<?php namespace Shaarli\Updater; use Exception; use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager; require_once 'tests/updater/DummyUpdater.php'; require_once 'tests/utils/ReferenceLinkDB.php'; require_once 'inc/rain.tpl.class.php'; /** * Class UpdaterTest. * Runs unit tests against the updater class. */ class UpdaterTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { /** * @var string Path to test datastore. */ protected static $testDatastore = 'sandbox/datastore.php'; /** * @var string Config file path (without extension). */ protected static $configFile = 'sandbox/config'; /** * @var ConfigManager */ protected $conf; /** * Executed before each test. */ public function setUp() { copy('tests/utils/config/configJson.json.php', self::$configFile .'.json.php'); $this->conf = new ConfigManager(self::$configFile); } /** * Test UpdaterUtils::read_updates_file with an empty/missing file. */ public function testReadEmptyUpdatesFile() { $this->assertEquals(array(), UpdaterUtils::read_updates_file('')); $updatesFile = $this->conf->get('resource.data_dir') . '/updates.txt'; touch($updatesFile); $this->assertEquals(array(), UpdaterUtils::read_updates_file($updatesFile)); unlink($updatesFile); } /** * Test read/write updates file. */ public function testReadWriteUpdatesFile() { $updatesFile = $this->conf->get('resource.data_dir') . '/updates.txt'; $updatesMethods = array('m1', 'm2', 'm3'); UpdaterUtils::write_updates_file($updatesFile, $updatesMethods); $readMethods = UpdaterUtils::read_updates_file($updatesFile); $this->assertEquals($readMethods, $updatesMethods); // Update $updatesMethods[] = 'm4'; UpdaterUtils::write_updates_file($updatesFile, $updatesMethods); $readMethods = UpdaterUtils::read_updates_file($updatesFile); $this->assertEquals($readMethods, $updatesMethods); unlink($updatesFile); } /** * Test errors in UpdaterUtils::write_updates_file(): empty updates file. * * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Updates file path is not set(.*)/ */ public function testWriteEmptyUpdatesFile() { UpdaterUtils::write_updates_file('', array('test')); } /** * Test errors in UpdaterUtils::write_updates_file(): not writable updates file. * * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Unable to write(.*)/ */ public function testWriteUpdatesFileNotWritable() { $updatesFile = $this->conf->get('resource.data_dir') . '/updates.txt'; touch($updatesFile); chmod($updatesFile, 0444); try { @UpdaterUtils::write_updates_file($updatesFile, array('test')); } catch (Exception $e) { unlink($updatesFile); throw $e; } } /** * Test the update() method, with no update to run. * 1. Everything already run. * 2. User is logged out. */ public function testNoUpdates() { $updates = array( 'updateMethodDummy1', 'updateMethodDummy2', 'updateMethodDummy3', 'updateMethodException', ); $updater = new DummyUpdater($updates, array(), $this->conf, true); $this->assertEquals(array(), $updater->update()); $updater = new DummyUpdater(array(), array(), $this->conf, false); $this->assertEquals(array(), $updater->update()); } /** * Test the update() method, with all updates to run (except the failing one). */ public function testUpdatesFirstTime() { $updates = array('updateMethodException',); $expectedUpdates = array( 'updateMethodDummy1', 'updateMethodDummy2', 'updateMethodDummy3', ); $updater = new DummyUpdater($updates, array(), $this->conf, true); $this->assertEquals($expectedUpdates, $updater->update()); } /** * Test the update() method, only one update to run. */ public function testOneUpdate() { $updates = array( 'updateMethodDummy1', 'updateMethodDummy3', 'updateMethodException', ); $expectedUpdate = array('updateMethodDummy2'); $updater = new DummyUpdater($updates, array(), $this->conf, true); $this->assertEquals($expectedUpdate, $updater->update()); } /** * Test Update failed. * * @expectedException \Exception */ public function testUpdateFailed() { $updates = array( 'updateMethodDummy1', 'updateMethodDummy2', 'updateMethodDummy3', ); $updater = new DummyUpdater($updates, array(), $this->conf, true); $updater->update(); } }