<?php /** * Plugin Markdown. * * Shaare's descriptions are parsed with Markdown. */ require_once 'Parsedown.php'; /** * Parse linklist descriptions. * * @param array $data linklist data. * * @return mixed linklist data parsed in markdown (and converted to HTML). */ function hook_markdown_render_linklist($data) { foreach ($data['links'] as &$value) { $value['description'] = process_markdown($value['description']); } return $data; } /** * Parse daily descriptions. * * @param array $data daily data. * * @return mixed daily data parsed in markdown (and converted to HTML). */ function hook_markdown_render_daily($data) { // Manipulate columns data foreach ($data['cols'] as &$value) { foreach ($value as &$value2) { $value2['formatedDescription'] = process_markdown($value2['formatedDescription']); } } return $data; } /** * When link list is displayed, include markdown CSS. * * @param array $data includes data. * * @return mixed - includes data with markdown CSS file added. */ function hook_markdown_render_includes($data) { if ($data['_PAGE_'] == Router::$PAGE_LINKLIST || $data['_PAGE_'] == Router::$PAGE_DAILY || $data['_PAGE_'] == Router::$PAGE_EDITLINK ) { $data['css_files'][] = PluginManager::$PLUGINS_PATH . '/markdown/markdown.css'; } return $data; } /** * Hook render_editlink. * Adds an help link to markdown syntax. * * @param array $data data passed to plugin * * @return array altered $data. */ function hook_markdown_render_editlink($data) { // Load help HTML into a string $data['edit_link_plugin'][] = file_get_contents(PluginManager::$PLUGINS_PATH .'/markdown/help.html'); return $data; } /** * Remove HTML links auto generated by Shaarli core system. * Keeps HREF attributes. * * @param string $description input description text. * * @return string $description without HTML links. */ function reverse_text2clickable($description) { return preg_replace('!<a +href="([^ ]*)">[^ ]+</a>!m', '$1', $description); } /** * Remove <br> tag to let markdown handle it. * * @param string $description input description text. * * @return string $description without <br> tags. */ function reverse_nl2br($description) { return preg_replace('!<br */?>!im', '', $description); } /** * Remove HTML spaces ' ' auto generated by Shaarli core system. * * @param string $description input description text. * * @return string $description without HTML links. */ function reverse_space2nbsp($description) { return preg_replace('/(^| ) /m', '$1 ', $description); } /** * Remove dangerous HTML tags (tags, iframe, etc.). * Doesn't affect <code> content (already escaped by Parsedown). * * @param string $description input description text. * * @return string given string escaped. */ function sanitize_html($description) { $escapeTags = array( 'script', 'style', 'link', 'iframe', 'frameset', 'frame', ); foreach ($escapeTags as $tag) { $description = preg_replace_callback( '#<\s*'. $tag .'[^>]*>(.*</\s*'. $tag .'[^>]*>)?#is', function ($match) { return escape($match[0]); }, $description); } $description = preg_replace( '#(<[^>]+)on[a-z]*="[^"]*"#is', '$1', $description); return $description; } /** * Render shaare contents through Markdown parser. * 1. Remove HTML generated by Shaarli core. * 2. Reverse the escape function. * 3. Generate markdown descriptions. * 4. Sanitize sensible HTML tags for security. * 5. Wrap description in 'markdown' CSS class. * * @param string $description input description text. * * @return string HTML processed $description. */ function process_markdown($description) { $parsedown = new Parsedown(); $processedDescription = $description; $processedDescription = reverse_text2clickable($processedDescription); $processedDescription = reverse_nl2br($processedDescription); $processedDescription = reverse_space2nbsp($processedDescription); $processedDescription = unescape($processedDescription); $processedDescription = $parsedown ->setMarkupEscaped(false) ->setBreaksEnabled(true) ->text($processedDescription); $processedDescription = sanitize_html($processedDescription); $processedDescription = '<div class="markdown">'. $processedDescription . '</div>'; return $processedDescription; }