<?php /** * Utilities' tests */ require_once 'application/Utils.php'; require_once 'tests/utils/ReferenceSessionIdHashes.php'; // Initialize reference data before PHPUnit starts a session ReferenceSessionIdHashes::genAllHashes(); /** * Unitary tests for Shaarli utilities */ class UtilsTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { // Session ID hashes protected static $sidHashes = null; /** * Assign reference data */ public static function setUpBeforeClass() { self::$sidHashes = ReferenceSessionIdHashes::getHashes(); } /** * Represent a link by its hash */ public function testSmallHash() { $this->assertEquals('CyAAJw', smallHash('http://test.io')); $this->assertEquals(6, strlen(smallHash('https://github.com'))); } /** * Look for a substring at the beginning of a string */ public function testStartsWithCaseInsensitive() { $this->assertTrue(startsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'lorem', false)); $this->assertTrue(startsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'LoReM i', false)); } /** * Look for a substring at the beginning of a string (case-sensitive) */ public function testStartsWithCaseSensitive() { $this->assertTrue(startsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'Lorem', true)); $this->assertFalse(startsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'lorem', true)); $this->assertFalse(startsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'LoReM i', true)); } /** * Look for a substring at the beginning of a string (Unicode) */ public function testStartsWithSpecialChars() { $this->assertTrue(startsWith('å!ùµ', 'å!', false)); $this->assertTrue(startsWith('µ$åù', 'µ$', true)); } /** * Look for a substring at the end of a string */ public function testEndsWithCaseInsensitive() { $this->assertTrue(endsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'ipsum', false)); $this->assertTrue(endsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'm IpsUM', false)); } /** * Look for a substring at the end of a string (case-sensitive) */ public function testEndsWithCaseSensitive() { $this->assertTrue(endsWith('lorem Ipsum', 'Ipsum', true)); $this->assertFalse(endsWith('lorem Ipsum', 'ipsum', true)); $this->assertFalse(endsWith('lorem Ipsum', 'M IPsuM', true)); } /** * Look for a substring at the end of a string (Unicode) */ public function testEndsWithSpecialChars() { $this->assertTrue(endsWith('å!ùµ', 'ùµ', false)); $this->assertTrue(endsWith('µ$åù', 'åù', true)); } /** * Check valid date strings, according to a DateTime format */ public function testCheckValidDateFormat() { $this->assertTrue(checkDateFormat('Ymd', '20150627')); $this->assertTrue(checkDateFormat('Y-m-d', '2015-06-27')); } /** * Check erroneous date strings, according to a DateTime format */ public function testCheckInvalidDateFormat() { $this->assertFalse(checkDateFormat('Ymd', '2015')); $this->assertFalse(checkDateFormat('Y-m-d', '2015-06')); $this->assertFalse(checkDateFormat('Ymd', 'DeLorean')); } /** * Test generate location with valid data. */ public function testGenerateLocation() { $ref = 'http://localhost/?test'; $this->assertEquals($ref, generateLocation($ref, 'localhost')); $ref = 'http://localhost:8080/?test'; $this->assertEquals($ref, generateLocation($ref, 'localhost:8080')); $ref = '?localreferer#hash'; $this->assertEquals($ref, generateLocation($ref, 'localhost:8080')); } /** * Test generate location - anti loop. */ public function testGenerateLocationLoop() { $ref = 'http://localhost/?test'; $this->assertEquals('?', generateLocation($ref, 'localhost', array('test'))); } /** * Test generate location - from other domain. */ public function testGenerateLocationOut() { $ref = 'http://somewebsite.com/?test'; $this->assertEquals('?', generateLocation($ref, 'localhost')); } /** * Check supported PHP versions */ public function testCheckSupportedPHPVersion() { $minVersion = '5.3'; checkPHPVersion($minVersion, '5.4.32'); checkPHPVersion($minVersion, '5.5'); checkPHPVersion($minVersion, '5.6.10'); } /** * Check a unsupported PHP version * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Your PHP version is obsolete/ */ public function testCheckSupportedPHPVersion51() { checkPHPVersion('5.3', '5.1.0'); } /** * Check another unsupported PHP version * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Your PHP version is obsolete/ */ public function testCheckSupportedPHPVersion52() { checkPHPVersion('5.3', '5.2'); } /** * Test is_session_id_valid with a valid ID - TEST ALL THE HASHES! * * This tests extensively covers all hash algorithms / bit representations */ public function testIsAnyHashSessionIdValid() { foreach (self::$sidHashes as $algo => $bpcs) { foreach ($bpcs as $bpc => $hash) { $this->assertTrue(is_session_id_valid($hash)); } } } /** * Test is_session_id_valid with a valid ID - SHA-1 hashes */ public function testIsSha1SessionIdValid() { $this->assertTrue(is_session_id_valid(sha1('shaarli'))); } /** * Test is_session_id_valid with a valid ID - SHA-256 hashes */ public function testIsSha256SessionIdValid() { $this->assertTrue(is_session_id_valid(hash('sha256', 'shaarli'))); } /** * Test is_session_id_valid with a valid ID - SHA-512 hashes */ public function testIsSha512SessionIdValid() { $this->assertTrue(is_session_id_valid(hash('sha512', 'shaarli'))); } /** * Test is_session_id_valid with invalid IDs. */ public function testIsSessionIdInvalid() { $this->assertFalse(is_session_id_valid('')); $this->assertFalse(is_session_id_valid(array())); $this->assertFalse( is_session_id_valid('c0ZqcWF3VFE2NmJBdm1HMVQ0ZHJ3UmZPbTFsNGhkNHI=') ); } }