ci = $ci; } /** * Assign variables to RainTPL template through the PageBuilder. * * @param mixed $value Value to assign to the template */ protected function assignView(string $name, $value): self { $this->ci->pageBuilder->assign($name, $value); return $this; } protected function render(string $template): string { $this->assignView('linkcount', $this->ci->bookmarkService->count(BookmarkFilter::$ALL)); $this->assignView('privateLinkcount', $this->ci->bookmarkService->count(BookmarkFilter::$PRIVATE)); $this->assignView('plugin_errors', $this->ci->pluginManager->getErrors()); $this->executeDefaultHooks($template); return $this->ci->pageBuilder->render($template); } /** * Call plugin hooks for header, footer and includes, specifying which page will be rendered. * Then assign generated data to RainTPL. */ protected function executeDefaultHooks(string $template): void { $common_hooks = [ 'includes', 'header', 'footer', ]; foreach ($common_hooks as $name) { $plugin_data = []; $this->ci->pluginManager->executeHooks( 'render_' . $name, $plugin_data, [ 'target' => $template, 'loggedin' => $this->ci->loginManager->isLoggedIn() ] ); $this->assignView('plugins_' . $name, $plugin_data); } } }