social
{'3rd party'|t}
Firefox {'plugin'|t}
Chrome {'plugin'|t}