 * UrlUtils's tests

namespace Shaarli\Http;

 * Unitary tests for URL utilities
class UrlTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
    // base URL for tests
    protected static $baseUrl = 'http://domain.tld:3000';

     * Helper method
    private function assertUrlIsCleaned($query = '', $fragment = '')
        $url = new Url(self::$baseUrl . $query . $fragment);
        $this->assertEquals(self::$baseUrl, $url->toString());

     * Instantiate an empty URL
    public function testEmptyConstruct()
        $url = new Url('');
        $this->assertEquals('', $url->toString());

     * Instantiate a URL
    public function testConstruct()
        $ref = 'http://username:password@hostname:9090/path'
            . '?arg1=value1&arg2=value2#anchor';
        $url = new Url($ref);
        $this->assertEquals($ref, $url->toString());

     * URL cleanup - nothing to do
    public function testNoCleanup()
        // URL with no query nor fragment

        // URL with no annoying elements
        $ref = self::$baseUrl . '?p1=val1&p2=1234#edit';
        $url = new Url($ref);
        $this->assertEquals($ref, $url->cleanup());

     * URL cleanup - annoying fragment
    public function testCleanupFragment()
        $this->assertUrlIsCleaned('', '#tk.rss_all');
        $this->assertUrlIsCleaned('', '#xtor=RSS-');
        $this->assertUrlIsCleaned('', '#xtor=RSS-U3ht0tkc4b');

     * URL cleanup - single annoying query parameter
    public function testCleanupSingleQueryParam()




     * URL cleanup - multiple annoying query parameters
    public function testCleanupMultipleQueryParams()

     * URL cleanup - multiple annoying query parameters, annoying fragment
    public function testCleanupMultipleQueryParamsAndFragment()
        $this->assertUrlIsCleaned('?xtor=some-url&fb=som3th1ng', '#tk.rss_all');

     * Nominal case - the URL contains both useful and annoying parameters
    public function testCleanupMixedContent()
        // ditch annoying query params and fragment, keep useful params
        $url = new Url(
            . '?fb=zomg&my=stuff&utm_medium=numnum&is=kept#tk.rss_all'
        $this->assertEquals(self::$baseUrl . '?my=stuff&is=kept', $url->cleanup());

        // ditch annoying query params, keep useful params and fragment
        $url = new Url(
            . '?fb=zomg&my=stuff&utm_medium=numnum&is=kept#again'
            self::$baseUrl . '?my=stuff&is=kept#again',

        // test firefox reader url
        $url = new Url(
            'about://reader?url=' . urlencode(self::$baseUrl . '?my=stuff&is=kept')
        $this->assertEquals(self::$baseUrl . '?my=stuff&is=kept', $url->cleanup());

     * Test default http scheme.
    public function testDefaultScheme()
        $url = new Url(self::$baseUrl);
        $this->assertEquals('http', $url->getScheme());
        $url = new Url('domain.tld');
        $this->assertEquals('http', $url->getScheme());
        $url = new Url('ssh://domain.tld');
        $this->assertEquals('ssh', $url->getScheme());
        $url = new Url('ftp://domain.tld');
        $this->assertEquals('ftp', $url->getScheme());
        $url = new Url('git://domain.tld/push?pull=clone#checkout');
        $this->assertEquals('git', $url->getScheme());

     * Test add trailing slash.
    public function testAddTrailingSlash()
        $strOn = 'http://randomstr.com/test/';
        $strOff = 'http://randomstr.com/test';
        $this->assertEquals($strOn, add_trailing_slash($strOn));
        $this->assertEquals($strOn, add_trailing_slash($strOff));

     * Test valid HTTP url.
    public function testUrlIsHttp()
        $url = new Url(self::$baseUrl);

     * Test non HTTP url.
    public function testUrlIsNotHttp()
        $url = new Url('ftp://save.tld/mysave');

     * Test International Domain Name to ASCII conversion
    public function testIdnToAscii()
        $ind = 'http://www.académie-française.fr/';
        $expected = 'http://www.xn--acadmie-franaise-npb1a.fr/';
        $url = new Url($ind);
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $url->idnToAscii());

        $notInd = 'http://www.academie-francaise.fr/';
        $url = new Url($notInd);
        $this->assertEquals($notInd, $url->idnToAscii());