<?php /** * Link datastore tests */ require_once 'application/Cache.php'; require_once 'application/FileUtils.php'; require_once 'application/LinkDB.php'; require_once 'application/Utils.php'; require_once 'tests/utils/ReferenceLinkDB.php'; /** * Unitary tests for LinkDB */ class LinkDBTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { // datastore to test write operations protected static $testDatastore = 'sandbox/datastore.php'; protected static $refDB = null; protected static $publicLinkDB = null; protected static $privateLinkDB = null; /** * Instantiates public and private LinkDBs with test data * * The reference datastore contains public and private links that * will be used to test LinkDB's methods: * - access filtering (public/private), * - link searches: * - by day, * - by tag, * - by text, * - etc. */ public static function setUpBeforeClass() { self::$refDB = new ReferenceLinkDB(); self::$refDB->write(self::$testDatastore); self::$publicLinkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, false); self::$privateLinkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false); } /** * Resets test data for each test */ protected function setUp() { if (file_exists(self::$testDatastore)) { unlink(self::$testDatastore); } } /** * Allows to test LinkDB's private methods * * @see * https://sebastian-bergmann.de/archives/881-Testing-Your-Privates.html * http://stackoverflow.com/a/2798203 */ protected static function getMethod($name) { $class = new ReflectionClass('LinkDB'); $method = $class->getMethod($name); $method->setAccessible(true); return $method; } /** * Instantiate LinkDB objects - logged in user */ public function testConstructLoggedIn() { new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false); $this->assertFileExists(self::$testDatastore); } /** * Instantiate LinkDB objects - logged out or public instance */ public function testConstructLoggedOut() { new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, false); $this->assertFileExists(self::$testDatastore); } /** * Attempt to instantiate a LinkDB whereas the datastore is not writable * * @expectedException IOException * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Error accessing null/ */ public function testConstructDatastoreNotWriteable() { new LinkDB('null/store.db', false, false); } /** * The DB doesn't exist, ensure it is created with dummy content */ public function testCheckDBNew() { $linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, false); unlink(self::$testDatastore); $this->assertFileNotExists(self::$testDatastore); $checkDB = self::getMethod('_checkDB'); $checkDB->invokeArgs($linkDB, array()); $this->assertFileExists(self::$testDatastore); // ensure the correct data has been written $this->assertGreaterThan(0, filesize(self::$testDatastore)); } /** * The DB exists, don't do anything */ public function testCheckDBLoad() { $linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, false); $datastoreSize = filesize(self::$testDatastore); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $datastoreSize); $checkDB = self::getMethod('_checkDB'); $checkDB->invokeArgs($linkDB, array()); // ensure the datastore is left unmodified $this->assertEquals( $datastoreSize, filesize(self::$testDatastore) ); } /** * Load an empty DB */ public function testReadEmptyDB() { file_put_contents(self::$testDatastore, '<?php /* S7QysKquBQA= */ ?>'); $emptyDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, false); $this->assertEquals(0, sizeof($emptyDB)); $this->assertEquals(0, count($emptyDB)); } /** * Load public links from the DB */ public function testReadPublicDB() { $this->assertEquals( self::$refDB->countPublicLinks(), sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB) ); } /** * Load public and private links from the DB */ public function testReadPrivateDB() { $this->assertEquals( self::$refDB->countLinks(), sizeof(self::$privateLinkDB) ); } /** * Save the links to the DB */ public function testSaveDB() { $testDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false); $dbSize = sizeof($testDB); $link = array( 'title'=>'an additional link', 'url'=>'http://dum.my', 'description'=>'One more', 'private'=>0, 'linkdate'=>'20150518_190000', 'tags'=>'unit test' ); $testDB[$link['linkdate']] = $link; $testDB->savedb('tests'); $testDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false); $this->assertEquals($dbSize + 1, sizeof($testDB)); } /** * Count existing links */ public function testCount() { $this->assertEquals( self::$refDB->countPublicLinks(), self::$publicLinkDB->count() ); $this->assertEquals( self::$refDB->countLinks(), self::$privateLinkDB->count() ); } /** * Count existing links - public links hidden */ public function testCountHiddenPublic() { $linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, true); $this->assertEquals( 0, $linkDB->count() ); $this->assertEquals( 0, $linkDB->count() ); } /** * List the days for which links have been posted */ public function testDays() { $this->assertEquals( array('20121206', '20130614', '20150310'), self::$publicLinkDB->days() ); $this->assertEquals( array('20121206', '20130614', '20141125', '20150310'), self::$privateLinkDB->days() ); } /** * The URL corresponds to an existing entry in the DB */ public function testGetKnownLinkFromURL() { $link = self::$publicLinkDB->getLinkFromUrl('http://mediagoblin.org/'); $this->assertNotEquals(false, $link); $this->assertEquals( 'A free software media publishing platform', $link['description'] ); } /** * The URL is not in the DB */ public function testGetUnknownLinkFromURL() { $this->assertEquals( false, self::$publicLinkDB->getLinkFromUrl('http://dev.null') ); } /** * Lists all tags */ public function testAllTags() { $this->assertEquals( array( 'web' => 3, 'cartoon' => 2, 'gnu' => 2, 'dev' => 1, 'samba' => 1, 'media' => 1, 'software' => 1, 'stallman' => 1, 'free' => 1 ), self::$publicLinkDB->allTags() ); $this->assertEquals( array( 'web' => 4, 'cartoon' => 3, 'gnu' => 2, 'dev' => 2, 'samba' => 1, 'media' => 1, 'software' => 1, 'stallman' => 1, 'free' => 1, 'html' => 1, 'w3c' => 1, 'css' => 1, 'Mercurial' => 1 ), self::$privateLinkDB->allTags() ); } /** * Filter links using a tag */ public function testFilterOneTag() { $this->assertEquals( 3, sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterTags('web', false)) ); $this->assertEquals( 4, sizeof(self::$privateLinkDB->filterTags('web', false)) ); } /** * Filter links using a tag - case-sensitive */ public function testFilterCaseSensitiveTag() { $this->assertEquals( 0, sizeof(self::$privateLinkDB->filterTags('mercurial', true)) ); $this->assertEquals( 1, sizeof(self::$privateLinkDB->filterTags('Mercurial', true)) ); } /** * Filter links using a tag combination */ public function testFilterMultipleTags() { $this->assertEquals( 1, sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterTags('dev cartoon', false)) ); $this->assertEquals( 2, sizeof(self::$privateLinkDB->filterTags('dev cartoon', false)) ); } /** * Filter links using a non-existent tag */ public function testFilterUnknownTag() { $this->assertEquals( 0, sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterTags('null', false)) ); } /** * Return links for a given day */ public function testFilterDay() { $this->assertEquals( 2, sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterDay('20121206')) ); $this->assertEquals( 3, sizeof(self::$privateLinkDB->filterDay('20121206')) ); } /** * 404 - day not found */ public function testFilterUnknownDay() { $this->assertEquals( 0, sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterDay('19700101')) ); $this->assertEquals( 0, sizeof(self::$privateLinkDB->filterDay('19700101')) ); } /** * Use an invalid date format * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Invalid date format/ */ public function testFilterInvalidDayWithChars() { self::$privateLinkDB->filterDay('Rainy day, dream away'); } /** * Use an invalid date format * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Invalid date format/ */ public function testFilterInvalidDayDigits() { self::$privateLinkDB->filterDay('20'); } /** * Retrieve a link entry with its hash */ public function testFilterSmallHash() { $links = self::$privateLinkDB->filterSmallHash('IuWvgA'); $this->assertEquals( 1, sizeof($links) ); $this->assertEquals( 'MediaGoblin', $links['20130614_184135']['title'] ); } /** * No link for this hash */ public function testFilterUnknownSmallHash() { $this->assertEquals( 0, sizeof(self::$privateLinkDB->filterSmallHash('Iblaah')) ); } /** * Full-text search - result from a link's URL */ public function testFilterFullTextURL() { $this->assertEquals( 2, sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterFullText('ars.userfriendly.org')) ); } /** * Full-text search - result from a link's title only */ public function testFilterFullTextTitle() { // use miscellaneous cases $this->assertEquals( 2, sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterFullText('userfriendly -')) ); $this->assertEquals( 2, sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterFullText('UserFriendly -')) ); $this->assertEquals( 2, sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterFullText('uSeRFrIendlY -')) ); // use miscellaneous case and offset $this->assertEquals( 2, sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterFullText('RFrIendL')) ); } /** * Full-text search - result from the link's description only */ public function testFilterFullTextDescription() { $this->assertEquals( 1, sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterFullText('media publishing')) ); } /** * Full-text search - result from the link's tags only */ public function testFilterFullTextTags() { $this->assertEquals( 2, sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterFullText('gnu')) ); } /** * Full-text search - result set from mixed sources */ public function testFilterFullTextMixed() { $this->assertEquals( 2, sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterFullText('free software')) ); } /** * Test real_url without redirector. */ public function testLinkRealUrlWithoutRedirector() { $db = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, false); foreach($db as $link) { $this->assertEquals($link['url'], $link['real_url']); } } /** * Test real_url with redirector. */ public function testLinkRealUrlWithRedirector() { $redirector = 'http://redirector.to?'; $db = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, false, $redirector); foreach($db as $link) { $this->assertStringStartsWith($redirector, $link['real_url']); } } }